Posts by turbide:
- Martin Aubé receives the 2019 Acfas Denise-Barbeau Prize
- The image entitled Splendors and Miseries of a Supergiant wins a Jury award for the 2019 edition of the Acfas “La preuve par l’image” competition.
- Finaliste du prix Relève scientifique 2019 : Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo
- An asteroid is named in honor of astrophysicist Gilles Fontaine
- Inauguration du nouveau campus MIL – Les membres du CRAQ de l’UdeM déménagent dans le nouveau complexe des sciences.
- Water detected on an exoplanet located in its star’s habitable zone
- A new professor joins the CRAQ
- CRAQ researcher Martin Aubé and his students launch a balloon in the stratosphere to better understand light pollution.
- The dark side of extrasolar planets share surprisingly similar temperatures
- Laurent Drissen, professeur à l’Université Laval et chercheur du CRAQ, publie un ouvrage grand public sur le rôle méconnu des étoiles massives.
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