2022   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015   2014   2013   2012   2011   2010   2009   2008

Refereed publications 2014

Macintosh B., Graham J. R., Ingraham P., Konopacky Q., Marois C., Perrin M., Poyneer L., Bauman B., Barman T., Burrows A. S., Cardwell A., Chilcote J., De Rosa R. J., Dillon D., Doyon R., Dunn J., Erikson D., Fitzgerald M. P., Gavel D., Goodsell S., Hartung M., Hibon P., Kalas P., Larkin J., Maire J., Marchis F., Marley M. S., Mcbride J., Millar-Blanchaer M., Morzinski K., Norton A., Oppenheimer B. R., Palmer D., Patience J., Pueyo L., Rantakyro F., Sadakuni N., Saddlemyer L., Savransky D., Serio A., Soummer R., Sivaramakrishnan A., Song I., Thomas S., Wallace J. K., Wiktorowicz S., Wolff S. , (2014) First light of the Gemini Planet Imager , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 111, Issue 35, 2014, pp.12661-12666  
Matsumura T., Akiba Y., Borrill J., Chinone Y., Dobbs M., Fuke H., Ghribi A., Hasegawa M., Hattori K., Hattori M., Hazumi M., Holzapfel W., Inoue Y., Ishidoshiro K., Ishino H., Ishitsuka H., Karatsu K., Katayama N., Kawano I., Kibayashi A., Kibe Y., Kimura K., Kimura N., Koga K., Kozu M., Komatsu E., Lee A., Matsuhara H., Mima S., Mitsuda K., Demers S., Morii H., Morishima T., Murayama S., Nagai M., Nagata R., Nakamura S., Naruse M., Natsume K., Nishibori T., Nishino H., Noda A., Noguchi T., Ogawa H., Oguri S., Ohta I., Otani C., Richards P., Sakai S., Sato N., Sato Y., Sekimoto Y., Shimizu A., Shinozaki K., Sugita H., Suzuki T., Suzuki A., Tajima O., Takada S., Takakura S., Takei Y., Tomaru T., Uzawa Y., Wada T., Watanabe H., Yoshida M., Yamasaki N., Yoshida T., Yotsumoto K., (2014) Mission Design of LiteBIRD , Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Volume 176, Issue 5-6, pp. 733-740  
Barron D., Ade P., Anthony A., Arnold K., Boettger D., Borrill J., Chapman S., Chinone Y., Dobbs M., Edwards J., Errard J., Fabbian G., Flanigan D., Fuller G., Ghribi A., Grainger W., Halverson N., Hasegawa M., Hattori K., Hazumi M., Holzapfel W., Howard J., Hyland P., Jaehnig G., Jaffe A., Keating B., Kermish Z., Keskitalo R., Kisner T., Lee A. T., Le Jeune M., Linder E., Lungu M., Matsuda F., Matsumura T., Meng X., Miller N. J., Morii H., Moyerman S., Myers M., Nishino H., Paar H., Peloton J., Quealy E., Rebeiz G., Reichardt C. L., Richards P. L., Ross C., Shimizu A., Shimmin C., Shimon M., Sholl M., Siritanasak P., Spieler H., Stebor N., Steinbach B., Stompor R., Suzuki A., Tomaru T., Tucker C., Yadav A., Zahn O., (2014) The POLARBEAR Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Experiment , Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Volume 176, Issue 5-6, pp. 726-732  
Suzuki A., Ade P., Akiba Y., Aleman C., Arnold K., Atlas M., Barron D., Borrill J., Chapman S., Chinone Y., Cukierman A., Dobbs M., Elleflot T., Errard J., Fabbian G., Feng G., Gilbert A., Grainger W., Halverson N., Hasegawa M., Hattori K., Hazumi M., Holzapfel W., Hori Y., Inoue Y., Jaehnig G., Katayama N., Keating B., Kermish Z., Keskitalo R., Kisner T., Lee A., Matsuda F., Matsumura T., Morii H., Moyerman S., Myers M., Navaroli M., Nishino H., Okamura T., Reichart C., Richards P., Ross C., Rotermund K., Sholl M., Siritanasak P., Smecher G., Stebor N., Stompor R., Suzuki J., Takada S., Takakura S., Tomaru T., Wilson B., Yamaguchi H., Zahn O., (2014) The POLARBEAR-2 Experiment , Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Volume 176, Issue 5-6, pp. 719-725  
Reynolds C. S., Lohfink A. M., Babul A., Fabian A. C., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Russell H. R., Walker S. A. , (2014) The X-Ray Spectrum of the Cooling-flow Quasar H1821+643: A Massive Black Hole Feeding Off the Intracluster Medium , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 792, Issue 2, article id. L41, 6 pp. (2014).  
Gagné J., Lafrenière D., Doyon R., Artigau E., Malo L., Robert J., Nadeau D., (2014) SIMP J2154-1055: A New Low-gravity L4beta Brown Dwarf Candidate Member of the Argus Association , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 792, Issue 1, article id. L17, 5 pp. (2014).  
Degenaar N., Wijnands R., Reynolds M. T., Miller J. M., Altamirano D., Kennea J., Gehrels N., Haggard D. , Ponti G., (2014) The Peculiar Galactic Center Neutron Star X-Ray Binary XMM J174457-2850.3 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 792, Issue 2, article id. 109, 9 pp. (2014).  
Ruel J., Bazin G., Bayliss M., Brodwin M., Foley R. J., Stalder B., Aird K. A., Armstrong R., Ashby M. L. N., Bautz M., Benson B. A., Bleem L. E., Bocquet S., Carlstrom J. E., Chang C. L., Chapman S. C., Cho H. M., Clocchiatti A., Crawford T. M., Crites A. T., de Haan T., Desai S., Dobbs M. A., Dudley J. P., Forman W. R., George E. M., Gladders M. D., Gonzalez A. H., Halverson N. W., Harrington N. L., High F. W., Holder G. P., Holzapfel W. L., Hrubes J. D., Jones C., Joy M., Keisler R., Knox L., Lee A. T., Leitch E. M., Liu J., Lueker M., Luong-van D., Mantz A., Marrone D. P., McDonald M., McMahon J. J., Mehl J., Meyer S. S., Mocanu L., Mohr J. J., Montroy T. E., Murray S. S., Natoli T., Nurgaliev D., Padin S., Plagge T., Pryke C., Reichardt C. L., Rest A., Ruhl J. E., Saliwanchik B. R., Saro A., Sayre J. T., Schaffer K. K., Shaw L., Shirokoff E., Song J., Suhada R., Spieler H. G., Stanford S. A., Staniszewski Z., Starsk A. A., Story K., Stubbs C. W., van Engelen A., Vanderlinde K., Vieira J. D., Vikhlinin A., Williamson R., Zahn O., Zenteno A., (2014) Optical Spectroscopy and Velocity Dispersions of Galaxy Clusters from the SPT-SZ Survey , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 792, Issue 1, article id. 45, 17 pp. (2014).  
Malo L., Doyon R., Feiden G. A., Albert L., Lafrenière D., Artigau E., Gagné J., Riedel A., (2014) BANYAN. IV. Fundamental Parameters of Low-mass Star Candidates in Nearby Young Stellar Kinematic Groups---Isochronal Age Determination using Magnetic Evolutionary Models , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 792, Issue 1, article id. 37, 17 pp. (2014).  
Bogdanov S., Ng C.-Y., Kaspi V. M., (2014) Constraining the Evolutionary Fate of Central Compact Objects: "Old" Radio Pulsars in Supernova Remnants , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 792, Issue 2, article id. L36, 4 pp. (2014).  
Strugarek A., Charbonneau P., Joseph R., Pirot D., (2014) Deterministically Driven Avalanche Models of Solar Flares , Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue 8, pp.2993-3015  
Bolduc C., Charbonneau P., Barnabé R., Bourqui M. S., (2014) A Reconstruction of Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance During the Maunder Minimum , Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue 8, pp.2891-2906  
Zwintz K., Fossati L., Ryabchikova T., Guenther D., Aerts C., Barnes T. G., Themeßl N., Lorenz D., Cameron C., Kuschnig R., Pollack-Drs S., Moravveji E., Baglin A., Matthews J. M., Moffat A. F. J., Poretti E., Rainer M., Rucinski S. M., Sasselov D., Weiss W. W., (2014) Echography of young stars reveals their evolution , Science, Volume 345, Issue 6196, pp. 550-553 (2014).  
Charbonneau P., (2014) Solar Dynamo Theory , Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 52, p.251-290  
Brousseau D., Thibault S., Borra E. F., Boivin S. F. , (2014) Modal dynamics of magnetic-liquid deformable mirrors , Applied Optics, vol. 53, issue 22, p. 4903  
Bonavita M., Daemgen S., Desidera S., Jayawardhana R., Janson M., Lafrenière D., (2014) A New Sub-stellar Companion around the Young Star HD 284149 , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 791, Issue 2, article id. L40, 5 pp. (2014).  
Stevens J., Brown E. F., Cumming A., Cyburt R., Schatz H. , (2014) Carbon Synthesis in Steady-state Hydrogen and Helium Burning on Accreting Neutron Stars , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 791, Issue 2, article id. 106, 8 pp. (2014).  
Tendulkar S. P., Yang C., An H., Kaspi V. M., Archibald A. M., Bassa C., Bellm E., Bogdanov S., Harrison F. A., Hessels J. W. T., Janssen G. H., Lyne A. G., Patruno A., Stappers B., Stern D., Tomsick J. A., Boggs S. E., Chakrabarty D., Christensen F. E., Craig W. W., Hailey C. A., Zhang W., (2014) NuSTAR Observations of the State Transition of Millisecond Pulsar Binary PSR J1023+0038 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 791, Issue 2, article id. 77, 12 pp. (2014).  
Stovall K., Lynch R. S., Ransom S. M., Archibald A. M., Banaszak S., Biwer C. M., Boyles J., Dartez L. P., Day D., Ford A. J., Flanigan J., Garcia A., Hessels J. W. T., Hinojosa J., Jenet F. A., Kaplan D. L., Karako-Argaman C., Kaspi V. M., Kondratiev V. I., Leake S., Lorimer D. R., Lunsford G., Martinez J. G., Mata A., McLaughlin M. A., Roberts M. S. E., Rohr M. D., Siemens X., Stairs I. H., van Leeuwen J., Walker A. N., Wells B. L. , (2014) The Green Bank Northern Celestial Cap Pulsar Survey. I. Survey Description, Data Analysis, and Initial Results , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 791, Issue 1, article id. 67, 18 pp. (2014).  
Degenaar N., Medin Z., Cumming A., Wijnands R., Wolff M. T., Cackett E. M., Miller J. M., Jonker P. G., Homan J., Brown E. F., (2014) Probing the Crust of the Neutron Star in EXO 0748-676 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 791, Issue 1, article id. 47, 8 pp. (2014).  
Archer A., Barnacka A., Beilicke M., Benbow W., Berger K., Bird R., Biteau J., Buckley J. H., Bugaev V., Byrum K., Cardenzana J. V., Cerruti M., Chen W., Chen X., Ciupik L., Connolly M. P., Cui W., Dickinson H. J., Dumm J., Eisch J. D., Falcone A., Federici S., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fleischhack H., Fortson L., Furniss A., Galante N., Griffin S., Griffiths S. T., Grube J., Gyuk G., Håkansson N., Hanna D., Holder J., Hughes G., Johnson C. A., Kaaret P., Kar P., Kertzman M., Khassen Y., Kieda D., Krawczynski H., Kumar S., Lang M. J., Maier G., McArthur S., McCann A., Meagher K., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., Nieto D., O'Faoláin de Bhróithe A., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Park N., Perkins J. S., Pohl M., Popkow A., Prokoph H., Pueschel E., Quinn J., Ragan K., Rajotte J., Reyes L. C., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Sembroski G. H., Shahinyan K., Smith A. W., Staszak D., Telezhinsky I., Tucci J. V., Tyler J., Varlotta A., Vincent S., Wakely S. P., Weinstein A., Welsing R., Wilhelm A., Williams D. A., Zajczyk A., Zitzer B., (2014) Very-high Energy Observations of the Galactic Center Region by VERITAS in 2010-2012 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 790, Issue 2, article id. 149, 9 pp. (2014).  
Spitler L. G., Cordes J. M., Hessels J. W. T., Lorimer D. R., McLaughlin M. A., Chatterjee S., Crawford F., Deneva J. S., Kaspi V. M., Wharton R. S., Allen B., Bogdanov S., Brazier A., Camilo F., Freire P. C. C., Jenet F. A., Karako-Argaman C., Knispel B., Lazarus P., Lee K. J., van Leeuwen J., Lynch R., Ransom S. M., Scholz P., Siemens X., Stairs I. H., Stovall K., Swiggum J. K., Venkataraman A., Zhu W. W., Aulbert C., Fehrmann H., (2014) Fast Radio Burst Discovered in the Arecibo Pulsar ALFA Survey , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 790, Issue 2, article id. 101, 9 pp. (2014).  
Passos D., Charbonneau P., (2014) Characteristics of magnetic solar-like cycles in a 3D MHD simulation of solar convection , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 568, id.A113, 16 pp.  
Sódor Á., Chene A.-N., De Cat P., Bognár Z., Wright D. J., Marois C., Walker G. A. H., Matthews J. M., Kallinger T., Rowe J. F., Kuschnig R., Guenther D. B., Moffat A. F. J., Rucinski S. M., Sasselov D., Weiss W. W., (2014) MOST light-curve analysis of the gamma Doradus pulsator HR 8799, showing resonances and amplitude variations , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 568, id.A106, 8 pp.  
Ade P. A. R., Akiba Y., Anthony A. E., Arnold K., Atlas M., Barron D., Boettger D., Borrill J., Chapman S., Chinone Y., Dobbs M., Elleflot T., Errard J., Fabbian G., Feng C., Flanigan D., Gilbert A., Grainger W., Halverson N. W., Hasegawa M., Hattori K., Hazumi M., Holzapfel W. L., Hori Y., Howard J., Hyland P., Inoue Y., Jaehnig G. C., Jaffe A., Keating B., Kermish Z., Keskitalo R., Kisner T., Le Jeune M., Lee A. T., Linder E., Leitch E. M., Lungu M., Matsuda F., Matsumura T., Meng X., Miller N. J., Morii H., Moyerman S., Myers M. J., Navaroli M., Nishino H., Paar H., Peloton J., Quealy E., Rebeiz G., Reichardt C. L., Richards P. L., Ross C., Schanning I., Schenck D. E., Sherwin B., Shimizu A., Shimmin C., Shimon M., Siritanasak P., Smecher G., Spieler H., Stebor N., Steinbach B., Stompor R., Suzuki A., Takakura S., Tomaru T., Wilson B., Yadav A., Zahn O., Polarbear Collaboration , (2014) Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Lensing Power Spectrum with the POLARBEAR Experiment , Physical Review Letters, Volume 113, Issue 2, id.021301  
Koch E. W., Bahramian A., Heinke C. O., Mori K., Rea N., Degenaar N., Haggard D. , Wijnands R., Ponti G., Miller J. M., Yusef-Zadeh F., Dufour F., Cotton W. D., Baganoff F. K., Reynolds M. T., (2014) The 2013 outburst of a transient very faint X-ray binary, 23 arcsec from Sgr A* , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 442, Issue 1, p.372-381  
Alarie A., Bilodeau A., Drissen L., (2014) A hyperspectral view of Cassiopeia A , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 441, Issue 4, p.2996-3008  
An H., Kaspi V. M., Beloborodov A. M., Kouveliotou C., Archibald R. F., Boggs S. E., Christensen F. E., Craig W. W., Gotthelf E. V., Grefenstette B. W., Hailey C. J., Harrison F. A., Madsen K. K., Mori K., Stern D., Zhang W. W., (2014) NuSTAR Observations of X-Ray Bursts from the Magnetar 1E 1048.1-5937 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 790, Issue 1, article id. 60, 9 pp. (2014).  
Stappers B. W., Archibald A. M., Hessels J. W. T., Bassa C. G., Bogdanov S., Janssen G. H., Kaspi V. M., Lyne A. G., Patruno A., Tendulkar S., Hill A. B., Glanzman T., (2014) A State Change in the Missing Link Binary Pulsar System PSR J1023+0038 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 790, Issue 1, article id. 39, 8 pp. (2014).  
Vogel J. K., Hascoët R., Kaspi V. M., An H., Archibald R., Beloborodov A. M., Boggs S. E., Christensen F. E., Craig W. W., Gotthelf E. V., Grefenstette B. W., Hailey C. J., Harrison F. A., Kennea J. A., Madsen K. K., Pivovaroff M. J., Stern D., Zhang W. W., (2014) NuSTAR Observations of the Magnetar 1E 2259+586 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 789, Issue 1, article id. 75, 11 pp. (2014).  
Bonnefoy M., Marleau G.-D., Galicher R., Beust H., Lagrange A.-M., Baudino J.-L., Chauvin G., Borgniet S., Meunier N., Rameau J., Boccaletti A., Cumming A., Helling C., Homeier D., Allard F., Delorme P., (2014) Physical and orbital properties of beta Pictoris b , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 567, id.L9, 6 pp.  
Weiss W. W., Rucinski S. M., Moffat A. F. J., Schwarzenberg-Czerny A., Koudelka O. F., Grant C. C., Zee R. E., Kuschnig R., Mochnacki S., Matthews J. M., Orleanski P., Pamyatnykh A., Pigulski A., Alves J., Guedel M., Handler G., Wade G. A., Zwintz K., (2014) BRITE-Constellation: Nanosatellites for Precision Photometry of Bright Stars , Publications of the Astronomical Society of Pacific, Volume 126, Issue 940, pp. 573-585 (2014).  
Ramiaramanantsoa T., Moffat A. F. J., Chene A.-N., Richardson N. D., Henrichs H. F., Desforges S., Antoci V., Rowe J. F., Matthews J. M., Kuschnig R., Weiss W. W., Sasselov D., Rucinski S. M., Guenther D. B., (2014) MOST detects corotating bright spots on the mid-O-type giant xi Persei , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 441, Issue 1, p.910-917  
McCarthy I. G., Le Brun A. M. C., Schaye J., Holder G. P., (2014) The thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect power spectrum in light of Planck , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 440, Issue 4, p.3645-3657  
Archambault S., Arlen T., Aune T., Beilicke M., Benbow W., Bird R., Böttcher M., Bouvier A., Buckley J. H., Bugaev V., Ciupik L., Collins-Hughes E., Connolly M. P., Cui W., Dickherber R., Dumm J., Errando M., Falcone A., Federici S., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fortson L., Furniss A., Galante N., Gall D., Garson A., III., Gillanders G. H., Griffin S., Grube J., Gusbar C., Gyuk G., Hanna D., Holder J., Hughes G., Kaaret P., Kertzman M., Khassen Y., Kieda D., Krawczynski H., Lamerato A., Lang M. J., Li K., Madhavan A. S., Maier G., Majumdar P., McArthur S., McCann A., Millis J., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., Nieto D., O'Faoláin de Bhróithe A., Ong R. A., Orr M., Otte A. N., Park N., Perkins J. S., Pohl M., Popkow A., Prokoph H., Quinn J., Ragan K., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Roustazadeh P., Saxon D. B., Sembroski G. H., Sentürk G. D., Skole C., Staszak D., Telezhinsky I., Tesic G., Theiling M., Varlotta A., Vassiliev V. V., Vincent S., Wakely S. P., Weinstein A., Welsing R., Williams D. A., Zitzer B., (2014) Test of Models of the Cosmic Infrared Background with Multiwavelength Observations of the Blazar 1ES 1218+30.4 in 2009 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 788, Issue 2, article id. 158, 9 pp. (2014).  
Tremblay P.-E., Leggett S. K., Lodieu N., Freytag B., Bergeron P., Kalirai J. S., Ludwig H.-G., (2014) White Dwarfs in the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Data Release 9 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 788, Issue 2, article id. 103, 15 pp. (2014).  
Malo L., Artigau E., Doyon R., Lafrenière D., Albert L., Gagné J., (2014) BANYAN. III. Radial Velocity, Rotation, and X-Ray Emission of Low-mass Star Candidates in Nearby Young Kinematic Groups , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 788, Issue 1, article id. 81, 15 pp. (2014).  
Aliu E., Aune T., Behera B., Beilicke M., Benbow W., Berger K., Bird R., Bouvier A., Buckley J. H., Bugaev V., Cerruti M., Chen X., Ciupik L., Connolly M. P., Cui W., Dumm J., Dwarkadas V. V., Errando M., Falcone A., Federici S., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fleischhack H., Fortin P., Fortson L., Furniss A., Galante N., Gillanders G. H., Gotthelf E. V., Griffin S., Griffiths S. T., Grube J., Gyuk G., Hanna D., Holder J., Hughes G., Humensky T. B., Johnson C. A., Kaaret P., Kargaltsev O., Kertzman M., Khassen Y., Kieda D., Krennrich F., Lang M. J., Madhavan A. S., Maier G., McArthur S., McCann A., Millis J., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., Nieto D., O'Faoláin de Bhróithe A., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Pandel D., Park N., Pohl M., Popkow A., Prokoph H., Quinn J., Ragan K., Rajotte J., Reyes L. C., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Roberts M., Sembroski G. H., Shahinyan K., Smith A. W., Staszak D., Telezhinsky I., Tucci J. V., Tyler J., Vincent S., Wakely S. P., Weinstein A., Welsing R., Wilhelm A., Williams D. A., Zitzer B., (2014) Spatially Resolving the Very High Energy Emission from MGRO J2019+37 with VERITAS , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 788, Issue 1, article id. 78, 10 pp. (2014).  
Latour M., Fontaine G., Green E. M., Brassard P., Chayer P., (2014) Improved Determination of the Atmospheric Parameters of the Pulsating sdB Star Feige 48 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 788, Issue 1, article id. 65, 12 pp. (2014).  
Aliu E., Archambault S., Aune T., Behera B., Beilicke M., Benbow W., Berger K., Bird R., Buckley J. H., Bugaev V., Cardenzana J. V., Cerruti M., Chen X., Ciupik L., Collins-Hughes E., Connolly M. P., Cui W., Dumm J., Dwarkadas V. V., Errando M., Falcone A., Federici S., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fleischhack H., Fortin P., Fortson L., Furniss A., Galante N., Gall D., Gillanders G. H., Griffin S., Griffiths S. T., Grube J., Gyuk G., Hanna D., Holder J., Hughes G., Humensky T. B., Kaaret P., Kertzman M., Khassen Y., Kieda D., Krennrich F., Kumar S., Lang M. J., Madhavan A. S., Maier G., McCann A. J., Meagher K., Millis J., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., Nieto D., O'Faoláin de Bhróithe A., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Pandel D., Park N., Pohl M., Popkow A., Prokoph H., Quinn J., Ragan K., Rajotte J., Ratliff G., Reyes L. C., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Rousselle J., Sembroski G. H., Shahinyan K., Sheidaei F., Smith A. W., Staszak D., Telezhinsky I., Tsurusaki K., Tucci J. V., Tyler J., Varlotta A., Vassiliev V. V., Vincent S., Wakely S. P., Ward J. E., Weinstein A., Welsing R., Wilhelm A., (2014) Investigating the TeV Morphology of MGRO J1908+06 with VERITAS , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 787, Issue 2, article id. 166, 7 pp. (2014).  
Swiggum J. K., Lorimer D. R., McLaughlin M. A., Bates S. D., Champion D. J., Ransom S. M., Lazarus P., Brazier A., Hessels J. W. T., Nice D. J., Ellis J., Senty T. R., Allen B., Bhat N. D. R., Bogdanov S., Camilo F., Chatterjee S., Cordes J. M., Crawford F., Deneva J. S., Freire P. C. C., Jenet F. A., Karako-Argaman C., Kaspi V. M., Knispel B., Lee K. J., van Leeuwen J., Lynch R., Lyne A. G., Scholz P., Siemens X., Stairs I. H., Stappers B. W., Stovall K., Venkataraman A., Zhu W. W., (2014) Arecibo Pulsar Survey Using ALFA. III. Precursor Survey and Population Synthesis , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 787, Issue 2, article id. 137, 10 pp. (2014).  
Jakobsen S. J., Tomsick J. A., Watson D., Gotthelf E. V., Kaspi V. M., (2014) Investigating CXOU J163802.6-471358: A New Pulsar Wind Nebula in the Norma Region? , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 787, Issue 2, article id. 129, 7 pp. (2014).  
Planck Collaboration, Abergel A., Ade P. A. R., Aghanim N., Alves M. I. R., Aniano G., Arnaud M., Ashdown M., Aumont J., Baccigalupi C., Banday A. J., Barreiro R. B., Bartlett J. G., Battaner E., Benabed K., Benoit-Lévy A., Bernard J.-P., Bersanelli M., Bielewicz P., Bobin J., Bonaldi A., Bond J. R., Bouchet F. R., Boulanger F., Burigana C., Cardoso J.-F., Catalano A., Chamballu A., Chiang H. C., Christensen P. R., Clements D. L., Colombi S., Colombo L. P. L., Couchot F., Crill B. P., Cuttaia F., Danese L., Davis R. J., de Bernardis P., de Rosa A., de Zotti G., Delabrouille J., Désert F.-X., Dickinson C., Diego J. M., Dole H., Donzelli S., Doré O., Douspis M., Dupac X., Efstathiou G., Enßlin T. A., Eriksen H. K., Falgarone E., Finelli F., Forni O., Frailis M., Franceschi E., Galeotta S., Ganga K., Ghosh T., Giard M., Giraud-Heraud Y., González-Nuevo J., Górski K. M., Gregorio A., Gruppuso A., Guillet V., Hansen F. K., Harrison D., Helou G., Henrot-Versille S., Hernández-Monteagudo C., Herranz D., Hildebrandt S. R., Hivon E., Hobson M., Holmes W. A., Hornstrup A., Hovest W., Huffenberger K. M., Jaffe A. H., Jaffe T. R., Joncas G., Jones A., Jones W. C., Juvela M., Kalberla P., Keihänen E., Kerp J., Keskitalo R., Kisner T. S., Kneissl R., Knoche J., Kunz M., Kurki-Suonio H., Lagache G., Lähteenmäki A., Lamarre J.-M., Lasenby A., Lawrence C. R., Leonardi R., Levrier F., Liguori M., Lilje P. B., Linden-Vørnle M., López-Caniego M., Lubin P. M., Macías-Pérez J. F., Maffei B., Maino D., Mandolesi N., Maris M., Marshall D. J., Martin P. G., Martínez-González E., Masi S., Massardi M., Matarrese S., Mazzotta P., Melchiorri A., Mendes L., Mennella A., Migliaccio M., Mitra S., Miville-Deschênes M.-A., Moneti A., Montier L., Morgante G., Mortlock D., Munshi D., Murphy J. A., Naselsky P., Nati F., Natoli P., Noviello F., Novikov D., Novikov I., Oxborrow C. A., Pagano L., Pajot F., Paoletti D., Pasian F., Perdereau O., Perotto L., Perrotta F., Piacentini F., Piat M., Pierpaoli E., Pietrobon D., Plaszczynski S., Pointecouteau E., Polenta G., Ponthieu N., Popa L., Pratt G. W., Prunet S., Puget J.-L., Rachen J. P., Reach W. T., Rebolo R., Reinecke M., Remazeilles M., Renault C., Ricciardi S., Riller T., Ristorcelli I., Rocha G., Rosset C., Roudier G., Rusholme B., Sandri M., Savini G., Spencer L. D., Starck J.-L., Sureau F., Sutton D., Suur-Uski A.-S., Sygnet J.-F., Tauber J. A., Terenzi L., Toffolatti L., Tomasi M., Tristram M., Tucci M., Umana G., Valenziano L., Valiviita J., Van Tent B., Verstraete L., Vielva P., Villa F., Wade L. A., Wandelt B. D., Winkel B., Yvon D., Zacchei A., Zonca A., (2014) Planck intermediate results. XVII. Emission of dust in the diffuse interstellar medium from the far-infrared to microwave frequencies , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 566, id.A55, 23 pp.  
Gourgouliatos K. N., Cumming A., (2014) Hall Attractor in Axially Symmetric Magnetic Fields in Neutron Star Crusts , Physical Review Letters, Volume 112, Issue 17, id.171101  
Robitaille J.-F., Joncas G., Miville-Deschênes M.-A., (2014) Multiscale analysis of Galactic dust emission using complex wavelet transforms - I. Separation of Gaussian and non-Gaussian fluctuations in Herschel observations , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 440, Issue 3, p.2726-2741  
Saro A., Liu J., Mohr J. J., Aird K. A., Ashby M. L. N., Bayliss M., Benson B. A., Bleem L. E., Bocquet S., Brodwin M., Carlstrom J. E., Chang C. L., Chiu I., Cho H. M., Clocchiatti A., Crawford T. M., Crites A. T., de Haan T., Desai S., Dietrich J. P., Dobbs M. A., Dolag K., Dudley J. P., Foley R. J., Gangkofner D., George E. M., Gladders M. D., Gonzalez A. H., Halverson N. W., Hennig C., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Holzapfel W. L., Hrubes J. D., Jones C., Keisler R., Lee A. T., Leitch E. M., Lueker M., Luong-van D., Mantz A., Marrone D. P., McDonald M., McMahon J. J., Mehl J., Meyer S. S., Mocanu L., Montroy T. E., Murray S. S., Nurgaliev D., Padin S., Patej A., Pryke C., Reichardt C. L., Rest A., Ruel J., Ruhl J. E., Saliwanchik B. R., Sayre J. T., Schaffer K. K., Shirokoff E., Spieler H. G., Stalder B., Staniszewski Z., Stark A. A., Story K., van Engelen A., Vanderlinde K., Vieira J. D., Vikhlinin A., Williamson R., Zahn O., Zenteno A., (2014) Constraints on the CMB temperature evolution using multiband measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect with the South Pole Telescope , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 440, Issue 3, p.2610-2615  
Michaux Y. J. L., Moffat A. F. J., Chene A.-N., St-Louis N., (2014) On the origin of variable structures in the winds of hot luminous stars , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 440, Issue 1, p.2-9  
Aubé M., Roby J. , (2014) Sky brightness levels before and after the creation of the first International Dark Sky Reserve, Mont-Mégantic Observatory, Québec, Canada , Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Volume 139, p. 52-63.  
Kocifaj M., Aubé M., (2014) Light pollution: Theory, modeling, and measurements , Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Volume 139, p. 1-2.  
Poulin-Girard A.-S., Dallaire X., Thibault S., Laurendeau D. , (2014) Virtual camera calibration using optical design software , Applied Optics, vol. 53, issue 13, p. 2822  
Olausen S. A., Kaspi V. M., (2014) The McGill Magnetar Catalog , The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, Volume 212, Issue 1, article id. 6, 22 pp. (2014).  
Naud M.-E., Artigau E., Malo L., Albert L., Doyon R., Lafrenière D., Gagné J., Saumon D., Morley C. V., Allard F., Homeier D., Beichman C. A., Gelino C. R., Boucher A., (2014) Discovery of a Wide Planetary-mass Companion to the Young M3 Star GU Psc , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 787, Issue 1, article id. 5, 16 pp. (2014).  
Kaspi V. M., Archibald R. F., Bhalerao V., Dufour F., Gotthelf E. V., An H., Bachetti M., Beloborodov A. M., Boggs S. E., Christensen F. E., Craig W. W., Grefenstette B. W., Hailey C. J., Harrison F. A., Kennea J. A., Kouveliotou C., Madsen K. K., Mori K., Markwardt C. B., Stern D., Vogel J. K., Zhang W. W., (2014) Timing and Flux Evolution of the Galactic Center Magnetar SGR J1745-2900 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 786, Issue 2, article id. 84, 8 pp. (2014).  
Martel H., Robichaud F., Barai P., (2014) Major Cluster Mergers and the Location of the Brightest Cluster Galaxy , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 786, Issue 2, article id. 79, 14 pp. (2014).  
Scholz P., Kaspi V. M., Cumming A., (2014) The Long-term Post-outburst Spin Down and Flux Relaxation of Magnetar Swift J1822.3-1606 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 786, Issue 1, article id. 62, 8 pp. (2014).  
van Engelen A., Bhattacharya S., Sehgal N., Holder G. P., Zahn O., Nagai D., (2014) CMB Lensing Power Spectrum Biases from Galaxies and Clusters Using High-angular Resolution Temperature Maps , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 786, Issue 1, article id. 13, 14 pp. (2014).  
Faherty J. K., Shara M. M., Zurek D., Kanarek G., Moffat A. F. J., (2014) Characterizing Wolf-Rayet Stars in the Near- and Mid-infrared , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 147, Issue 5, article id. 115, 14 pp. (2014).  
Moehler S., Dreizler S., LeBlanc F., Khalack V., Michaud G., Richer J., Sweigart A. V., Grundahl F., (2014) Hot horizontal branch stars in NGC 288 - effects of diffusion and stratification on their atmospheric parameters , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 565, id.A100, 14 pp.  
Thuillier G., Melo S. M. L., Lean J., Krivova N. A., Bolduc C., Fomichev V. I., Charbonneau P., Shapiro A. I., Schmutz W., Bolsée D., (2014) Analysis of Different Solar Spectral Irradiance Reconstructions and Their Impact on Solar Heating Rates , Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue 4, pp.1115-1142  
Archambault S., Aune T., Behera B., Beilicke M., Benbow W., Berger K., Bird R., Biteau J., Bugaev V., Byrum K., Cardenzana J. V., Cerruti M., Chen X., Ciupik L., Connolly M. P., Cui W., Dumm J., Errando M., Falcone A., Federici S., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fleischhack H., Fortson L., Furniss A., Galante N., Gillanders G. H., Griffin S., Griffiths S. T., Grube J., Gyuk G., Hanna D., Holder J., Hughes G., Humensky T. B., Johnson C. A., Kaaret P., Kertzman M., Khassen Y., Kieda D., Krawczynski H., Krennrich F., Kumar S., Lang M. J., Madhavan A. S., Maier G., McCann A., Meagher K., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., Nieto D., O'Faoláin de Bhróithe A., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Park N., Pohl M., Popkow A., Prokoph H., Quinn J., Ragan K., Rajotte J., Reyes L. C., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Sembroski G. H., Shahinyan K., Staszak D., Telezhinsky I., Tucci J. V., Tyler J., Varlotta A., Vassiliev V. V., Vincent S., Wakely S. P., Weinstein A., Welsing R., Wilhelm A., Williams D. A., VERITAS Collaboration, Ackermann M., Ajello M., Albert A., Baldini L., Bastieri D., Bellazzini R., Bissaldi E., Bregeon J., Buehler R., Buson S., Caliandro G. A., Cameron R. A., Caraveo P. A., Cavazzuti E., Charles E., Chiang J., Ciprini S., Claus R., Cutini S., D'Ammando F., de Angelis A., de Palma F., Dermer C. D., Digel S. W., Di Venere L., Drell P. S., Favuzzi C., Franckowiak A., Fusco P., Gargano F., Gasparrini D., Giglietto N., Giordano F., Giroletti M., Grenier I. A., Guiriec S., Jogler T., Kuss M., Larsson S., Latronico L., Longo F., Loparco F., Lubrano P., Madejski G. M., Mayer M., Mazziotta M. N., Michelson P. F., Mizuno T., Monzani M. E., Morselli A., Murgia S., Nuss E., Ohsugi T., Ormes J. F., Paneque D., Perkins J. S., Piron F., Pivato G., Rainò S., Razzano M., Reimer A., Reimer O., Ritz S., Schaal M., Sgrò C., Siskind E. J., Spinelli P., Takahashi H., Tibaldo L., Tinivella M., Troja E., Vianello G., Werner M., Wood M., Fermi LAT Collaboration , (2014) Deep Broadband Observations of the Distant Gamma-Ray Blazar PKS 1424+240 , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 785, Issue 1, article id. L16, 8 pp. (2014).  
Gagné J., Faherty J. K., Cruz K., Lafrenière D., Doyon R., Malo L., Artigau E., (2014) The Coolest Isolated Brown Dwarf Candidate Member of TWA , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 785, Issue 1, article id. L14, 6 pp. (2014).  
Lafrenière D., Jayawardhana R., van Kerkwijk M. H., Brandeker A., Janson M., (2014) An Adaptive Optics Multiplicity Census of Young Stars in Upper Scorpius , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 785, Issue 1, article id. 47, 18 pp. (2014).  
Crawford T. M., Schaffer K. K., Bhattacharya S., Aird K. A., Benson B. A., Bleem L. E., Carlstrom J. E., Chang C. L., Cho H.-M., Crites A. T., de Haan T., Dobbs M. A., Dudley J., George E. M., Halverson N. W., Holder G. P., Holzapfel W. L., Hoover S., Hou Z., Hrubes J. D., Keisler R., Knox L., Lee A. T., Leitch E. M., Lueker M., Luong-van D., McMahon J. J., Mehl J., Meyer S. S., Millea M., Mocanu L. M., Mohr J. J., Montroy T. E., Padin S., Plagge T., Pryke C., Reichardt C. L., Ruhl J. E., Sayre J. T., Shaw L., Shirokoff E., Spieler H. G., Staniszewski Z., Stark A. A., Story K. T., van Engelen A., Vanderlinde K., Vieira J. D., Williamson R., Zahn O., (2014) A Measurement of the Secondary-CMB and Millimeter-wave-foreground Bispectrum using 800 deg2 of South Pole Telescope Data , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 784, Issue 2, article id. 143, 21 pp. (2014).  
Bouchard S., Thibault S., (2014) Graded-index planar waveguide solar concentrator , Optics Letters, vol. 39, issue 5, p. 1197  
Bouchard S., Thibault S., (2014) GRIN planar waveguide concentrator used with a single axis tracker , Optics Express, vol. 22, issue S2, p. A248  
Huang J.-S., Rigopoulou D., Magdis G., Rowan-Robinson M., Dai Y., Bock J. J., Burgarella D., Chapman S., Clements D. L., Cooray A., Farrah D., Glenn J., Oliver S., Smith A. J., Wang L., Page M., Riechers D., Roseboom I., Symeonidis M., Fazio G. G., Yun M., Webb T. M. A., Efstathiou A., (2014) HerMES: Spectral Energy Distributions of Submillimeter Galaxies at z > 4 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 784, Issue 1, article id. 52, 14 pp. (2014).  
Dib R., Kaspi V. M., (2014) 16 yr of RXTE Monitoring of Five Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 784, Issue 1, article id. 37, 21 pp. (2014).  
Medin Z., Cumming A., (2014) A Signature of Chemical Separation in the Cooling Light Curves of Transiently Accreting Neutron Stars , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 783, Issue 1, article id. L3, 5 pp. (2014).  
Gagné J., Lafrenière D., Doyon R., Malo L., Artigau E., (2014) BANYAN. II. Very Low Mass and Substellar Candidate Members to Nearby, Young Kinematic Groups with Previously Known Signs of Youth , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 783, Issue 2, article id. 121, 35 pp. (2014).  
Scholz P., Archibald R. F., Kaspi V. M., Ng C.-Y., Beardmore A. P., Gehrels N., Kennea J. A., (2014) On the X-Ray Variability of Magnetar 1RXS J170849.0-400910 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 783, Issue 2, article id. 99, 7 pp. (2014).  
Ford K. E. S., McKernan B., Sivaramakrishnan A., Martel A. R., Koekemoer A., Lafrenière D., Parmentier S., (2014) Active Galactic Nucleus and Quasar Science with Aperture Masking Interferometry on the James Webb Space Telescope , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 783, Issue 2, article id. 73, 17 pp. (2014).  
Aliu E., Aune T., Behera B., Beilicke M., Benbow W., Berger K., Bird R., Buckley J. H., Bugaev V., Cardenzana J. V., Cerruti M., Chen X., Ciupik L., Connolly M. P., Cui W., Duke C., Dumm J., Errando M., Falcone A., Federici S., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fortin P., Fortson L., Furniss A., Galante N., Gillanders G. H., Griffin S., Griffiths S. T., Grube J., Gyuk G., Hanna D., Holder J., Hughes G., Humensky T. B., Kaaret P., Kargaltsev O., Kertzman M., Khassen Y., Kieda D., Krawczynski H., Lang M. J., Madhavan A. S., Maier G., Majumdar P., McCann A., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., Nieto D., O'Faoláin de Bhróithe A., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Pandel D., Perkins J. S., Pohl M., Popkow A., Prokoph H., Quinn J., Ragan K., Rajotte J., Reyes L. C., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Sembroski G. H., Skole C., Staszak D., Telezhinsky I., Theiling M., Tucci J. V., Tyler J., Varlotta A., Vincent S., Wakely S. P., Weekes T. C., Weinstein A., Welsing R., Williams D. A., Zitzer B., (2014) Observations of the Unidentified Gamma-Ray Source TeV J2032+4130 by VERITAS , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 783, Issue 1, article id. 16, 9 pp. (2014).  
An H., Kaspi V. M., Archibald R., Bachetti M., Bhalerao V., Bellm E. C., Beloborodov A. M., Boggs S. E., Chakrabarty D., Christensen F. E., Craig W. W., Dufour F., Forster K., Gotthelf E. V., Grefenstette B. W., Hailey C. J., Harrison F. A., Hascoët R., Kitaguchi T., Kouveliotou C., Madsen K. K., Mori K., Pivovaroff M. J., Rana V. R., Stern D., Tendulkar S., Tomsick J. A., Vogel J. K., Zhang W. W., NuSTAR Team, (2014) NuSTAR results and future plans for magnetar and rotation-powered pulsar observations , Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.335, Issue 3, p.280-284  
Randall S. K., Fontaine G., Geier S., van Grootel V., Brassard P., (2014) Mode identification based on time-series spectrophotometry for the bright rapid sdB pulsator EC 01541-1409 , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 563, id.A79, 14 pp.  
Grefenstette B. W., Harrison F. A., Boggs S. E., Reynolds S. P., Fryer C. L., Madsen K. K., Wik D. R., Zoglauer A., Ellinger C. I., Alexander D. M., An H., Barret D., Christensen F. E., Craig W. W., Forster K., Giommi P., Hailey C. J., Hornstrup A., Kaspi V. M., Kitaguchi T., Koglin J. E., Mao P. H., Miyasaka H., Mori K., Perri M., Pivovaroff M. J., Puccetti S., Rana V., Stern D., Westergaard N. J., Zhang W. W., (2014) Asymmetries in core-collapse supernovae from maps of radioactive 44Ti in CassiopeiaA , Nature, Volume 506, Issue 7488, pp. 339-342 (2014).  
Gourgouliatos K. N., Cumming A., (2014) Hall effect in neutron star crusts: evolution, endpoint and dependence on initial conditions , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 438, Issue 2, p.1618-1629  
Cichowolski S., Pineault S., Gamen R., Arnal E. M., Suad L. A., Ortega M. E., (2014) Triggered star formation in a molecular shell created by a SNR? , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 438, Issue 2, p.1089-1101  
Tsang D., Turner N. J., Cumming A., (2014) Shedding Light on the Eccentricity Valley: Gap Heating and Eccentricity Excitation of Giant Planets in Protoplanetary Disks , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 782, Issue 2, article id. 113, 9 pp. (2014).  
Hou Z., Reichardt C. L., Story K. T., Follin B., Keisler R., Aird K. A., Benson B. A., Bleem L. E., Carlstrom J. E., Chang C. L., Cho H.-M., Crawford T. M., Crites A. T., de Haan T., de Putter R., Dobbs M. A., Dodelson S., Dudley J., George E. M., Halverson N. W., Holder G. P., Holzapfel W. L., Hoover S., Hrubes J. D., Joy M., Knox L., Lee A. T., Leitch E. M., Lueker M., Luong-van D., McMahon J. J., Mehl J., Meyer S. S., Millea M., Mohr J. J., Montroy T. E., Padin S., Plagge T., Pryke C., Ruhl J. E., Sayre J. T., Schaffer K. K., Shaw L., Shirokoff E., Spieler H. G., Staniszewski Z., Stark A. A., van Engelen A., Vanderlinde K., Vieira J. D., Williamson R., Zahn O., (2014) Constraints on Cosmology from the Cosmic Microwave Background Power Spectrum of the 2500 deg2 SPT-SZ Survey , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 782, Issue 2, article id. 74, 24 pp. (2014).  
Smail I., Geach J. E., Swinbank A. M., Tadaki K., Arumugam V., Hartley W., Almaini O., Bremer M. N., Chapin E., Chapman S. C., Danielson A. L. R., Edge A. C., Scott D., Simpson C. J., Simpson J. M., Conselice C., Dunlop J. S., Ivison R. J., Karim A., Kodama T., Mortlock A., Robson E. I., Roseboom I., Thomson A. P., van der Werf P. P., Webb T. M. A., (2014) The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: Ultraluminous Star-forming Galaxies in a z = 1.6 Cluster , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 782, Issue 1, article id. 19, 15 pp. (2014).  
Aliu E., Archambault S., Arlen T., Aune T., Behera B., Beilicke M., Benbow W., Berger K., Bird R., Bouvier A., Buckley J. H., Bugaev V., Byrum K., Cerruti M., Chen X., Ciupik L., Connolly M. P., Cui W., Duke C., Dumm J., Errando M., Falcone A., Federici S., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fleischhack H., Fortin P., Fortson L., Furniss A., Galante N., Gillanders G. H., Griffin S., Griffiths S. T., Grube J., Gyuk G., Hanna D., Holder J., Hughes G., Humensky T. B., Johnson C. A., Kaaret P., Kertzman M., Khassen Y., Kieda D., Krawczynski H., Krennrich F., Lang M. J., Madhavan A. S., Maier G., Majumdar P., McArthur S., McCann A., Meagher K., Millis J., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., Nieto D., O'Faoláin de Bhróithe A., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Park N., Perkins J. S., Pohl M., Popkow A., Prokoph H., Quinn J., Ragan K., Reyes L. C., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Sembroski G. H., Smith A. W., Staszak D., Telezhinsky I., Theiling M., Varlotta A., Vassiliev V. V., Vincent S., Wakely S. P., Weekes T. C., Weinstein A., Welsing R., Williams D. A., Zajczyk A., Zitzer B., (2014) A Three-year Multi-wavelength Study of the Very-high-energy gamma-Ray Blazar 1ES 0229+200 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 782, Issue 1, article id. 13, 12 pp. (2014).  
Ingraham P., Albert L., Doyon R., Artigau E., (2014) Near-infrared (JHK) Spectroscopy of Young Stellar and Substellar Objects in Orion , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 782, Issue 1, article id. 8, 19 pp. (2014).  
Kitaguchi T., An H., Beloborodov A. M., Gotthelf E. V., Hayashi T., Kaspi V. M., Rana V. R., Boggs S. E., Christensen F. E., Craig W. W., Hailey C. J., Harrison F. A., Stern D., Zhang W. W., (2014) NuSTAR and Swift Observations of the Fast Rotating Magnetized White Dwarf AE Aquarii , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 782, Issue 1, article id. 3, 7 pp. (2014).  
Zhu W. W., Berndsen A., Madsen E. C., Tan M., Stairs I. H., Brazier A., Lazarus P., Lynch R., Scholz P., Stovall K., Ransom S. M., Banaszak S., Biwer C. M., Cohen S., Dartez L. P., Flanigan J., Lunsford G., Martinez J. G., Mata A., Rohr M., Walker A., Allen B., Bhat N. D. R., Bogdanov S., Camilo F., Chatterjee S., Cordes J. M., Crawford F., Deneva J. S., Desvignes G., Ferdman R. D., Freire P. C. C., Hessels J. W. T., Jenet F. A., Kaplan D. L., Kaspi V. M., Knispel B., Lee K. J., van Leeuwen J., Lyne A. G., McLaughlin M. A., Siemens X., Spitler L. G., Venkataraman A., (2014) Searching for Pulsars Using Image Pattern Recognition , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 781, Issue 2, article id. 117, 12 pp. (2014).  
Gianninas A., Hermes J. J., Brown W. R., Dufour P., Barber S. D., Kilic M., Kenyon S. J., Harrold S. T., (2014) SDSS J074511.56+194926.5: Discovery of a Metal-rich and Tidally Distorted Extremely Low Mass White Dwarf , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 781, Issue 2, article id. 104, 11 pp. (2014).  
Roebber E., Holder G., (2014) The Polarization Signature of Local Bulk Flows , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 781, Issue 2, article id. 98, 5 pp. (2014).  
de La Chevrotière A., St-Louis N., Moffat A. F. J., MiMeS Collaboration, (2014) Searching for Magnetic Fields in 11 Wolf-Rayet Stars: Analysis of Circular Polarization Measurements from ESPaDOnS , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 781, Issue 2, article id. 73, 20 pp. (2014).  
Acciari V. A., Arlen T., Aune T., Benbow W., Bird R., Bouvier A., Bradbury S. M., Buckley J. H., Bugaev V., de la Calle Perez I., Carter-Lewis D. A., Cesarini A., Ciupik L., Collins-Hughes E., Connolly M. P., Cui W., Duke C., Dumm J., Falcone A., Federici S., Fegan D. J., Fegan S. J., Finley J. P., Finnegan G., Fortson L., Gaidos J., Galante N., Gall D., Gibbs K., Gillanders G. H., Griffin S., Grube J., Gyuk G., Hanna D., Horan D., Humensky T. B., Kaaret P., Kertzman M., Khassen Y., Kieda D., Krawczynski H., Krennrich F., Lang M. J., McEnery J. E., Madhavan A. S., Moriarty P., Nelson T., O'Faoláin de Bhróithe A., Ong R. A., Orr M., Otte A. N., Perkins J. S., Petry D., Pichel A., Pohl M., Quinn J., Ragan K., Reynolds T., Roache E., Rovero A., Schroedter M., Sembroski G. H., Smith A., Telezhinsky I., Theiling M., Toner J., Tyler J., Varlotta A., Vivier M., Wakely S. P., Ward J. E., Weekes T. C., Weinstein A., Welsing R., Williams D. A., Wissel S., (2014) Observation of Markarian 421 in TeV gamma rays over a 14-year time span , Astroparticle Physics, Volume 54, p. 1-10.  
Caballero-Nieves S. M., Nelan E. P., Gies D. R., Wallace D. J., DeGioia-Eastwood K., Herrero A., Jao W.-C., Mason B. D., Massey P., Moffat A. F. J., Walborn N. R., (2014) A High Angular Resolution Survey of Massive Stars in Cygnus OB2: Results from the Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensors , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 147, Issue 2, article id. 40, 11 pp. (2014).  
Bonnefoy M., Currie T., Marleau G.-D., Schlieder J. E., Wisniewski J., Carson J., Covey K. R., Henning T., Biller B., Hinz P., Klahr H., Marsh Boyer A. N., Zimmerman N., Janson M., McElwain M., Mordasini C., Skemer A., Bailey V., Defrère D., Thalmann C., Skrutskie M., Allard F., Homeier D., Tamura M., Feldt M., Cumming A., Grady C., Brandner W., Helling C., Witte S., Hauschildt P., Kandori R., Kuzuhara M., Fukagawa M., Kwon J., Kudo T., Hashimoto J., Kusakabe N., Abe L., Brandt T., Egner S., Guyon O., Hayano Y., Hayashi M., Hayashi S., Hodapp K., Ishii M., Iye M., Knapp G., Matsuo T., Mede K., Miyama M., Morino J.-I., Moro-Martin A., Nishimura T., Pyo T., Serabyn E., Suenaga T., Suto H., Suzuki R., Takahashi, Takami M., Takato N., Terada H., Tomono D., Turner E., Watanabe M., Yamada T., Takami H., Usuda T., (2014) Characterization of the gaseous companion kappa Andromedae b. New Keck and LBTI high-contrast observations , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 562, id.A111, 20 pp.  
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Gamen R., Collado A., Barbá R., Chene A.-N., St-Louis N., (2014) WR 35a: A new double-lined spectroscopic binary , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 562, id.A13, 6 pp.  
Karak B. B., Jiang J., Miesch M. S., Charbonneau P., Choudhuri A. R. , (2014) Flux Transport Dynamos: From Kinematics to Dynamics , Space Science Reviews, Volume 186, Issue 1-4, pp. 561-602  
Norton A. A., Charbonneau P., Passos D., (2014) Hemispheric Coupling: Comparing Dynamo Simulations and Observations , Space Science Reviews, Volume 186, Issue 1-4, pp. 251-283  
Thuillier G., Schmidtke G., Erhardt C., Nikutowski B., Shapiro A. I., Bolduc C., Lean J., Krivova N., Charbonneau P., Cessateur G., Haberreiter M., Melo S., Delouille V., Mampaey B., Yeo K. L., Schmutz W., (2014) Solar Spectral Irradiance Variability in November/December 2012: Comparison of Observations by Instruments on the International Space Station and Models , Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue 12, pp.4433-4452  
Beichman C., Benneke B., Knutson H., Smith R., Lagage P.-O., Dressing C., Latham D., Lunine J., Birkmann S., Ferruit P., Giardino G., Kempton E., Carey S., Krick J., Deroo P. D., Mandell A., Ressler M. E., Shporer A., Swain M., Vasisht G., Ricker G., Bouwman J., Crossfield I., Greene T., Howell S., Christiansen J., Ciardi D., Clampin M., Greenhouse M., Sozzetti A., Goudfrooij P., Hines D., Keyes T., Lee J., McCullough P., Robberto M., Stansberry J., Valenti J., Rieke M., Rieke G., Fortney J., Bean J., Kreidberg L., Ehrenreich D., Deming D., Albert L., Doyon R., Sing D. , (2014) Observations of Transiting Exoplanets with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) , Publications of the Astronomical Society of Pacific, Volume 126, Issue 946, pp. 1134-1173 (2014).  
MacLeod A. M. L., Boyle P. J., Hanna D. S., Saull P. R. B., Sinclair L. E., Seywerd H. C. J., (2014) Development of a Compton imager based on bars of scintillator , Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, Volume 767, p. 397-406.  
Khalack V., Yameogo B., LeBlanc F., Fontaine G., Green E., van Grootel V., Petit P. , (2014) Spectral analysis and abundances of the post-HB star HD 76431 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 445, Issue 4, p.4086-4093  
De Rosa R. J., Patience J., Ward-Duong K., Vigan A., Marois C., Song I., Macintosh B., Graham J. R., Doyon R., Bessell M. S., Lai O., McCarthy D. W., Kulesa C. , (2014) The VAST Survey - IV. A wide brown dwarf companion to the A3V star zeta Delphini , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 445, Issue 4, p.3694-3705  
Zamfir M., Cumming A., Niquette C. , (2014) The thermal stability of helium burning on accreting neutron stars , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 445, Issue 3, p.3278-3288  
Chakrabarty D., Tomsick J. A., Grefenstette B. W., Psaltis D., Bachetti M., Barret D., Boggs S. E., Christensen F. E., Craig W. W., Fürst F., Hailey C. J., Harrison F. A., Kaspi V. M., Miller J. M., Nowak M. A., Rana V., Stern D., Wik D. R., Wilms J., Zhang W. W., (2014) A Hard X-Ray Power-law Spectral Cutoff in Centaurus X-4 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 797, Issue 2, article id. 92, 15 pp. (2014).  
Aliu E., Archambault S., Arlen T., Aune T., Barnacka A., Beilicke M., Benbow W., Berger K., Bird R., Bouvier A., Buckley J. H., Bugaev V., Cerruti M., Chen X., Ciupik L., Collins-Hughes E., Connolly M. P., Cui W., Dumm J., Eisch J. D., Falcone A., Federici S., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fleischhack H., Fortin P., Fortson L., Furniss A., Galante N., Gillanders G. H., Griffin S., Griffiths S. T., Grube J., Gyuk G., Håkansson N., Hanna D., Holder J., Hughes G., Hughes Z., Humensky T. B., Johnson C. A., Kaaret P., Kar P., Kertzman M., Khassen Y., Kieda D., Krawczynski H., Krennrich F., Lang M. J., Madhavan A. S., Majumdar P., McArthur S., McCann A., Meagher K., Millis J., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., Nelson T., Nieto D., O'Faoláin de Bhróithe A., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Park N., Perkins J. S., Pohl M., Popkow A., Prokoph H., Quinn J., Ragan K., Rajotte J., Reyes L. C., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Sadun A., Santander M., Sembroski G. H., Shahinyan K., Sheidaei F., Smith A. W., Staszak D., Telezhinsky I., Theiling M., Tyler J., Varlotta A., Vassiliev V. V., Vincent S., Wakely S. P., Weekes T. C., Weinstein A., Welsing R., Wilhelm A., Williams D. A., Zitzer B., VERITAS Collaboration, Böttcher M., Fumagalli M., (2014) Investigating Broadband Variability of the TeV Blazar 1ES 1959+650 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 797, Issue 2, article id. 89, 11 pp. (2014).  
Genest-Beaulieu C., Bergeron P., (2014) Comparison of Atmospheric Parameters Determined from Spectroscopy and Photometry for DA White Dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 796, Issue 2, article id. 128, 18 pp. (2014).  
Strugarek A., Charbonneau P., (2014) Predictive Capabilities of Avalanche Models for Solar Flares , Solar Physics, Volume 289, Issue 11, pp.4137-4150  
Aubé M., Fortin N., Turcotte S., García B., Mancilla A., Maya J. , (2014) Evaluation of the Sky Brightness at Two Argentinian Astronomical Sites , Publications of the Astronomical Society of Pacific, Volume 126, Issue 945, pp. 1068-1077 (2014).  
Donati J.-F., Hébrard E., Hussain G., Moutou C., Grankin K., Boisse I., Morin J., Gregory S. G., Vidotto A. A., Bouvier J., Alencar S. H. P., Delfosse X., Doyon R., Takami M., Jardine M. M., Fares R., Cameron A. C., Menard F., Dougados C., Herczeg G., Matysse Collaboration , (2014) Modelling the magnetic activity and filtering radial velocity curves of young Suns : the weak-line T Tauri star LkCa 4 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 444, Issue 4, p.3220-3229  
Bergfors C., Farihi J., Dufour P., Rocchetto M. , (2014) Signs of a faint disc population at polluted white dwarfs , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 444, Issue 3, p.2147-2156  
Guillot S., Rutledge R. E., (2014) Rejecting Proposed Dense Matter Equations of State with Quiescent Low-mass X-Ray Binaries , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 796, Issue 1, article id. L3, 7 pp. (2014).  
Muzzin A., van der Burg R. F. J., McGee S. L., Balogh M., Franx M., Hoekstra H., Hudson M. J., Noble A., Taranu D. S., Webb T., Wilson G., Yee H. K. C., (2014) The Phase Space and Stellar Populations of Cluster Galaxies at z ~ 1: Simultaneous Constraints on the Location and Timescale of Satellite Quenching , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 796, Issue 1, article id. 65, 10 pp. (2014).  
Thibault K., Charbonneau P., Béland M. , (2014) Solar Photospheric Network Properties and Their Cycle Variation , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 796, Issue 1, article id. 19, 13 pp. (2014).  
Aliu E., Aune T., Barnacka A., Beilicke M., Benbow W., Berger K., Biteau J., Buckley J. H., Bugaev V., Byrum K., Cardenzana J. V., Cerruti M., Chen X., Ciupik L., Connaughton V., Cui W., Dickinson H. J., Eisch J. D., Errando M., Falcone A., Federici S., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fleischhack H., Fortin P., Fortson L., Furniss A., Galante N., Gillanders G. H., Griffin S., Griffiths S. T., Grube J., Gyuk G., Håkansson N., Hanna D., Holder J., Hughes G., Humensky T. B., Johnson C. A., Kaaret P., Kar P., Kertzman M., Khassen Y., Kieda D., Krawczynski H., Krennrich F., Lang M. J., Madhavan A. S., Maier G., McArthur S., McCann A., Meagher K., Millis J., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., Nieto D., O'Faoláin de Bhróithe A., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Park N., Pohl M., Popkow A., Prokoph H., Pueschel E., Quinn J., Ragan K., Rajotte J., Reyes L. C., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Sembroski G. H., Shahinyan K., Smith A. W., Staszak D., Telezhinsky I., Tucci J. V., Tyler J., Varlotta A., Vassiliev V. V., Vincent S., Wakely S. P., Weiner O. M., Weinstein A., Welsing R., Wilhelm A., Williams D. A., Zitzer B., McEnery J. E., Perkins J. S., Veres P., Zhu S. , (2014) Constraints on Very High Energy Emission from GRB 130427A , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 795, Issue 1, article id. L3, 6 pp. (2014).  
Latour M., Randall S. K., Fontaine G., Bono G., Calamida A., Brassard P., (2014) A Helium-Carbon Correlation on the Extreme Horizontal Branch in omega Centauri , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 795, Issue 2, article id. 106, 15 pp. (2014).  
Planck Collaboration, Abergel A., Ade P. A. R., Aghanim N., Alves M. I. R., Aniano G., Armitage-Caplan C., Arnaud M., Ashdown M., Atrio-Barandela F., Aumont J., Baccigalupi C., Banday A. J., Barreiro R. B., Bartlett J. G., Battaner E., Benabed K., Benoît A., Benoit-Lévy A., Bernard J.-P., Bersanelli M., Bielewicz P., Bobin J., Bock J. J., Bonaldi A., Bond J. R., Borrill J., Bouchet F. R., Boulanger F., Bridges M., Bucher M., Burigana C., Butler R. C., Cardoso J.-F., Catalano A., Chamballu A., Chary R.-R., Chiang H. C., Chiang L.-Y., Christensen P. R., Church S., Clemens M., Clements D. L., Colombi S., Colombo L. P. L., Combet C., Couchot F., Coulais A., Crill B. P., Curto A., Cuttaia F., Danese L., Davies R. D., Davis R. J., de Bernardis P., de Rosa A., de Zotti G., Delabrouille J., Delouis J.-M., Désert F.-X., Dickinson C., Diego J. M., Dole H., Donzelli S., Doré O., Douspis M., Draine B. T., Dupac X., Efstathiou G., Enßlin T. A., Eriksen H. K., Falgarone E., Finelli F., Forni O., Frailis M., Fraisse A. A., Franceschi E., Galeotta S., Ganga K., Ghosh T., Giard M., Giardino G., Giraud-Heraud Y., González-Nuevo J., Górski K. M., Gratton S., Gregorio A., Grenier I. A., Gruppuso A., Guillet V., Hansen F. K., Hanson D., Harrison D. L., Helou G., Henrot-Versille S., Hernández-Monteagudo C., Herranz D., Hildebrandt S. R., Hivon E., Hobson M., Holmes W. A., Hornstrup A., Hovest W., Huffenberger K. M., Jaffe A. H., Jaffe T. R., Jewell J., Joncas G., Jones W. C., Juvela M., Keihänen E., Keskitalo R., Kisner T. S., Knoche J., Knox L., Kunz M., Kurki-Suonio H., Lagache G., Lähteenmäki A., Lamarre J.-M., Lasenby A., Laureijs R. J., Lawrence C. R., Leonardi R., León-Tavares J., Lesgourgues J., Levrier F., Liguori M., Lilje P. B., Linden-Vørnle M., López-Caniego M., Lubin P. M., Macías-Pérez J. F., Maffei B., Maino D., Mandolesi N., Maris M., Marshall D. J., Martin P. G., Martínez-González E., Masi S., Massardi M., Matarrese S., Matthai F., Mazzotta P., McGehee P., Melchiorri A., Mendes L., Mennella A., Migliaccio M., Mitra S., Miville-Deschênes M.-A., Moneti A., Montier L., Morgante G., Mortlock D., Munshi D., Murphy J. A., Naselsky P., Nati F., Natoli P., Netterfield C. B., Nørgaard-Nielsen H. U., Noviello F., Novikov D., Novikov I., Osborne S., Oxborrow C. A., Paci F., Pagano L., Pajot F., Paladini R., Paoletti D., Pasian F., Patanchon G., Perdereau O., Perotto L., Perrotta F., Piacentini F., Piat M., Pierpaoli E., Pietrobon D., Plaszczynski S., Pointecouteau E., Polenta G., Ponthieu N., Popa L., Poutanen T., Pratt G. W., Prézeau G., Prunet S., Puget J.-L., Rachen J. P., Reach W. T., Rebolo R., Reinecke M., Remazeilles M., Renault C., Ricciardi S., Riller T., Ristorcelli I., Rocha G., Rosset C., Roudier G., Rowan-Robinson M., Rubiño-Martín J. A., Rusholme B., Sandri M., Santos D., Savini G., Scott D., Seiffert M. D., Shellard E. P. S., Spencer L. D., Starck J.-L., Stolyarov V., Stompor R., Sudiwala R., Sunyaev R., Sureau F., Sutton D., Suur-Uski A.-S., Sygnet J.-F., Tauber J. A., Tavagnacco D., Terenzi L., Toffolatti L., Tomasi M., Tristram M., Tucci M., Tuovinen J., Türler M., Umana G., Valenziano L., Valiviita J., Van Tent B., Verstraete L., Vielva P., Villa F., Vittorio N., Wade L. A., Wandelt B. D., Welikala N., Ysard N., Yvon D., Zacchei A., Zonca A., (2014) Planck 2013 results. XI. All-sky model of thermal dust emission , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 571, id.A11, 37 pp.  
Bachetti M., Harrison F. A., Walton D. J., Grefenstette B. W., Chakrabarty D., Fürst F., Barret D., Beloborodov A., Boggs S. E., Christensen F. E., Craig W. W., Fabian A. C., Hailey C. J., Hornschemeier A., Kaspi V., Kulkarni S. R., Maccarone T., Miller J. M., Rana V., Stern D., Tendulkar S. P., Tomsick J., Webb N. A., Zhang W. W., (2014) An ultraluminous X-ray source powered by an accreting neutron star , Nature, Volume 514, Issue 7521, pp. 202-204 (2014).  
Sanders J. S., Fabian A. C., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Russell H. R., Taylor G. B., Hofmann F., Tremblay G., Walker S. A. , (2014) Feedback, scatter and structure in the core of the PKS 0745-191 galaxy cluster , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 444, Issue 2, p.1497-1517  
Siwak M., Rucinski S. M., Matthews J. M., Guenther D. B., Kuschnig R., Moffat A. F. J., Rowe J. F., Sasselov D., Weiss W. W., (2014) A stable quasi-periodic 4.18-d oscillation and mysterious occultations in the 2011 MOST light-curve of TW Hya , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 444, Issue 1, p.327-335  
Cossette J.-F., Smolarkiewicz P. K., Charbonneau P., (2014) The Monge-Ampère trajectory correction for semi-Lagrangian schemes , Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 274, p. 208-229.  
Sinclair L., Saull P., Hanna D., Seywerd H., MacLeod A., Boyle P. , (2014) Silicon Photomultiplier-Based Compton Telescope for Safety and Security (SCoTSS) , IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 61, issue 5, pp. 2745-2752  
Ingraham P., Marley M. S., Saumon D., Marois C., Macintosh B., Barman T., Bauman B., Burrows A., Chilcote J. K., De Rosa R. J., Dillon D., Doyon R., Dunn J., Erikson D., Fitzgerald M. P., Gavel D., Goodsell S. J., Graham J. R., Hartung M., Hibon P., Kalas P. G., Konopacky Q., Larkin J. A., Maire J., Marchis F., Mcbride J., Millar-Blanchaer M., Morzinski K. M., Norton A., Oppenheimer R., Palmer D. W., Patience J., Perrin M. D., Poyneer L. A., Pueyo L., Rantakyrö F., Sadakuni N., Saddlemyer L., Savransky D., Soummer R., Sivaramakrishnan A., Song I., Thomas S., Wallace J. K., Wiktorowicz S. J., Wolff S. G. , (2014) Gemini Planet Imager Spectroscopy of the HR 8799 Planets c and d , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 794, Issue 1, article id. L15, 5 pp. (2014).  
The Polarbear Collaboration: P. A. R. Ade, Akiba Y., Anthony A. E., Arnold K., Atlas M., Barron D., Boettger D., Borrill J., Chapman S., Chinone Y., Dobbs M., Elleflot T., Errard J., Fabbian G., Feng C., Flanigan D., Gilbert A., Grainger W., Halverson N. W., Hasegawa M., Hattori K., Hazumi M., Holzapfel W. L., Hori Y., Howard J., Hyland P., Inoue Y., Jaehnig G. C., Jaffe A. H., Keating B., Kermish Z., Keskitalo R., Kisner T., Le Jeune M., Lee A. T., Leitch E. M., Linder E., Lungu M., Matsuda F., Matsumura T., Meng X., Miller N. J., Morii H., Moyerman S., Myers M. J., Navaroli M., Nishino H., Orlando A., Paar H., Peloton J., Poletti D., Quealy E., Rebeiz G., Reichardt C. L., Richards P. L., Ross C., Schanning I., Schenck D. E., Sherwin B. D., Shimizu A., Shimmin C., Shimon M., Siritanasak P., Smecher G., Spieler H., Stebor N., Steinbach B., Stompor R., Suzuki A., Takakura S., Tomaru T., Wilson B., Yadav A., Zahn O., (2014) A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background B-mode Polarization Power Spectrum at Sub-degree Scales with POLARBEAR , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 794, Issue 2, article id. 171, 21 pp. (2014).  
Arzoumanian Z., Brazier A., Burke-Spolaor S., Chamberlin S. J., Chatterjee S., Cordes J. M., Demorest P. B., Deng X., Dolch T., Ellis J. A., Ferdman R. D., Garver-Daniels N., Jenet F., Jones G., Kaspi V. M., Koop M., Lam M. T., Lazio T. J. W., Lommen A. N., Lorimer D. R., Luo J., Lynch R. S., Madison D. R., McLaughlin M. A., McWilliams S. T., Nice D. J., Palliyaguru N., Pennucci T. T., Ransom S. M., Sesana A., Siemens X., Stairs I. H., Stinebring D. R., Stovall K., Swiggum J., Vallisneri M., van Haasteren R., Wang Y., Zhu W. W., NANOGrav Collaboration , (2014) Gravitational Waves from Individual Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in Circular Orbits: Limits from the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 794, Issue 2, article id. 141, 19 pp. (2014).  
McDonald M., Benson B. A., Vikhlinin A., Aird K. A., Allen S. W., Bautz M., Bayliss M., Bleem L. E., Bocquet S., Brodwin M., Carlstrom J. E., Chang C. L., Cho H. M., Clocchiatti A., Crawford T. M., Crites A. T., de Haan T., Dobbs M. A., Foley R. J., Forman W. R., George E. M., Gladders M. D., Gonzalez A. H., Halverson N. W., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Holder G. P., Holzapfel W. L., Hrubes J. D., Jones C., Keisler R., Knox L., Lee A. T., Leitch E. M., Liu J., Lueker M., Luong-van D., Mantz A., Marrone D. P., McMahon J. J., Meyer S. S., Miller E. D., Mocanu L., Mohr J. J., Murray S. S., Padin S., Pryke C., Reichardt C. L., Rest A., Ruhl J. E., Saliwanchik B. R., Saro A., Sayre J. T., Schaffer K. K., Shirokoff E., Spieler H. G., Stalder B., Stanford S. A., Staniszewski Z., Stark A. A., Story K. T., Stubbs C. W., Vanderlinde K., Vieira J. D., Williamson R., Zahn O., Zenteno A., (2014) The Redshift Evolution of the Mean Temperature, Pressure, and Entropy Profiles in 80 SPT-Selected Galaxy Clusters , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 794, Issue 1, article id. 67, 16 pp. (2014).  
Gianninas A., Dufour P., Kilic M., Brown W. R., Bergeron P., Hermes J. J., (2014) Precise Atmospheric Parameters for the Shortest-period Binary White Dwarfs: Gravitational Waves, Metals, and Pulsations , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 794, Issue 1, article id. 35, 18 pp. (2014).  
Bayliss M. B., Ashby M. L. N., Ruel J., Brodwin M., Aird K. A., Bautz M. W., Benson B. A., Bleem L. E., Bocquet S., Carlstrom J. E., Chang C. L., Cho H. M., Clocchiatti A., Crawford T. M., Crites A. T., Desai S., Dobbs M. A., Dudley J. P., Foley R. J., Forman W. R., George E. M., Gettings D., Gladders M. D., Gonzalez A. H., de Haan T., Halverson N. W., High F. W., Holder G. P., Holzapfel W. L., Hoover S., Hrubes J. D., Jones C., Joy M., Keisler R., Knox L., Lee A. T., Leitch E. M., Liu J., Lueker M., Luong-van D., Mantz A., Marrone D. P., Mawatari K., McDonald M., McMahon J. J., Mehl J., Meyer S. S., Miller E. D., Mocanu L., Mohr J. J., Montroy T. E., Murray S. S., Padin S., Plagge T., Pryke C., Reichardt C. L., Rest A., Ruhl J. E., Saliwanchik B. R., Saro A., Sayre J. T., Schaffer K. K., Shirokoff E., Song J., Stalder B., Suhada R., Spieler H. G., Stanford S. A., Staniszewski Z., Stark A. A., Story K., Stubbs C. W., van Engelen A., Vanderlinde K., Vieira J. D., Vikhlinin A., Williamson R., Zahn O., Zenteno A., (2014) SPT-CL J2040-4451: An SZ-selected Galaxy Cluster at z = 1.478 with Significant Ongoing Star Formation , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 794, Issue 1, article id. 12, 14 pp. (2014).  
An H., Madsen K. K., Reynolds S. P., Kaspi V. M., Harrison F. A., Boggs S. E., Christensen F. E., Craig W. W., Fryer C. L., Grefenstette B. W., Hailey C. J., Mori K., Stern D., Zhang W. W., (2014) High-energy X-Ray Imaging of the Pulsar Wind Nebula MSH 15-52: Constraints on Particle Acceleration and Transport , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 793, Issue 2, article id. 90, 14 pp. (2014).  
Mori K., Gotthelf E. V., Dufour F., Kaspi V. M., Halpern J. P., Beloborodov A. M., An H., Bachetti M., Boggs S. E., Christensen F. E., Craig W. W., Hailey C. J., Harrison F. A., Kouveliotou C., Pivovaroff M. J., Stern D., Zhang W. W., (2014) A Broadband X-Ray Study of the Geminga Pulsar with NuSTAR and XMM-Newton , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 793, Issue 2, article id. 88, 11 pp. (2014).  
Radigan J., Lafrenière D., Jayawardhana R., Artigau E., (2014) Strong Brightness Variations Signal Cloudy-to-clear Transition of Brown Dwarfs , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 793, Issue 2, article id. 75, 29 pp. (2014).  
Silvotti R., Charpinet S., Green E., Fontaine G., Telting J. H., Østensen R. H., van Grootel V., Baran A. S., Schuh S., Fox Machado L. , (2014) Kepler detection of a new extreme planetary system orbiting the subdwarf-B pulsator KIC 10001893 , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 570, id.A130, 6 pp.  
Grin D., Hanson D., Holder G. P., Doré O., Kamionkowski M., (2014) Baryons do trace dark matter 380,000 years after the big bang: Search for compensated isocurvature perturbations with WMAP 9-year data , Physical Review D, vol. 89, Issue 2, id. 023006  
Ransom S. M., Stairs I. H., Archibald A. M., Hessels J. W. T., Kaplan D. L., van Kerkwijk M. H., Boyles J., Deller A. T., Chatterjee S., Schechtman-Rook A., Berndsen A., Lynch R. S., Lorimer D. R., Karako-Argaman C., Kaspi V. M., Kondratiev V. I., McLaughlin M. A., van Leeuwen J., Rosen R., Roberts M. S. E., Stovall K., (2014) A millisecond pulsar in a stellar triple system , Nature, Volume 505, Issue 7484, pp. 520-524 (2014).  
Lazarus P., Tauris T. M., Knispel B., Freire P. C. C., Deneva J. S., Kaspi V. M., Allen B., Bogdanov S., Chatterjee S., Stairs I. H., Zhu W. W., (2014) Timing of a young mildly recycled pulsar with a massive white dwarf companion , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 437, Issue 2, p.1485-1494  
Marleau G.-D., Cumming A., (2014) Constraining the initial entropy of directly detected exoplanets , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 437, Issue 2, p.1378-1399  
De Rosa R. J., Patience J., Wilson P. A., Schneider A., Wiktorowicz S. J., Vigan A., Marois C., Song I., Macintosh B., Graham J. R., Doyon R., Bessell M. S., Thomas S., Lai O., (2014) The VAST Survey - III. The multiplicity of A-type stars within 75 pc , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 437, Issue 2, p.1216-1240  
Aliu E., Archambault S., Aune T., Benbow W., Berger K., Bird R., Bouvier A., Buckley J. H., Bugaev V., Byrum K., Cerruti M., Chen X., Ciupik L., Connolly M. P., Cui W., Dumm J., Errando M., Falcone A., Federici S., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fortin P., Fortson L., Furniss A., Galante N., Gillanders G. H., Griffin S., Griffiths S. T., Grube J., Gyuk G., Hanna D., Holder J., Hughes G., Humensky T. B., Kaaret P., Kertzman M., Khassen Y., Kieda D., Krennrich F., Kumar S., Lang M. J., Lyutikov M., Maier G., McArthur S., McCann A., Meagher K., Millis J., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., O'Faoláin de Bhróithe A., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Park N., Perkins J. S., Pohl M., Popkow A., Quinn J., Ragan K., Rajotte J., Reyes L. C., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Sembroski G. H., Sheidaei F., Smith A. W., Staszak D., Telezhinsky I., Theiling M., Tucci J. V., Tyler J., Varlotta A., Wakely S. P., Weekes T. C., Weinstein A., Welsing R., Williams D. A., Zajczyk A., Zitzer B., (2014) A Search for Enhanced Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from the 2013 March Crab Nebula Flare , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 781, Issue 1, article id. L11, 7 pp. (2014).  
Patruno A., Archibald A. M., Hessels J. W. T., Bogdanov S., Stappers B. W., Bassa C. G., Janssen G. H., Kaspi V. M., Tendulkar S., Lyne A. G., (2014) A New Accretion Disk around the Missing Link Binary System PSR J1023+0038 , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 781, Issue 1, article id. L3, 5 pp. (2014).  
Currie T., Daemgen S., Debes J., Lafrenière D., Itoh Y., Jayawardhana R., Ratzka T., Correia S., (2014) Direct Imaging and Spectroscopy of a Candidate Companion Below/Near the Deuterium-burning Limit in the Young Binary Star System, ROXs 42B , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 780, Issue 2, article id. L30, 6 pp. (2014).  
Aliu E., Archambault S., Aune T., Behera B., Beilicke M., Benbow W., Berger K., Bird R., Bouvier A., Buckley J. H., Bugaev V., Byrum K., Cerruti M., Chen X., Ciupik L., Connolly M. P., Cui W., Duke C., Dumm J., Errando M., Falcone A., Federici S., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fortin P., Fortson L., Furniss A., Galante N., Gillanders G. H., Griffin S., Griffiths S. T., Grube J., Gyuk G., Hanna D., Holder J., Hughes G., Humensky T. B., Kaaret P., Kertzman M., Khassen Y., Kieda D., Krawczynski H., Krennrich F., Lang M. J., Madhavan A. S., Maier G., Majumdar P., McCann A., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., Nieto D., O'Faoláin de Bhróithe A., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Park N., Perkins J. S., Pohl M., Popkow A., Prokoph H., Quinn J., Ragan K., Rajotte J., Reyes L. C., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Rousselle J., Sembroski G. H., Sheidaei F., Skole C., Smith A. W., Staszak D., Stroh M., Telezhinsky I., Theiling M., Tucci J. V., Tyler J., Varlotta A., Vincent S., Wakely S. P., Weinstein A., Welsing R., Williams D. A., Zajczyk A., Zitzer B., VERITAS Collaboration, Abramowski A., Aharonian F., Benkhali F. A., Akhperjanian A. G., Angüner E., Anton G., Balenderan S., Balzer A., Barnacka A., Becherini Y., Becker Tjus J., Bernlöhr K., Birsin E., Bissaldi E., Biteau J., Böttcher M., Boisson C., Bolmont J., Bordas P., Brucker J., Brun F., Brun P., Bulik T., Carrigan S., Casanova S., Cerruti M., Chadwick P. M., Chalme-Calvet R., Chaves R. C. G., Cheesebrough A., Chrétien M., Colafrancesco S., Cologna G., Conrad J., Couturier C., Dalton M., Daniel M. K., Davids I. D., Degrange B., Deil C., deWilt P., Dickinson H. J., Djannati-Ataï A., Domainko W., O'C. Drury L., Dubus G., Dutson K., Dyks J., Dyrda M., Edwards T., Egberts K., Eger P., Espigat P., Farnier C., Fegan S., Feinstein F., Fernandes M. V., Fernandez D., Fiasson A., Fontaine G., Förster A., Füssling M., Gajdus M., Gallant Y. A., Garrigoux T., Giavitto G., Giebels B., Glicenstein J. F., Grondin M.-H., Grudzinska M., Häffner S., Hahn J., Harris J., Heinzelmann G., Henri G., Hermann G., Hervet O., Hillert A., Hinton J. A., Hofmann W., Hofverberg P., Holler M., Horns D., Jacholkowska A., Jahn C., Jamrozy M., Janiak M., Jankowsky F., Jung I., Kastendieck M. A., Katarzynski K., Katz U., Kaufmann S., Khélifi B., Kieffer M., Klepser S., Klochkov D., Kluzniak W., Kneiske T., Kolitzus D., Komin N., Kosack K., Krakau S., Krayzel F., Krüger P. P., Laffon H., Lamanna G., Lefaucheur J., Lemière A., Lemoine-Goumard M., Lenain J.-P., Lennarz D., Lohse T., Lopatin A., Lu C.-C., Marandon V., Marcowith A., Marx R., Maurin G., Maxted N., Mayer M., McComb T. J. L., Mehault J., Menzler U., Meyer M., Moderski R., Mohamed M., Moulin E., Murach T., Naumann C. L., de Naurois M., Niemiec J., Nolan S. J., Oakes L., Ohm S., de Ona Wilhelmi E., Opitz B., Ostrowski M., Oya I., Panter M., Parsons R. D., Paz Arribas M., Pekeur N. W., Pelletier G., Perez J., Petrucci P.-O., Peyaud B., Pita S., Poon H., Pühlhofer G., Punch M., Quirrenbach A., Raab S., Raue M., Reimer A., Reimer O., Renaud M., de los Reyes R., Rieger F., Rob L., Romoli C., Rosier-Lees S., Rowell G., Rudak B., Rulten C. B., Sahakian V., Sanchez D. A., Santangelo A., Schlickeiser R., Schüssler F., Schulz A., Schwanke U., Schwarzburg S., Schwemmer S., Sol H., Spengler G., Spies F., Stawarz L., Steenkamp R., Stegmann C., Stinzing F., Stycz K., Sushch I., Szostek A., Tavernet J.-P., Tavernier T., Taylor A. M., Terrier R., Tluczykont M., Trichard C., Valerius K., van Eldik C., Vasileiadis G., Venter C., Viana A., Vincent P., Völk H. J., Volpe F., Vorster M., Wagner S. J., Wagner P., Ward M., Weidinger M., Weitzel Q., White R., Wierzcholska A., Willmann P., Wörnlein A., Wouters D., Zacharias M., Zajczyk A., Zdziarski A. A., Zech A., Zechlin H.-S., H. E. S. S. Collaboration, (2014) Long-term TeV and X-Ray Observations of the Gamma-Ray Binary HESS J0632+057 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 780, Issue 2, article id. 168, 14 pp. (2014).  
Holder G. P., (2014) The Unusual Smoothness of the Extragalactic Unresolved Radio Background , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 780, Issue 1, article id. 112, 4 pp. (2014).  
Drissen L., Rousseau-Nepton L., Lavoie S., Robert C., Martin T., Martin P., Mandar J., Grandmont F., (2014) Imaging FTS: A Different Approach to Integral Field Spectroscopy , Advances in Astronomy, vol. 2014, id.293856  
Battinelli P., Demers S., (2014 ) Miras among C stars , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 568, id.A100, 4 pp.  
Borra E. F. , (2014 ) Very long baseline interferometry and observations of gravitational lenses using intensity fluctuations: an analysis based on intensity autocorrelation , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 440, Issue 3, p.1993-1998  
Croll B., Rappaport S., DeVore J., Gilliland R. L., Crepp J. R., Howard A. W., Star K. M., Chiang E., Levine A. M., Jenkins J. M., Albert L., Bonomo A. S., Fortney J. J., Isaacson H. , (2014 ) Multiwavelength Observations of the Candidate Disintegrating Sub-Mercury KIC 12557548b , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 786, Issue 2, article id. 100, 16 pp. (2014).  
Randriamampandry T. H., Carignan C. , (2014 ) Galaxy mass models: MOND versus dark matter haloes , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 439, Issue 2, p.2132-2145  
Piñol-Ferrer N., Fathi K., Carignan C., Font J., Hernandez O., Karlsson R., van de Ven G. , (2014 ) Bar pattern speed and position of the circumnuclear ring in NGC 1097 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 438, Issue 2, p.971-982  
Hernández O. F. , (2014 ) Wouthuysen-Field absorption trough in cosmic string wakes , Physical Review D, Volume 90, Issue 12, id.123504  
Borra E. F. , (2014 ) Quantitative Evaluation of the Hypothesis that BL Lacertae Objects are QSO Remnants , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 796, Issue 1, article id. L7, 4 pp. (2014).  
Reylé C., Delorme P., Artigau E., Delfosse X., Albert L., Forveille T., Rajpurohit A. S., Allard F., Homeier D., Robin A. C. , (2014 ) CFBDS J111807-064016: A new L/T transition brown dwarf in a binary system , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 561, id.A66, 8 pp.  

Conference proceedings 2014

Chilcote J., Graham J., Barman T., Fitzgerald M., Larkin J., Macintosh B., Bauman B., Burrows A., Cardwell A., De Rosa R., Dillon D., Doyon R., Dunn J., Erikson D., Gavel D., Goodsell S., Hartung M., Hibon P., Ingraham P., Kalas P., Konopacky Q., Maire J., Marchis F., Marley M., Mcbride J., Millar-Blanchaer M., Morzinski K., Norton A., Oppenheimer B., Palmer D., Patience J., Pueyo L., Rantakyro F., Sadakuni N., Saddlemyer L., Savransky D., Serio A., Soummer R., Sivaramakrishnan A., Song I., Thomas S., Wallace K., Wiktorowicz S., Wolff S. , Marchis, F., Marley, M., Mcbride, J., Millar-Blanchaer, M., Morzinski, K., Norton, A., Oppenheimer, B., Palmer, D., Patience, J., Pueyo, L., Rantakyro, F., Sadakuni, N., Saddlemyer, L., Savransky, D., Serio, A., Soummer, R., Sivaramakrishnan, A., Song, I., Thomas, S., Wallace, K., Wiktorowicz, S., and Wolff, S., (2014) Observations of Beta Pictoris b with the Gemini Planet Imager , Proceedings of the conference Thirty years of beta Pic and debris disks studies. Held at Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - France, on September 8 - 12, 2014. Edited by Anne-Marie Lagrange & Anthony Boccaletti.  
Thibault S., Dallaire X., Xavier , (2014) Tolerances in panoramic lenses , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9195, id. 919508 8 pp. (2014).  
Thibault S., Parent J., Zhang H., Du X., Roulet P. , Hu, Du, Xiaojun, and Roulet, Patrice , (2014) Consumer electronic optics: how small can a lens be: the case of panomorph lenses , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9192, id. 91920H 7 pp. (2014).  
Poulin-Girard A.-S., Dallaire X., Veillette A., Thibault S., Laurendeau D. , A., Thibault, S., and Laurendeau, D., (2014) Study of camera calibration process with ray tracing , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9192, id. 91920B 6 pp. (2014).  
Johnson R. B., Mahajan V. N., Thibault S., Virendra N., and Thibault, Simon, (2014) Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering XV , Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering XV. Edited by R. Barry Johnson, Virendra N. Mahajan, Simon Thibault. ISBN: 9781628412192, SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 9192  
Degenaar N., Reynolds M., Miller J., Kennea J., Wijnands R., Haggard D. , (2014) No sustained enhancement of the X-ray emission at the Galactic center , The Astronomer's Telegram, No.6458  
Corcoran M. F., Liburd J., Hamaguchi K., Gull T., Madura T., Teodoro M., Moffat A. F. J., Richardson N., Russell C. , Pollock A., Owocki S., Mairan, Moffat, Anthony, Richardson, Noel, Russell, Chris, Pollock, Andrew, and Owocki, Stan , (2014) eta Carinae Emerging from the X-ray Minimum , The Astronomer's Telegram, No.6453  
Inoue Y., Stebor N., Ade P. A. R., Akiba Y., Arnold K., Anthony A. E., Atlas M., Barron D., Bender A., Boettger D., Borrilll J., Chapman S., Chinone Y., Cukierman A., Dobbs M., Elleflot T., Errard J., Fabbian G., Feng C., Gilbert A., Halverson N. W., Hasegawa M., Hattori K., Hazumi M., Holzapfel W. L., Hori Y., Jaehnig G. C., Jaffe A. H., Katayama N., Keating B., Kermish Z., Keskitalo R., Kisner T., Le Jeune M., Lee A. T., Leitch E. M., Linder E., Matsuda F., Matsumura T., Meng X., Morii H., Myers M. J., Navaroli M., Nishino H., Okamura T., Paar H., Peloton J., Poletti D., Rebeiz G., Reichardt C. L., Richards P. L., Ross C., Schenck D. E., Sherwin B. D., Siritanasak P., Smecher G., Sholl M., Steinbach B., Stompor R., Suzuki A., Suzuki J., Takada S., Takakura S., Tomaru T., Wilson B., Yadav A., Yamaguchi H., Zahn O., Lee, A. T., Leitch, E. M., Linder, E., Matsuda, F., Matsumura, T., Meng, X., Morii, H., Myers, M. J., Navaroli, M., Nishino, H., Okamura, T., Paar, H., Peloton, J., Poletti, D., Rebeiz, G., Reichardt, C. L., Richards, P. L., Ross, C., Schenck, D. E., Sherwin, B. D., Siritanasak, P., Smecher, G., Sholl, M., Steinbach, B., Stompor, R., Suzuki, A., Suzuki, J., Takada, S., Takakura, S., Tomaru, T., Wilson, B., Yadav, A., Yamaguchi, H., and Zahn, O., (2014) Thermal and optical characterization for POLARBEAR-2 optical system , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9153, id. 91533A 9 pp. (2014).  
Arnold K., Stebor N., Ade P. A. R., Akiba Y., Anthony A. E., Atlas M., Barron D., Bender A., Boettger D., Borrill J., Chapman S., Chinone Y., Cukierman A., Dobbs M., Elleflot T., Errard J., Fabbian G., Feng C., Gilbert A., Goeckner-Wald N., Halverson N. W., Hasegawa M., Hattori K., Hazumi M., Holzapfel W. L., Hori Y., Inoue Y., Jaehnig G. C., Jaffe A. H., Katayama N., Keating B., Kermish Z., Keskitalo R., Kisner T., Le Jeune M., Lee A. T., Leitch E. M., Linder E., Matsuda F., Matsumura T., Meng X., Miller N. J., Morii H., Myers M. J., Navaroli M., Nishino H., Okamura T., Paar H., Peloton J., Poletti D., Raum C., Rebeiz G., Reichardt C. L., Richards P. L., Ross C., Rotermund K. M., Schenck D. E., Sherwin B. D., Shirley I., Sholl M., Siritanasak P., Smecher G., Steinbach B., Stompor R., Suzuki A., Suzuki J., Takada S., Takakura S., Tomaru T., Wilson B., Yadav A., Zahn O., Leitch, E. M., Linder, E., Matsuda, F., Matsumura, T., Meng, X., Miller, N. J., Morii, H., Myers, M. J., Navaroli, M., Nishino, H., Okamura, T., Paar, H., Peloton, J., Poletti, D., Raum, C., Rebeiz, G., Reichardt, C. L., Richards, P. L., Ross, C., Rotermund, K. M., Schenck, D. E., Sherwin, B. D., Shirley, I., Sholl, M., Siritanasak, P., Smecher, G., Steinbach, B., Stompor, R., Suzuki, A., Suzuki, J., Takada, S., Takakura, S., Tomaru, T., Wilson, B., Yadav, A., and Zahn, O., (2014) The Simons Array: expanding POLARBEAR to three multi-chroic telescopes , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9153, id. 91531F 8 pp. (2014).  
Hattori K., Akiba Y., Arnold K., Barron D., Bender A., Dobbs M. A., de Haan T., Harrington N., Hasegawa M., Hazumi M., Holzapfel W. L., Hori Y., Keating B. G., Lee A. T., Montgomery J., Morii H., Myers M. J., Rotermund K., Shirley I., Smecher G. M., Stebor N., Suzuki A., Tomaru T., Yasuto, Keating, Brian G., Lee, Adrian T., Montgomery, Joshua, Morii, Hideki, Myers, Michael J., Rotermund, Kaja, Shirley, Ian, Smecher, Graeme M., Stebor, Nathan, Suzuki, Aritoki, and Tomaru, Takayuki , (2014) Optimization of cold resonant filters for frequency domain multiplexed readout of POLARBEAR-2 , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9153, id. 91531B 9 pp. (2014).  
Deschênes W., Brousseau D., Lavigne J.-F., Thibault S., Veran J.-P., Jean-Francois, Thibault, Simon, and Véran, Jean-Pierre , (2014) The focal plane adaptive optics test box of the Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9148, id. 91485F 6 pp. (2014).  
Chun M. R., Lai O., Toomey D., Lu J. R., Baranec C., Thibault S., Brousseau D., Zhang H., Hayano Y., Oya S. , Thibault, Simon, Brousseau, Denis, Zhang, Hu, Hayano, Yutaka, and Oya, Shin , (2014) `imaka: a path-finder ground-layer adaptive optics system for the University of Hawaii 2.2-meter telescope on Maunakea , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9148, id. 91481K 8 pp. (2014).  
Macintosh B. A., Anthony A., Atwood J., Bauman B., Cardwell A., Caputa K., Chilcote J., De Rosa R. J., Dillon D., Doyon R., Dunn J., Erickson D., Fitzgerald M. P., Gavel D. T., Galvez R., Goodsell S., Graham J., Greenbaum A. Z., Hartung M., Hibon P., Ingraham P., Kerley D., Konopacky Q., Labrie K., Larkin J., Maire J., Marchis F., Marois C., Millar-Blanchaer M., Morzinski K., Nunez A., Oppenheimer R., Palmer D., Pazder J., Perrin M., Poyneer L. A., Pueyo L., Quiroz C., Rantakyro F., Reshetov V., Saddlemyer L., Sadakuni N., Savransky D., Serio A., Sivaramakrishnan A., Smith M., Soummer R., Thomas S., Wallace J. K., Wang J., Weiss J., Wiktorowicz S., Wolff S. G. , Soummer, Remi, Thomas, Sandrine, Wallace, J. K., Wang, (2014) The Gemini planet imager: first light and commissioning , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9148, id. 91480J 14 pp. (2014).  
Cote P., Leclerc M., Demers M., Bastien P., Hernandez O., Mathieu, Bastien, Pierre, and Hernandez, Olivier, (2014) POMM: design of rotating mechanism and hexapod structure , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9147, id. 91472Q 9 pp. (2014).  
Leclerc M. R., Cote P., Duchesne F., Bastien P., Hernandez O., Colonna d'Istria P., Demers M., Girard M., Savard M., Lemieux D., Thibault S., Brousseau D., Demers, Mathieu, Girard, Marc, Savard, Maxime, Lemieux, Dany, Thibault, Simon, and Brousseau, Denis, (2014) Optical, mechanical and electronic design and integration of POMM, a polarimeter for the Observatoire du mont Mégantic , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9147, id. 91472D 11 pp. (2014).  
Artigau E., Sivaramakrishnan A., Greenbaum A. Z., Doyon R., Goudfrooij P., Fullerton A. W., Lafrenière D., Volk K., Albert L., Martel A., Ford K. E. S., McKernan B. L. , Lafrenière, David, Volk, Kevin, Albert, Loïc., Martel, André, Ford, K. E. Saavik, and McKernan, Barry L. , (2014) NIRISS aperture masking interferometry: an overview of science opportunities , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9143, id. 914340 10 pp. (2014).  
Matsumura T., Akiba Y., Borrill J., Chinone Y., Dobbs M., Fuke H., Hasegawa M., Hattori K., Hattori M., Hazumi M., Holzapfel W., Hori Y., Inatani J., Inoue M., Inoue Y., Ishidoshiro K., Ishino H., Ishitsuka H., Karatsu K., Kashima S., Katayama N., Kawano I., Kibayashi A., Kibe Y., Kimura K., Kimura N., Komatsu E., Kozu M., Koga K., Lee A., Matsuhara H., Mima S., Mitsuda K., Demers S., Morii H., Morishima T., Nagai M., Nagata R., Nakamura S., Naruse M., Namikawa T., Natsume K., Nishibori T., Nishijo K., Nishino H., Noda A., Noguchi T., Ogawa H., Oguri S., Ohta I. S., Okada N., Otani C., Richards P., Sakai S., Sato N., Sato Y., Segawa Y., Sekimoto Y., Shinozaki K., Sugita H., Suzuki A., Suzuki T., Tajima O., Takada S., Takakura S., Takei Y., Tomaru T., Uzawa Y., Wada T., Watanabe H., Yamada Y., Yamaguchi H., Yamasaki N., Yoshida M., Yoshida T., Yotsumoto K., Nakamura, S., Naruse, M., Namikawa, T., Natsume, K., Nishibori, T., Nishijo, K., Nishino, H., Noda, A., Noguchi, T., Ogawa, H., Oguri, S., Ohta, I. S., Okada, N., Otani, C., Richards, P., Sakai, S., Sato, N., Sato, Y., Segawa, Y., Sekimoto, Y., Shinozaki, K., Sugita, H., Suzuki, A., Suzuki, T., Tajima, O., Takada, S., Takakura, S., Takei, Y., Tomaru, T., Uzawa, Y., Wada, T., Watanabe, H., Yamada, Y., Yamaguchi, H., Yamasaki, N., Yoshida, M., Yoshida, T., and Yotsumoto, K., (2014) LiteBIRD: mission overview and design tradeoffs , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9143, id. 91431F 8 pp. (2014).  
Gourgouliatos K. N., Cumming A., A., (2014) Hall Effect in Neutron Star Crusts , Magnetic Fields throughout Stellar Evolution, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 302, pp. 415-418  
Tendulkar S. P., Yang C., An H., Kaspi V. M., Archibald A. M, Bassa C., Bellm E., Bogdanov S., Harrison F., Hessels J., Janssen G. H, Lyne A. G, Patruno A., Stappers B., Stern D., Tomsick J., Boggs S. E., Chakrabarty D., Christensen F., Craig W. W., Hailey C. J., Zhang W., Lyne, Andrew G, Patruno, Alessandro, Stappers, Benjamin, Stern, Daniel, Tomsick, John, Boggs, Steven E., Chakrabarty, Deepto, Christensen, Finn, Craig, William W., Hailey, Charles James, and Zhang, William, (2014) NuSTAR Observations of the State Transition of Millisecond Pulsar Binary PSR J1023+0038 , American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #14, id.122.23  
Guillot S., Servillat M., Webb N., Rutledge R. E., Webb, Natalie, and Rutledge, Robert E. , (2014) Measuring the neutron star radius to constrain the dense-matter equation of state. , American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #14, id.122.01  
Haggard D. , Rea N., Coti Zelati F., Heinke C. O., Koch E., Bahramian A., Mori K., Degenaar N., Ponti G., Baganoff F. K., Bahramian, Arash, Mori, Kaya, Degenaar, Nathalie, Ponti, Gabriele, and Baganoff, Frederick K. , (2014) New and Recurring Galactic Center X-ray Transients from Chandra, Swift, and XMM , American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #14, id.118.02  
Yusef-Zadeh F., Bushouse H. A., Cotton W. D., Grosso N., Haggard D. , Heinke C. O., Mossoux E., Porquet D., Roberts D. A., Wardle M. , Heinke, Craig O., Mossoux , E., Porquet, D., Roberts, Douglas A., and Wardle, M., (2014) Flaring Activity of Sgr A* During the Passage of the G2 Cloud , American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #14, id.118.01  
Vogel J. K., Hascoët R., Kaspi V. M., An H., Archibald R. F., Beloborodov A. M, Boggs S. E., Christensen F., Craig W. W., Gotthelf E. V., Grefenstette B., Hailey C. J., Harrison F., Kennea J. A., Madsen K., Pivovaroff M., Stern D., Zhang W., Gotthelf, Eric V., Grefenstette, Brian, Hailey, Charles James, Harrison, Fiona, Kennea, Jamie A., Madsen, Kristin, Pivovaroff, Michael, Stern, Daniel, and Zhang, William, (2014) Observations of the Magnetar 1E 2259+586 with NuSTAR , American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #14, id.117.04  
Ferdman R., Kaspi V. M., Archibald R. F., Victoria M., and Archibald, Robert Frederic, (2014) Revisiting the Magnetic and Spin Evolution of Two Young X-ray Pulsars , American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #14, id.114.04  
Tendulkar S. P., Yang C., Kaspi V. M., Hascoët R., Beloborodov A. M, Victoria M., Hascoet, Romain, and Beloborodov, Andrei M, (2014) Phase Resolved Observations of Magnetar 4U 0142+61 with NuSTAR , American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #14, id.114.02  
Roebber E., Holder G. P., Holz D. , Gilbert P., and Holz, Daniel, (2014) A Numerical Calculation of the Gravitational Wave Signal in the Low Frequency Regime Produced by Binary Supermassive Black Holes , American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #14, id.113.05  
Haggard D. , Baganoff F. K., Ponti G., Heinke C. O., Rea N., Neilsen J., Nowak M., Markoff S., Yusef-Zadeh F., Roberts D. A., Brinkerink C., Law C. J., Cotton W. D., Gillessen S., Schulz N. S., Connors R. , Yusef-Zadeh, Farhad, Roberts, Douglas A., Brinkerink, Christaan, Law, Casey J., Cotton, William D., Gillessen, Stefan, Schulz, Norbert S., and Connors, Riley , (2014) Update on the Sgr A*/G2 Collison from Chandra and VLA , American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #14, id.100.04  
Neilsen J., Nowak M., Gammie C. F., Dexter J., Markoff S., Haggard D. , Nayakshin S., Wang Q. D., Grosso N., Porquet D., Tomsick J., Degenaar N., Fragile P. C., Houck J. C., Wijnands R., Miller J. M., Baganoff F. K., N., Porquet, D., Tomsick, John, Degenaar, Nathalie, Fragile, P. Christopher, Houck, John C., Wijnands, Rudy, Miller, Jon M., and Baganoff, Frederick K. , (2014) The 3 Megasecond Chandra Campaign on Sgr A*: A Census of X-ray Flaring Activity from the Galactic Center , American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #14, id.100.03  
Corcoran M. F., Liburd J., Hamaguchi K., Gull T., Madura T., Teodoro M., Moffat A. F. J., Richardson N., Russell C. , Pollock A., Owocki S., Mairan, Moffat, Anthony, Richardson, Noel, Russell, Chris, Pollock, Andrew, and Owocki, Stan , (2014) Start of Eta Car's X-ray Minimum , The Astronomer's Telegram, No.6357  
Bogdanov S., Archibald A. M, Bassa C., Patruno A., Janssen G. H, Kaspi V. M., Stappers B., Tendulkar S. P., Hessels J., Gemma H, Kaspi, Victoria M., Stappers, Benjamin, Tendulkar, Shriharsh P., and Hessels, Jason, (2014) Deep XMM-Newton Observations of the "Missing Link" Binary PSR J1023+0038 in an Accreting State , American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #14, id.122.16  
Rowlands N., Warner G., Albert L., Hardy T., Pipher J., Hutchings J., Doyon R., Tim, Pipher, Judith, Hutchings, John, and Doyon, Rene , (2014) Asymmetry in the noise equivalent angle performance of the JWST fine guidance sensor , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9154, id. 91540L 15 pp. (2014).  
Daigle O., Djazovski O., Dupuis J., Doyon R., Artigau E., Jean, Doyon, René, and Artigau, Étienne, (2014) Astronomical imaging with EMCCDs using long exposures , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9154, id. 91540D 8 pp. (2014).  
Daigle O., Djazovski O., Francoeur M., Laurin D. G., Doyon R., Myriam, Laurin, Denis G., and Doyon, René, (2014) EMCCDs: 10 MHz and beyond , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9154, id. 91540B 12 pp. (2014).  
Barron D., Ade P. A. R., Akiba Y., Aleman C., Arnold K., Atlas M., Bender A., Borrill J., Chapman S., Chinone Y., Cukierman A., Dobbs M., Elleflot T., Errard J., Fabbian G., Feng G., Gilbert A., Halverson N. W., Hasegawa M., Hattori K., Hazumi M., Holzapfel W. L., Hori Y., Inoue Y., Jaehnig G. C., Katayama N., Keating B., Kermish Z., Keskitalo R., Kisner T., Le Jeune M., Lee A. T., Matsuda F., Matsumura T., Morii H., Myers M. J., Navroli M., Nishino H., Okamura T., Peloton J., Rebeiz G., Reichardt C. L., Richards P. L., Ross C., Sholl M., Siritanasak P., Smecher G., Stebor N., Steinbach B., Stompor R., Suzuki A., Suzuki J., Takada S., Takakura T., Tomaru T., Wilson B., Yamaguchi H., Zahn O., Kisner, T., Le Jeune, M., Lee, A. T., Matsuda, F., Matsumura, T., Morii, H., Myers, M. J., Navroli, M., Nishino, H., Okamura, T., Peloton, J., Rebeiz, G., Reichardt, C. L., Richards, P. L., Ross, C., Sholl, M., Siritanasak, P., Smecher, G., Stebor, N., Steinbach, B., Stompor, R., Suzuki, A., Suzuki, J., Takada, S., Takakura, T., Tomaru, T., Wilson, B., Yamaguchi, H., and Zahn, O., (2014) Development and characterization of the readout system for POLARBEAR-2 , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9153, id. 915335 8 pp. (2014).  
Benson B. A., Ade P. A. R., Ahmed Z., Allen S. W., Arnold K., Austermann J. E., Bender A. N., Bleem L. E., Carlstrom J. E., Chang C. L., Cho H. M., Cliche J. F., Crawford T. M., Cukierman A., de Haan T., Dobbs M. A., Dutcher D., Everett W., Gilbert A., Halverson N. W., Hanson D., Harrington N. L., Hattori K., Henning J. W., Hilton G. C., Holder G. P., Holzapfel W. L., Irwin K. D., Keisler R., Knox L., Kubik D., Kuo C. L., Lee A. T., Leitch E. M., Li D., McDonald M., Meyer S. S., Montgomery J., Myers M., Natoli T., Nguyen H., Novosad V., Padin S., Pan Z., Pearson J., Reichardt C., Ruhl J. E., Saliwanchik B. R., Simard G., Smecher G., Sayre J. T., Shirokoff E., Stark A. A., Story K., Suzuki A., Thompson K. L., Tucker C., Vanderlinde K., Vieira J. D., Vikhlinin A., Wang G., Yefremenko V., Yoon K. W., C. L., Lee, A. T., Leitch, E. M., Li, D., McDonald, M., Meyer, S. S., Montgomery, J., Myers, M., Natoli, T., Nguyen, H., Novosad, V., Padin, S., Pan, Z., Pearson, J., Reichardt, C., Ruhl, J. E., Saliwanchik, B. R., Simard, G., Smecher, G., Sayre, J. T., Shirokoff, E., Stark, A. A., Story, K., Suzuki, A., Thompson, K. L., Tucker, C., Vanderlinde, K., Vieira, J. D., Vikhlinin, A., Wang, G., Yefremenko, V., and Yoon, K. W. , (2014) SPT-3G: a next-generation cosmic microwave background polarization experiment on the South Pole telescope , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9153, id. 91531P 21 pp. (2014).  
Bender A. N., Cliche J.-F., de Haan T., Dobbs M. A., Gilbert A. J., Montgomery J., Rowlands N., Smecher G. M., Smith K., Wilson A., Montgomery, Joshua, Rowlands, Neil, Smecher, Graeme M., Smith, Ken, and Wilson, Andrew, (2014) Digital frequency domain multiplexing readout electronics for the next generation of millimeter telescopes , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9153, id. 91531A 15 pp. (2014).  
MacDermid K., Aboobaker A. M., Ade P., Aubin F., Baccigalupi C., Bandura K., Bao C., Borrill J., Chapman D., Didier J., Dobbs M., Grain J., Grainger W., Hanany S., Helson K., Hillbrand S., Hilton G., Hubmayr H., Irwin K., Johnson B., Jaffe A., Jones T., Kisner T., Klein J., Korotkov A., Lee A., Levinson L., Limon M., Miller A., Milligan M., Pascale E., Raach K., Reichborn-Kjennerud B., Reintsema C., Sagiv I., Smecher G., Stompor R., Tristram M., Tucker G., Westbrook B., Zilic K., Andrew, Jones, Terry, Kisner, Ted, Klein, Jeff, Korotkov, Andrei, Lee, Adrian, Levinson, Lorne, Limon, Michele, Miller, Amber, Milligan, Michael, Pascale, Enzo, Raach, Katherine, Reichborn-Kjennerud, Britt, Reintsema, Carl, Sagiv, Ilan, Smecher, Graeme, Stompor, Radek, Tristram, Matthieu, Tucker, Greg, Westbrook, Ben, and Zilic, Kyle, (2014) The performance of the bolometer array and readout system during the 2012/2013 flight of the E and B experiment (EBEX) , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9153, id. 915311 15 pp. (2014).  
Kuzmenko P. J., Little S. L., Albert L., Aldridge D. A., Doyon R., Maszkiewicz M., Touahri D., David A., Doyon, René, Maszkiewicz, Michael, and Touahri, Driss , (2014) Diamond machining of ZnSe grisms for the Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS) onboard JWST , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9151, id. 915159 14 pp. (2014).  
Albert L., Doyon R., Kuzmenko P. J., Little S. L., Enzor G. S., Maszkiewicz M., Little, Steve L., Enzor, Greg S., and Maszkiewicz, Michael, (2014) Space qualification of an antireflection coating on the surface of a ruled grating prism: increasing the throughput of the single-object slitless spectroscopy mode of NIRISS onboard JWST , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9151, id. 915158 8 pp. (2014).  
Artigau E., Astudillo-Defru N., Delfosse X., Bouchy F., Bonfils X., Lovis C., Pepe F., Moutou C., Donati J.-F., Doyon R., Malo L., Christophe, Pepe, Francesco, Moutou, Claire, Donati, Jean-François, Doyon, René, and Malo, Lison , (2014) Telluric-line subtraction in high-accuracy velocimetry: a PCA-based approach , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9149, id. 914905 11 pp. (2014).  
Maire J., Ingraham P. J., De Rosa R. J., Perrin M. D., Rajan A., Savransky D., Wang J. J., Ruffio J.-B., Wolff S. G. , Chilcote J. K., Doyon R., Graham J. R., Greenbaum A. Z., Konopacky Q. M., Larkin J. E., Macintosh B. A., Marois C., Millar-Blanchaer M., Patience J., Pueyo L. A., Sivaramakrishnan A., Thomas S. J., Weiss J. L., James R., Greenbaum, Alexandra Z., Konopacky, Quinn M., Larkin, James E., Macintosh, Bruce A., Marois, Christian, Millar-Blanchaer, Max, Patience, Jennifer, Pueyo, Laurent A., Sivaramakrishnan, Anand, Thomas, Sandrine J., and Weiss, Jason L. , (2014) Gemini planet imager observational calibrations VI: photometric and spectroscopic calibration for the integral field spectrograph , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9147, id. 914785 15 pp. (2014).  
Brousseau D., Thibault S., Fortin-Boivin S., Zhang H., Vallee P., Auger H., Drissen L., Hu, Vallée, Philippe, Auger, Hugues, and Drissen, Laurent, (2014) SITELLE optical design, assembly, and testing , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9147, id. 91473Z 7 pp. (2014).  
Perrin M. D., Maire J., Ingraham P., Savransky D., Millar-Blanchaer M., Wolff S. G. , Ruffio J.-B., Wang J. J., Draper Z. H., Sadakuni N., Marois C., Rajan A., Fitzgerald M. P., Macintosh B., Graham J. R., Doyon R., Larkin J. E., Chilcote J. K., Goodsell S. J., Palmer D. W., Labrie K., Beaulieu M., De Rosa R. J., Greenbaum A. Z., Hartung M., Hibon P., Konopacky Q., Lafrenière D., Lavigne J.-F., Marchis F., Patience J., Pueyo L., Rantakyrö F. T., Soummer R., Sivaramakrishnan A., Thomas S., Ward-Duong K., Wiktorowicz S., Palmer, David W., Labrie, Kathleen, Beaulieu, Mathilde, De Rosa, Robert J., Greenbaum, Alexandra Z., Hartung, Markus, Hibon, Pascale, Konopacky, Quinn, Lafreniere, David, Lavigne, Jean-Francois, Marchis, Franck, Patience, Jenny, Pueyo, Laurent, Rantakyrö, Fredrik T., Soummer, Rémi, Sivaramakrishnan, Anand, Thomas, Sandrine, Ward-Duong, Kimberly, and Wiktorowicz, Sloane, (2014) Gemini Planet Imager observational calibrations I: Overview of the GPI data reduction pipeline , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9147, id. 91473J 13 pp. (2014).  
Bastien P., Hernandez O., Albert L., Artigau E., Doyon R., Drissen L., Lafrenière D., Moffat A. F. J., St-Louis N., René, Drissen, Laurent, Lafrenière, David, Moffat, Antony F. J., and St-Louis, Nicole , (2014) High-precision polarimetry at the Mont-Mégantic Observatory with the new polarimeter POMM , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9147, id. 91471S 9 pp. (2014).  
Larkin J. E., Chilcote J. K., Aliado T., Bauman B. J., Brims G., Canfield J. M., Cardwell A., Dillon D., Doyon R., Dunn J., Fitzgerald M. P., Graham J. R., Goodsell S., Hartung M., Hibon P., Ingraham P., Johnson C. A., Kress E., Konopacky Q. M., Macintosh B. A., Magnone K. G., Maire J., Mclean I. S., Palmer D., Perrin M. D., Quiroz C., Rantakyrö F., Sadakuni N., Saddlemyer L., Serio A., Thibault S., Thomas S. J., Vallee P., Weiss J. L., Kress, Evan, Konopacky, Quinn M., Macintosh, Bruce A., Magnone, Kenneth G., Maire, Jerome, McLean, Ian S., Palmer, David, Perrin, Marshall D., Quiroz, Carlos, Rantakyrö, Fredrik, Sadakuni, Naru, Saddlemyer, Leslie, Serio, Andrew, Thibault, Simon, Thomas, Sandrine J., Vallee, Philippe, and Weiss, Jason L. , (2014) The integral field spectrograph for the Gemini planet imager , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9147, id. 91471K 13 pp. (2014).  
Artigau E., Kouach D., Donati J.-F., Doyon R., Delfosse X., Baratchart S., Lacombe M., Moutou C., Rabou P., Parès L. P., Micheau Y., Thibault S., Reshetov V. A., Dubois B., Hernandez O., Vallee P., Wang S.-Y., Dolon F., Pepe F. A., Bouchy F., Striebig N., Hénault F., Loop D., Saddlemyer L., Barrick G., Vermeulen T., Dupieux M., Hébrard G., Boisse I., Martioli E., Alencar S. H. P., do Nascimento J.-D., Figueira P., Shiang-Yu, Dolon, François, Pepe, Francesco A., Bouchy, François, Striebig, Nicolas, Hénault, François, Loop, David, Saddlemyer, Leslie, Barrick, Gregory, Vermeulen, Tom, Dupieux, Michel, Hébrard, Guillaume, Boisse, Isabelle, Martioli, Eder, Alencar, Silvia H. P., do Nascimento, José-Diaz, and Figueira, Pedro , (2014) SPIRou: the near-infrared spectropolarimeter/high-precision velocimeter for the Canada-France-Hawaii telescope , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9147, id. 914715 13 pp. (2014).  
Richardson N. D., Moffat A. F. J., Maltais-Tariant R., Pablo H., Gies D. R., St-Louis N., Schaefer G., Miroshnichenko A. S., Farrington C., Aldoretta E. J., Artigau E., Boyajian T., Gordon K., Goldfinger P. J., Jones J., Matson R., McAlister H. A., O'Brien D., Raghavan D., Ramiaramanantsoa T., Ridgway S. T., Scott N., Sturmann J., Sturmann L., ten Brummelaar T., Thomas J. D., Turner N., Vargas N., Zharikov S. , Jeremy, Matson, Rachel, McAlister, Harold A., O'Brien, David, Raghavan, Deepak, Ramiaramanantsoa, Tahina, Ridgway, Stephen T., Scott, Nic, Sturmann, Judit, Sturmann, Laszlo, ten Brummelaar, Theo, Thomas, Joshua D., Turner, Nils, Vargas, Norm, and Zharikov, Sergey , (2014) MWC 314: binary results from optical interferometry compared with spectroscopy and photometry , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9146, id. 91460G 12 pp. (2014).  
Newburgh L. B., Addison G. E., Amiri M., Bandura K., Bond J. R., Connor L., Cliche J.-F., Davis G., Deng M., Denman N., Dobbs M., Fandino M., Fong H., Gibbs K., Gilbert A., Griffin E., Halpern M., Hanna D., Hincks A. D., Hinshaw G., Höfer C., Klages P., Landecker T., Masui K., Parra J. M., Pen U.-L., Peterson J., Recnik A., Shaw J. R., Sigurdson K., Sitwell M., Smecher G., Smegal R., Vanderlinde K., Wiebe D. , David, Hincks, Adam D., Hinshaw, Gary, Höfer, Carolin, Klages, Peter, Landecker, Tom, Masui, Kiyoshi, Parra, Juan Mena, Pen, Ue-Li, Peterson, Jeff, Recnik, Andre, Shaw, J. Richard, Sigurdson, Kris, Sitwell, Micheal, Smecher, Graeme, Smegal, Rick, Vanderlinde, Keith, and Wiebe, Don , (2014) Calibrating CHIME: a new radio interferometer to probe dark energy , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9145, id. 91454V 18 pp. (2014).  
Bandura K., Addison G. E., Amiri M., Bond J. R., Campbell-Wilson D., Connor L., Cliche J.-F., Davis G., Deng M., Denman N., Dobbs M., Fandino M., Gibbs K., Gilbert A., Halpern M., Hanna D., Hincks A. D., Hinshaw G., Höfer C., Klages P., Landecker T. L., Masui K., Mena Parra J., Newburgh L. B., Pen U.-L., Peterson J. B., Recnik A., Shaw J. R., Sigurdson K., Sitwell M., Smecher G., Smegal R., Vanderlinde K., Wiebe D. , Hinshaw, Gary, Höfer, Carolin, Klages, Peter, Landecker, Tom L., Masui, Kiyoshi, Mena Parra, Juan, Newburgh, Laura B., Pen, Ue-Li, Peterson, Jeffrey B., Recnik, Andre, Shaw, J. Richard, Sigurdson, Kris, Sitwell, Mike, Smecher, Graeme, Smegal, Rick, Vanderlinde, Keith, and Wiebe, Don , (2014) Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) pathfinder , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9145, id. 914522 20 pp. (2014).  
Liburd J., Corcoran M. F., Hamaguchi K., Gull T., Madura T., Teodoro M., Moffat A. F. J., Richardson N., Russell C. , Pollock A., Owocki S., Mairan, Moffat, Anthony, Richardson, Noel, Russell, Chris, Pollock, Andrew, and Owocki, Stan , (2014) Decline of the 2-10 keV Emission from Eta Carinae , The Astronomer's Telegram, No.6338  
Richardson N. D., St-Jean L., Gull T., Madura T., Hillier D. J., Teodoro M., Moffat A. F. J., Corcoran M., Damineli A., (2014) Detection of High Velocity Absorption Components in the He I lines of eta Carinae near the time of Periastron , The Astronomer's Telegram, No.6336  
Corcoran M. F., Liburd J., Hamaguchi K., Gull T., Madura T., Teodoro M., Moffat A. F. J., Russell C. , Pollock A., Owocki S., (2014) Recent X-ray Activity of Eta Car as Seen by the Swift/XRT , The Astronomer's Telegram, No.6298  
Henleywillis S., Cool A., Haggard D. , Heinke C., Callanan P. , D., Heinke, C., and Callanan, P., (2014) A Deep Census of Low-Luminosity X-ray Sources in Globular Cluster w Cen , The X-ray Universe 2014, edited by Jan-Uwe Ness. Online at http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/xmm-newton/2014-symposium/, id.256  
Limoges M.-M., Lépine S., Bergeron P., (2014) VizieR Online Data Catalog: Astrometry and photometry of nearby white dwarfs (Limoges+, 2013) , VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/AJ/145/136. Originally published in: 2013AJ....145..136L  
Olausen S. A., Kaspi V. M., V. M. , (2014) VizieR Online Data Catalog: The McGill magnetar catalog (Olausen+, 2014) , VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/ApJS/212/6. Originally published in: 2014ApJS..212....6O  
Haggard D. , Baganoff F. K., Rea N., Zelati F. C., Ponti G., Heinke C., Campana S., Israel G. L., Yusef-Zadeh F., Roberts D. , (2014) 2014 Chandra X-ray Monitoring of Sgr A*/G2 and SGR J1745-29 , The Astronomer's Telegram, No.6242  
Albert J., Brown Y., Stubbs C., Thanjavur K., Bhatnagar D., Kovacs J. P., Thomas R., Cramer C., Vanderlinde K., Dobbs M., Gaertner A. , (2014) ALTAIR: Precision Photometric Calibration via Low-Cost Artificial Light Sources Above the Atmosphere , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #224, id.405.01  
Yusef-Zadeh F., Wardle M. , Roberts D. A, Haggard D. , Lacy J. H., Royster M., Cotton W. D., Daryl , Lacy, John H., Royster, Marc, and Cotton, William D., (2014) Winds from the S-Star Cluster Reduce the Accretion Rate onto Sgr A* , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #224, id.213.01  
Neilsen J., Nowak M. A., Gammie C., Dexter J., Markoff S., Haggard D. , Nayakshin S., Wang Q. D., Grosso N., Porquet D., Tomsick J. A., Degenaar N., Fragile P. C., Houck J. C., Wijnands R., Miller J. M., Baganoff F. K., N., Porquet, D., Tomsick, J. A., Degenaar, N., Fragile, P. C., Houck, J. C., Wijnands, R., Miller, J. M., and Baganoff, F. K. , (2014) The 3 Ms Chandra campaign on Sgr A*: a census of X-ray flaring activity from the Galactic center , Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Volume 303, pp. 374-378  
Ferdman R., Kaspi V., Gotthelf E., Victoria, and Gotthelf, Eric, (2014) Detecting and timing a pulsed radio counterpart to the recently discovered high magnetic field X-ray pulsar PSR J1640-4631 , ATNF proposal P874, Semester: April, 2014  
Lynch R. S., Kaspi V. M., Scholz P., Victoria M., and Scholz, Paul, (2014) Pulse Profile Changes and a Possible Timing Anomaly in the Magnetar SGR J1745-29 , The Astronomer's Telegram, No.6064  
Yusef-Zadeh F., Roberts D. , Heinke C., Cotton W., Haggard D. , Wardle M. , Royster M., W., Haggard, D., Wardle, M., and Royster, M., (2014) Brightening of the Magnetar SGR J1745-29 near Sgr A* at 44 GHz , The Astronomer's Telegram, No.6041  
van Grootel V., Charpinet S., Fontaine G., Brassard P., Green E., G., Brassard, P., and Green, E., (2014) The Mass Distribution of sdB Stars Derived by Asteroseismology and Other Means: Implications for Stellar Evolution Theory , 6th Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects. Proceedings of the conference held at Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Edited by V. van Grootel, E. Green, G. Fontaine, and S. Charpinet. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 481, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014., p.229  
Brassard P., Fontaine G., G., (2014) Improved Diffusion Coefficients for Stellar Plasmas , 6th Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects. Proceedings of the conference held at Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Edited by V. van Grootel, E. Green, G. Fontaine, and S. Charpinet. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 481, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014., p.221  
Giammichele N., Fontaine G., Brassard P., G., and Brassard, P., (2014) Updates on the Asteroseismological Study of the ZZ Ceti Star R548: Determination of the Bulk Core Composition , 6th Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects. Proceedings of the conference held at Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Edited by V. van Grootel, E. Green, G. Fontaine, and S. Charpinet. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 481, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014., p.187  
Charpinet S., Brassard P., van Grootel V., Fontaine G., Van Grootel, V., and Fontaine, G., (2014) On Interpreting g-Mode Period Spacings in sdB Stars , 6th Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects. Proceedings of the conference held at Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Edited by V. van Grootel, E. Green, G. Fontaine, and S. Charpinet. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 481, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014., p.179  
Brassard P., Fontaine G., G., (2014) An Algorithm for Mode Matching in the Forward Asteroseismological Approach , 6th Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects. Proceedings of the conference held at Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Edited by V. van Grootel, E. Green, G. Fontaine, and S. Charpinet. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 481, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014., p.175  
Green E., Johnson C., Wallace S., O'Malley C., Amaya H., Biddle L., Fontaine G., C., Amaya, H., Biddle, L., and Fontaine, G., (2014) Glimpses into the Secret Lives of Hot Subdwarf Stars , 6th Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects. Proceedings of the conference held at Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Edited by V. van Grootel, E. Green, G. Fontaine, and S. Charpinet. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 481, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014., p.161  
Johnson C., Green E., Wallace S., O'Malley C., Amaya H., Biddle L., Fontaine G., C., Amaya, H., Biddle, L., and Fontaine, G., (2014) Photometric Survey to Search for Field sdO Pulsators , 6th Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects. Proceedings of the conference held at Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Edited by V. van Grootel, E. Green, G. Fontaine, and S. Charpinet. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 481, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014., p.153  
Randall S., Fontaine G., Brassard P., van Grootel V., Charpinet S., P., Van Grootel, V., and Charpinet, S., (2014) Mode Identification in Subdwarf B Stars from Multi-Wavelength Observations , 6th Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects. Proceedings of the conference held at Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Edited by V. van Grootel, E. Green, G. Fontaine, and S. Charpinet. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 481, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014., p.139  
van Grootel V., Charpinet S., Fontaine G., Brassard P., Green E. M., G., Brassard, P., and Green, E. M., (2014) Modeling the Hot Subdwarf PB 8783 by Asteroseismology , 6th Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects. Proceedings of the conference held at Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Edited by V. van Grootel, E. Green, G. Fontaine, and S. Charpinet. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 481, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014., p.115  
Charpinet S., van Grootel V., Brassard P., Fontaine G., Green E., Randall S., Fontaine, G., Green, E., and Randall, S., (2014) Precision and Accuracy of Asteroseismology Applied to sdB stars Using the Forward Modeling Method , 6th Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects. Proceedings of the conference held at Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Edited by V. van Grootel, E. Green, G. Fontaine, and S. Charpinet. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 481, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014., p.105  
Latour M., Fontaine G., Green E., G., and Green, E., (2014) Updates on the Pulsating sdB Star Feige 48 through Spectroscopy , 6th Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects. Proceedings of the conference held at Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Edited by V. van Grootel, E. Green, G. Fontaine, and S. Charpinet. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 481, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014., p.91  
Green E., O'Connell C., Fontaine G., C., and Fontaine, G., (2014) High S/N Spectroscopy and Radial Velocities of Field BHB Tip Stars Similar to KIC 1718290 , 6th Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects. Proceedings of the conference held at Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Edited by V. van Grootel, E. Green, G. Fontaine, and S. Charpinet. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 481, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014., p.87  
Fontaine G., Green E., Brassard P., Latour M., Chayer P., P., Latour, M., and Chayer, P., (2014) Results from the Arizona-Montréal Spectroscopic Program: A Detailed Look at the He Abundance Pattern in Hot Subdwarfs , 6th Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects. Proceedings of the conference held at Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Edited by V. van Grootel, E. Green, G. Fontaine, and S. Charpinet. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 481, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014., p.83  
Latour M., Fontaine G., Chayer P., Brassard P., Green E., P., Brassard, P., and Green, E., (2014) NLTE Analysis of the Hot sdO Star Bd+28°4211: The UV Spectrum , 6th Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects. Proceedings of the conference held at Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Edited by V. van Grootel, E. Green, G. Fontaine, and S. Charpinet. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 481, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014., p.67  
Fontaine G., Green E., Charpinet S., Latour M., Randall S., van Grootel V., Brassard P., M., Randall, S., Van Grootel, V., and Brassard, P., (2014) Observational Asteroseismology of Hot Subdwarf Stars with the Mont4K/Kuiper Combination at the Steward Observatory Mount Bigelow Station , 6th Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects. Proceedings of the conference held at Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Edited by V. van Grootel, E. Green, G. Fontaine, and S. Charpinet. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 481, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014., p.19  
van Grootel V., Green E., Fontaine G., Charpinet S., Fontaine, G., and Charpinet, S., (2014) 6th Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects , 6th Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects. Proceedings of the conference held at Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Edited by V. van Grootel, E. Green, G. Fontaine, and S. Charpinet. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 481, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014.  
Moehler S., Dreizler S., LeBlanc F., Khalack V., Michaud G., Richer J., Sweigart A. V., Grundahl F., Michaud, G., Richer, J., Sweigart, A. V., and Grundahl, F., (2014) VizieR Online Data Catalog: NGC 288 hot horizontal branch stars abundances (Moehler+, 2014) , VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/565/A100. Originally published in: 2014A&A...565A.100M  
Haggard D. , Cool A., Heinke C., van der Marel R., Cohn H. N., Lugger P., Anderson J., Roeland, Cohn, Haldan N., Lugger, Phyllis, and Anderson, Jay , (2014) A Deep Chandra X-Ray Limit on the Putative IMBH in Omega Centauri , APS April Meeting 2014, abstract #T1.057  
Holder G., Gilbert, (2014) CMB Lensing and the Hunt for Primordial B Modes , APS April Meeting 2014, abstract #R4.001  
Haggard D. , Daryl , (2014) Hot News from the Milky Way's Central Black Hole , APS April Meeting 2014, abstract #M4.001  
Doyon R., Lafrenière D., Albert L., Artigau E., Meyer M., Jayawardhana R., Artigau, E., Meyer, M., and Jayawardhana, R., (2014) Transit Spectroscopy with NIRISS on JWST , Search for Life Beyond the Solar System. Exoplanets, Biosignatures & Instruments. Online at http://www.ebi2014.org, id.3.6  
Beichman C., Doyon R., Greene T., Hodapp K., Horner S., Krist J., McCarthy D., Meyer M., Rieke M., Stansberry J., Stauffer J., Trauger J., NIRCam Team , D., Meyer, M., Rieke, M., Stansberry, J., Stauffer, J., Trauger, J., and NIRCam Team , (2014) The Near-Infrared Camera on the James Webb Space Telescope: The Next Great Step in Exoplanet Research , Search for Life Beyond the Solar System. Exoplanets, Biosignatures & Instruments. Online at http://www.ebi2014.org, id.4.12  
Charpinet S., van Grootel V., Brassard P., Fontaine G., Brassard, P., and Fontaine, G., (2014) g-mode trapping and period spacings in hot B subdwarf stars , Precision Asteroseismology, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 301, pp. 397-398  
van Grootel V., Charpinet S., Fontaine G., Brassard P., Green E. M., G., Brassard, P., and Green, E. M., (2014) Reaching the 1% accuracy level on stellar mass and radius determinations from asteroseismology , Precision Asteroseismology, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 301, pp. 305-308  
Randall S. K., Fontaine G., Charpinet S., van Grootel V., Brassard P., S., Van Grootel, V., and Brassard, P., (2014) Origin and pulsation of hot subdwarfs , Precision Asteroseismology, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 301, pp. 289-296  
Giammichele N., Fontaine G., Brassard P., Charpinet S., Brassard, P., and Charpinet, S., (2014) The internal structure of ZZ Cet stars using quantitative asteroseismology: The case of R548 , Precision Asteroseismology, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 301, pp. 285-288  
Fontaine G., Bergeron P., Brassard P., Charpinet S., Dufour P., Giammichele N., Randall S. K., van Grootel V., Dufour, P., Giammichele, N., Randall, S. K., and Van Grootel, V., (2014) Pulsations in white dwarf stars , Precision Asteroseismology, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 301, pp. 273-280  
Weiss W. W., Moffat A. F. J., Schwarzenberg-Czerny A., Koudelka O. F., Grant C. C., Zee R. E., Kuschnig R., Mochnacki S., Rucinski S. M., Matthews J. M., Orleanski P., Pamyatnykh A. A., Pigulski A., Alves J., Guedel M., Handler G., Wade G. A., Scholtz A. L., Scholtz , J. M., OrleaÅ„ski, P., Pamyatnykh, A. A., Pigulski, A., Alves, J., Guedel, M., Handler, G., Wade, G. A., Scholtz , A. L., and Scholtz , (2014) BRITE-Constellation: Nanosatellites for precision photometry of bright stars , Precision Asteroseismology, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 301, pp. 67-68  
Rea N., Haggard D. , Baganoff F., Heinke C., Israel G. L., Ponti G., Heinke, Craig, Israel, Gian Luca, and Ponti, Gabriele, (2014) Continued Chandra monitoring observations of the Galactic Center magnetar , The Astronomer's Telegram, No.5922  
Degenaar N., Wijnands R., Reynolds M. T., Miller J. M., Kennea J. A., Gehrels N., Haggard D. , Ponti G., Burrows D. N., J. A., Gehrels, N., Haggard, D., Ponti, G., and Burrows, D. N. , (2014) Continued Swift/XRT monitoring observations of the Galactic center , The Astronomer's Telegram, No.5861  
Degenaar N., Wijnands R., Reynolds M. T., Miller J. M., Kennea J. A., Gehrels N., Haggard D. , Ponti G., Kennea, J. A., Gehrels, N., Haggard, D., and Ponti, G., (2014) Swift/XRT observations of the Galactic center have resumed , The Astronomer's Telegram, No.5847  
Thibault S., Parent J., Zhang H., Roulet P. , Zhang, Hu, and Roulet, Patrice , (2014) Design, fabrication and test of miniature plastic panomorph lenses with 180° field of view , Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9293, id. 92931N 10 pp. (2014).  
Passos D. M. D. C., Charbonneau P., P., (2014) Dynamo Action and Meridional Circulation Dynamics in Eulag-MHD Global 3D MHD Simulations of Solar Convection , American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2014, abstract #SH44A-04  
McInerney M., Schnase J. L., Duffy D., Tamkin G., Nadeau D., Strong S., Thompson J. H., Sinno S., Lazar D. , D., Strong, S., Thompson, J. H., Sinno, S., and Lazar, D., (2014) Climate Analytics-As-a-Service (CAaas), Advanced Information Systems, and Services to Accelerate the Climate Sciences. , American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2014, abstract #IN51A-3765  
De Rosa R. J., Patience J., Wilson P. A., Schneider A., Wiktorowicz S. J., Vigan A., Marois C., Song I., Macintosh B., Graham J. R., Doyon R., Bessell M. S., Thomas S., Lai O., Song, I., Macintosh, B., Graham, J. R., Doyon, R., Bessell, M. S., Thomas, S., and Lai, O., (2014) VizieR Online Data Catalog: VAST Survey. A-type stars multiplicity (De Rosa+, 2014) , VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/MNRAS/437/1216. Originally published in: 2014MNRAS.437.1216D  
Haggard D. , Daryl , (2014) Sgr A*, The Gas Cloud, and the Galactic Center , 15 Years of Science with Chandra, Talks from the Chandra Science Symposium held 18-21 November, 2014 in Boston, MA., id.17  
Richardson N. D., Damineli A., Gull T., Moffat A. F. J., Groh J., St-Jean L., Walter F. M., Teodoro M., Madura T., Hillier D. J., Corcoran M., Hamaguchi K., Russell C. , Frederick M., Teodoro, Mairan, Madura, Tom, Hillier, D. John, Corcoran, Micheal, Hamaguchi, Kenji, and Russell, Christopher , (2014) Multiple Absorption Components in the post-periastron He I P Cygni Absorption Troughs of eta Carinae , The Astronomer's Telegram, No.6685  
Cichowolski S., Pineault S., Gamen R., Ortega M. E., Arnal E. M., Suad L. A., Ortega, M. E., Arnal, E. M., and Suad, L. A. , (2014) G 126.1-0.8-14: A molecular shell related to Sh2-187 , XIV Latin American Regional IAU Meeting (Eds. A. Mateus, J. Gregorio-Hetem & R. Cid Fernandes) Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica (Serie de Conferencias) Vol. 44, pp. 135-135 (2014)  
De Rosa R. J., Smith B., Bulger J., Patience J., Marois C., Song I., Macintosh B., Graham J., Doyon R., Bessell M., Song, I., Macintosh, B., Graham, J., Doyon, R., and Bessell, M., (2014) Debris Disks and Multiplicity within the 75pc Volume-limited A-Star (VAST) Survey , Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 299, pp. 334-335  
Maire J., Gagné J., Lafrenière D., Graham J. R., Doyon R., David, Graham, James R., and Doyon, René, (2014) High-fidelity photometry and astrometry of high-contrast imaged companions using LOCI processing. , Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 299, pp. 44-45  
Madsen K., Reynolds S. P., Harrison F., Grefenstette B., Miyasaka H., Stern D., Zoglauer A., Boggs S. E., Fryer C., Hailey C. J., Nynka M., Kaspi V. M., An H., Kitaguchi T., Forster K., Craig W. W., Wik D. R., C., Hailey, C. J., Nynka, M., Kaspi, V. M. , An, H., Kitaguchi, T., Forster, K., Craig, W. W., and Wik, D. R. , (2014) NuSTAR Imaging of Pulsar Wind Nebulae MSH 15-52 and the Crab , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #223, id.438.21  
Westbrook B., Aboobaker A. M., Ade P., Aubin F., Baccigalupi C., Bandura K., Bao C., Borrill J., Chapman D., Didier J., Dobbs M., Gold B., Grain J., Grainger W., Hanany S., Helson K., Hillbrand S. N., Hilton G., Hubmayr H., Irwin K., Johnson B., Jaffe A., Jones T. J., Kisner T., Klein J., Korotkov A., Leach S., Lee A. T., Levinson L., Limon M., MacDermid K., Miller A. D., Milligan M., Pascale E., Raach K., Reichborn-Kjennerud B., Sagiv I., Smecher G., Stompor R., Tristram M., Tucker G. S., Zilic K., Jaffe, A., Jones, T. J., Kisner, T., Klein, J., Korotkov, A., Leach, S., Lee, A. T., Levinson, L., Limon, M., MacDermid, K., Miller, A. D., Milligan, M., Pascale, E., Raach, K., Reichborn-Kjennerud, B., Sagiv, I., Smecher, G., Stompor, R., Tristram, M., Tucker, G. S., and Zilic, K., (2014) Design of the detectors for EBEX, a balloon-borne cosmic microwave background polarimeter , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #223, id.407.04  
Chapman D., Aboobaker A. M., Ade P., Aubin F., Baccigalupi C., Bandura K., Bao C., Borrill J., Didier J., Dobbs M., Gold B., Grain J., Grainger W., Hanany S., Helson K., Hillbrand S. N., Hilton G., Hubmayr H., Irwin K., Johnson B., Jaffe A., Jones T. J., Kisner T., Klein J., Korotkov A., Leach S., Lee A. T., Levinson L., Limon M., MacDermid K., Miller A. D., Milligan M., Pascale E., Raach K., Reichborn-Kjennerud B., Sagiv I., Smecher G., Stompor R., Tristram M., Tucker G. S., Westbrook B., Zilic K., Jones, T. J., Kisner, T., Klein, J., Korotkov, A., Leach, S., Lee, A. T., Levinson, L., Limon, M., MacDermid, K., Miller, A. D., Milligan, M., Pascale, E., Raach, K., Reichborn-Kjennerud, B., Sagiv, I., Smecher, G., Stompor, R., Tristram, M., Tucker, G. S., Westbrook, B., and Zilic, K., (2014) EBEX: A Balloon-Borne CMB Polarization Experiment , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #223, id.407.03  
Haggard D. , Baganoff F. K., Ponti G., Heinke C. O., Yusef-Zadeh F., Roberts D. A., Cotton W. D., Gillessen S., Genzel R., Markoff S., Nowak M., Neilsen J., Schulz N. S., Rea N., Gillessen, S., Genzel, R., Markoff, S., Nowak, M., Neilsen, J., Schulz, N. S., and Rea, N., (2014) Sensitive X-ray and Radio Monitoring of the Sgr A*/G2 Encounter , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #223, id.238.03  
Martinez-Manso J., Gonzalez A. H., Ashby M., Stanford S. A., Brodwin M., Holder G. P., Stanford, S. A., Brodwin, M., and Holder, G. P., (2014) The Spitzer-South Pole Telescope Survey: Linking galaxies and haloes at z=1.5 , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #223, id.231.05  
Ford K. E. S., McKernan B., Sivaramakrishnan A., Martel A., Lafrenière D., Parmentier S., Koekemoer A. M. , A., Lafreniere, D., Parmentier, S., and Koekemoer, A. M., (2014) Space-Based Aperture-Masking Interferometry of Active Galactic Nuclei , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #223, id.223.08  
Guillot S., Servillat M., Webb N., Rutledge R. E., Webb, N., and Rutledge, R. E., (2014) The neutron star radius and the dense-matter equation of state , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #223, id.212.05  
Chayer P., Green E. M., Fontaine G., E. M., and Fontaine, G., (2014) FUV, UV, and Optical Observations of the He-sdO Star BD+39 3226 , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #223, id.154.21  
Corcoran M. F., Nichols J. S., Moffat A. F. J., Richardson N., Pollock A., Gull T. R., Hamaguchi K., Russell C. M., Evans N. R., Owocki S. P., Waldron W. L., Hoffman J. L., Lomax J. R., Gayley K. G., Oskinova L., Hamann W., Iping R., Ignace R., Nazé Y., Leutenegger M. A., Hole T. , W. L., Hoffman, J. L., Lomax, J. R., Gayley, K. G., Oskinova, L., Hamann, W., Iping, R., Ignace, R., Naze, Y., Leutenegger, M. A., and Hole, T., (2014) The Delta Ori Very Large Project: X-ray Emission and Stellar Variability , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #223, id.151.14  
Nichols J. S., Nazé Y., Corcoran M. F., Pollock A., Moffat A. F. J., Ignace R., Waldron W. L., Evans N. R., Moffat, A. F., Ignace, R., Waldron, W. L., and Evans, N. R., (2014) Time-Resolved X-ray Spectroscopy of the Massive Binary delta Ori , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #223, id.151.07  
Degenaar N., Reynolds M., Miller J. M., Wijnands R., Kennea J. A., Haggard D. , Gehrels N., Ponti G., Baganoff F. K., Markoff S., Altamirano D., Burrows D. N., Gehrels, N., Ponti, G., Baganoff, F. K. , Markoff, S., Altamirano, D., and Burrows, D. N. , (2014) The Swift/XRT monitoring campaign of the Galactic center , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #223, id.108.03  
Malo L., Gagné J., Doyon R., Lafrenière D., Artigau E., Feiden G., Albert L., D., Artigau, E., Feiden, G., and Albert, L., (2014) Prospects for the BANYAN search of low-mass moving group members with Gaia, and the importance of magnetic fields for isochronal age determination . , Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, v.85, p.715 (2014)  
Matsumura T., Ade P., Akiba Y., Aleman C., Arnold K., Atlas M., Barron D., Borrill J., Chapman S., Chinone Y., Cukierman A., Dobbs M., Elleflot T., Errard J., Fabbian G., Feng G., Gilbert A., Grainger W., Halverson N., Hasegawa M., Hattori K., Hazumi M., Holzapfel W., Hori Y., Inoue Y., Jaehnig G., Katayama N., Keating B., Kermish Z., Keskitalo R., Kisner T., Lee A., Matsuda F., Morii H., Moyerman S., Myers M., Navaroli M., Nishino H., Okamura T., Reichart C., Richards P., Ross C., Rotermund K., Sholl M., Siritanasak P., Smecher G., Stebor N., Stompor R., Suzuki J.-I., Suzuki A., Takada S., Takakura S., Tomaru T., Wilson B., Yamaguchi H., Zahn O., Kermish, Zigmund, Keskitalo, Reijo, Kisner, Ted, Lee, Adrian, Matsuda, Frederick, Morii, Hideki, Moyerman, Stephanie, Myers, Michael, Navaroli, Marty, Nishino, Haruki, Okamura, Takahiro, Reichart, Christian, Richards, Paul, Ross, Colin, Rotermund, Kaja, Sholl, Michael, Siritanasak, Praween, Smecher, Graeme, Stebor, Nathan, Stompor, Radek, Suzuki, Jun-ichi, Suzuki, Aritoki, Takada, Suguru, Takakura, Satoru, Tomaru, Takayuki , Wilson, Brandon, Yamaguchi, Hiroshi, and Zahn, Oliver , (2014) Cosmic Microwave Background B-Mode Polarization Experiment POLARBEAR-2 , Proceedings of the 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC12), JPS Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2, id.013108, 6 pp.  
Nishino H., Ade P., Akiba Y., Anthony A., Arnold K., Barron D., Boettger D., Borrill J., Chapmann S., Chinone Y., Dobbs M. A., Errard J., Fabbian G., Feng C., Flanigan D., Fuller G., Ghribi A., Grainger W., Halverson N., Hasegawa M., Hattori K., Hazumi M., Holzapfel W. L., Howard J., Hyland P., Inoue Y., Jaffe A., Jaehnig G., Kaneko Y., Katayama N., Keating B., Kermish Z., Kimura N., Kisner T., Lee A. T., Le Jeune M., Linder E., Lungu M., Matsuda F., Matsumura T., Miller N. J., Morii H., Moyerman S., Myers M. J., O'Brient R., Okamura T., Paar H., Peloton J., Quealy E., Reichardt C. L., Richards P. L., Ross C., Shimizu A., Shimon M., Shimmin C., Sholl M., Siritanasak P., Spieler H., Stebor N., Steinbach B., Stompor R., Suzuki A., Suzuki J., Tanaka K., Tomaru T., Tucker C., Yadav A., Zahn O., Lee, A. T., Le Jeune, M., Linder, E., Lungu, M., Matsuda, F., Matsumura, T., Miller, N. J., Morii, H., Moyerman, S., Myers, M. J., O'Brient, R., Okamura, T., Paar, H., Peloton, J., Quealy, E., Reichardt, C. L., Richards, P. L., Ross, C., Shimizu, A., Shimon, M., Shimmin, C., Sholl, M., Siritanasak, P., Spieler, H., Stebor, N., Steinbach, B., Stompor, R., Suzuki, A., Suzuki, J., Tanaka, K., Tomaru, T., Tucker, C., Yadav, A., and Zahn, O., (2014) POLARBEAR CMB Polarization Experiment , Proceedings of the 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC12), JPS Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2, id.013107, 6 pp.  
Kaspi V., Victoria, (2014) Current Radio Pulsar Surveys: PALFA and Friends , 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 2-10 August 2014, in Moscow, Russia, Abstract E1.15-3-14.  
Kaspi V., Victoria, (2014) NuSTAR Observations of Magnetars and Rotation-Powered Pulsars , 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 2-10 August 2014, in Moscow, Russia, Abstract E1.13-5-14.  
Kaspi V., Victoria, (2014) Magnetars in Perspective , 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 2-10 August 2014, in Moscow, Russia, Abstract E1.12-1-14.  
Haggard D. , Daryl , (2014) Intensive X-ray and Radio Monitoring of the Sgr A*/G2 Interaction , 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 2-10 August 2014, in Moscow, Russia, Abstract E1.2-7-14.  
Corcoran M., Gull T., Pollock A., Moffat A. F. J., Hamaguchi K., Pittard J., Russell C. , Anthony, Hamaguchi, Kenji, Pittard, Julian, and Russell, Christopher , (2014) High-Energy Emission from Colliding Winds in Massive Binaries , 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 2-10 August 2014, in Moscow, Russia, Abstract E1.3-4-14.  
Ellingson E., Gilbank D., Yan R., Hsieh P., Webb T., Faloon A., Hicks A., Noble A., Yee H., Gladders M., Faloon, A., Hicks, A., Noble, A., Yee, H., and Gladders, M., (2014) Mapping Infalling Galaxies in the Large Scale Environment of Clusters , The evolution of galaxy clusters and cluster galaxies in the epoch of large optical/IR surveys, proceedings of a conference held 13-17 January, 2014 at the Sexten Center for Astrophysics. Online at http://www.sexten-cfa.eu/images/stories/conferenze2014/evogalclu/talks/EvoGalaClu_programwithtalks.pdf, id.10  
Balogh M., McGee S., Wilman D., Mok A., Finoguenov A., Muzzin A., Wilson G., Yee H., Gilbank D., Hoekstra H., Demarco R., van Dokkum P., Franx M., Webb T., van der Burg R., H., Gilbank, D., Hoekstra, H., Demarco, R., van Dokkum, P., Franx, M., Webb, T., and van der Burg, R., (2014) Galaxy groups and clusters at z=1 , The evolution of galaxy clusters and cluster galaxies in the epoch of large optical/IR surveys, proceedings of a conference held 13-17 January, 2014 at the Sexten Center for Astrophysics. Online at http://www.sexten-cfa.eu/images/stories/conferenze2014/evogalclu/talks/EvoGalaClu_programwithtalks.pdf, id.15  
Muzzin A., van der Burg R., McGee S., Balogh M., Wilson G., Yee H. K. C., Gilbank D., Hoekstra H., Demarco R., Lidman C., Nantais J., van Dokkum P., Franx M., Ellingson E., Hicks A., Lacy M., Noble A., Rettura A., Surace J., Webb T., Nantais, J., van Dokkum, P., Franx, M., Ellingson, E., Hicks, A., Lacy, M., Noble, A., Rettura, A., Surace, J., and Webb, T., (2014) The Phase Space of Clusters at z ~ 1 as a Tool for Understanding the Environmental Quenching Process , The evolution of galaxy clusters and cluster galaxies in the epoch of large optical/IR surveys, proceedings of a conference held 13-17 January, 2014 at the Sexten Center for Astrophysics. Online at http://www.sexten-cfa.eu/images/stories/conferenze2014/evogalclu/talks/EvoGalaClu_programwithtalks.pdf, id.16  
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