A Canadian team joins ESO in milestone agreement for ANDES instrument on the ELT


On June 5th, the European Southern Observatory (ESO) signed an agreement with an international consortium of institutions for the design and construction of ANDES, the ArmazoNes high Dispersion Echelle Spectrograph. The ANDES instrument will be installed…

Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo : FRQ’s Etoile Montante


The Centre for Research in astrophysics of Quebec (CRAQ) congratulates Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo, a member of the CRAQ, who has been awarded the first Etoile Montante prize by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et…

Landolt space mission: artificial stars for more precise measurements of star brightnesses


The new NASA Landolt space mission, planned for 2029, promises major scientific breakthroughs. The mission, at a cost of $19.5 million, aims to create artificial stars that will enable better calibration of ground-based telescope observations, thus…

Antoine Bédard receives the 2024 Plaskett Medal


The Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA) and the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) awarded the J.S. Plaskett Medal for 2024 to Antoine Bédard for the best doctoral thesis in astrophysics in Canada. Antoine Bédard completed his…

2024 CAP Herzberg Medal: Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo


Lëa-Kim Châteauneuf Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo, a member of the Centre for Research in Astrophysique of Quebec, has been awarded the Herzberg Medal 2024 by the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) in recognition of her leadership role in…

The solar eclipse on April 8, 2024: a show not to be missed!


Astrophysicists from across Quebec, gathered at the Center for Research in Astrophysics of Quebec, encourage you to see the solar eclipse on April 8, an astronomical show not to be missed! On that day, tens of…

CRAQ Astrophysicist Finds that Aging Brown Dwarfs Grow Lonely


This artist’s concept shows a brown dwarf, an object more massive than a planet but smaller than a star. We know that brown dwarfs can have binary companions. But as they age, some of these binary…

Discovery of Water Vapor in Small Exoplanet’s Atmosphere


With a diameter approximately twice that of Earth, GJ 9827 d could be an example of a planet with a water-rich atmosphere, according to researchers at UdeM. This is an artist’s concept of the exoplanet GJ…

Secrets of a Hot Saturn and its Spotted Star Unlocked by Centre for Research in Astrophysics of Québec Astronomers


A team of astronomers has unravelled the enigmatic atmosphere of the exoplanet HAT-P-18 b, shedding light on its intriguing blend of gases, clouds, and even the effects of its star’s activity. Leveraging the James Webb Space…