Ziggy Pleunis, who recently completed a doctoral thesis under the supervision of Professor Victoria Kaspi (McGill), was awarded a PhD Prize from the “High Energy Phenomena and Fundamental Physics” division of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) for the year 2020
Dr. Pleunis’ thesis, entitled “Fast radio burst detection and morphology with the CHIME telescope”, represents a set of major contributions to the new field of research of fast radio bursts (FRB). During his work he contributed to all aspects of the FRB project at the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) telescope ranging from instrumentation, software, observation, analysis and scientific interpretation.
Dr. Pleunis is now pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Toronto as a Dunlap Fellow.
The Centre for research in astrophysics of Quebec (CRAQ) congratulates Ziggy Pleunis for this prestigious award.
About the IAU PhD Prize
The IAU PhD Prize recognises outstanding scientific achievement in astrophysics around the world. Each IAU Division has, once a year, the opportunity to award its own prize to the candidate it feels has carried out the most remarkable work in the previous year (i.e. a PhD Thesis which has been defended between the 16 December in the previous year, and 15 December of the current year).
The recipient of each award receives a range of prizes, tailored by each Division at their own discretion. A standard prize includes airfare and accommodation to attend the next IAU General Assembly where certificates will be awarded. Other prizes might include the opportunity to present their thesis work at Division Days, an invitation to attend presentations to the IAU Executive Committee meeting and dinner at the General Assembly, and the possibility of presenting a talk at either a plenary or special session.
Additional info: 2020 IAU PhD Prize Winners Announced | IAU
Robert Lamontagne
Public outreach
Centre de recherche en astrophysique du Québec
Phone : (438) 495-3482