Too much sodium turns a star blue

An international team of astrophysicists, led by researchers from the Université de Montréal, has identified a star on which a sodium-rich asteroid has crashed, drastically transforming its apparent color. These results raise many questions about the origin of… Read More

L’enseignant chercheur Martin Aubé invité à Bruxelles

L’enseignant et chercheur au Département de physique du Cégep de Sherbrooke Martin Aubé prononcera la conférence d’ouverture à l’occasion de la cérémonie soulignant le 100e anniversaire de l’Union astronomique internationale qui se tiendra au palais des académies de… Read More

Fortuitous discovery of a new galaxy in the cosmic neighbourhood

Astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope to study some of the oldest and faintest stars in the globular cluster NGC 6752 have made an unexpected finding. They discovered a dwarf galaxy in our cosmic backyard, only 30… Read More

Martin Aubé reçoit le prix Reconnaissance de l’ARC

Grand défenseur du ciel étoilé, Martin Aubé, enseignant et chercheur au Département de physique du Cégep de Sherbrooke, professeur associé à l’Université Bishop’s de même qu’à l’Université de Sherbrooke et membre du Centre de recherche en astrophysique du… Read More

Canada’s CHIME telescope detects second repeating fast radio burst

A Canadian-led team of scientists, including CRAQ members at McGill University, has found the second repeating fast radio burst (FRB) ever recorded. FRBs are short bursts of radio waves coming from far outside our Milky Way galaxy. Scientists… Read More

Thousands of stars turning into crystals

The first direct evidence of white dwarf stars solidifying into crystals has been discovered by an international team of astronomers, and our skies are filled with them. The discovery, led by Dr Pier-Emmanuel Tremblay from the University of… Read More

Professor Daryl Haggard and her team are in the 2018 top 10 discoveries of Quebec Science.

The study of a team from McGill University, on the aftermath of a cosmic smash-up that shook the universe, was selected in Québec Science magazine’s annual list of the top 10 scientific discoveries in Quebec. The research led by… Read More