Personal information

Martin Aubé

CEGEP de Sherbrooke
475, rue du Cégep
Sherbrooke, QC
Canada, J1E 4K1

Phone: 819-564-6350 ext 4146
Fax: 819-564-1579

Research field: Light pollution; remote sensing and modeling; lighting standards.

Description of the research project:
Martin Aube's research focuses on the theoretical modeling and remote sensing of the artificial brightness of the night sky. This diffuse light, often associated with light pollution, constitutes a luminous veil that curtail the observation of low brightness astronomical objects. Aside of the influence of light pollution on astronomical observations, Martin Aube is also studying its impacts on the environment and on human health. More exactly, Martin Aube's research is based on the physical behavior of the radiative transfer of artificial light in the environment and the atmosphere, attempting to consider as closely as possible the various complex interactions involved. Specifically, Martin Aube considers the propagation of light using a hyperspectral approach while solving light diffusion on particles up to the second order. From a modeling point of view, these two aspects require high-performance computing resources in order to solve the problem within a reasonable timeframe. Initially developed for the Observatoire du Mont-Megantic, Martin Aube's modeling and remote sensing approach was exploited to characterize the sky brightness and regulate lighting standards for many world-class astronomical sites such as KPNO, FLWO, Observatorio del Teide, Roque de los Muchachos or Observatorio El Leoncito.

List of graduate students:
Hamza Ait Abdelaali (Ph.D.), Thomas Gagné (M.Sc.), Alexandre Simoneau (Ph.D.)

Prix et distinctions:

  • 2019-01 : Prix Acfas Denise-Barbeau
  • 2019-01 : Prix Reconnaissance de l’Association pour le recherche au collégial
  • 2018-01 : International Dark Sky Association Galileo Award
  • 2014-01 : Prix d'excellence en recherche, FRQNT
  • 2012-11 : Prix Raymond Gervais, Association pour l'enseignement de la science et de la technologie au Québec
  • 2011-05 à 2011-06 : Chercheur invité, Fudan University, Department of Environmental Science & Engineering
  • 2011-02 : Mérite estrien, La Tribune - Radio Canada
  • 2010-01 à 2010-06 : Chercheur invité, Instituto des Astrofisica de Canarias (Espagne)