The Latest on Fast Radio Bursts from CHIME/FRB
Victoria Kaspi
Université McGill

Fast Radio Bursts are a recently discovered phenomenon consisting of brief (typically few millisecond) bursts of radio waves coming from far outside our Milky Way galaxy, indeed from cosmological distances.  Their origin is unknown.  I will review what is known about these mysterious sources, and how they can act as novel probes of the matter distribution in the Universe.  I will focus on results from the CHIME Fast Radio Burst Project, which uses a new Canadian digital radio telescope that is revolutionizing our view of the fast transient sky.  I will also introduce  the CHIME/FRB Outriggers, which will enable precise sky localizations for >1000 CHIME FRBs, hence permit host galaxy ID and redshift determinations.

Date: Jeudi, 5 décembre 2024
Time: 11:30
Where: All
  Pavillon MIL A-2521