Magnetically-powered explosions in the multimessenger era
Phillip Moesta
University of Amsterdam
"Magnetic fields, turbulence, and jet-driven outflows play a critical role in core-collapse supernovae and compact-object mergers. These transients belong to the most luminous and energetic events observed in the universe and are unique cosmic laboratories probing extreme physics via their multimessenger signals. I will discuss the challenges in both input physics and computational modelling for these systems and highlight recent breakthroughs in full 3D simulations. I will pay particular attention to how these simulations can be used to reveal the engines driving these events and conclude by discussing what remains to be done to maximize what we can learn from current and future time-domain transient surveys. "
Date: Mardi, 25 mars 2025 Time: 15:30 Where: McGill University Bell Room (Rutherford 103)