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Refereed publications 2018 (185 entries)

Archer A., Benbow W., Bird R., Brose R., Buchovecky M., Buckley J. H., Bugaev V., Connolly M. P., Cui W., Daniel M. K., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fortson L., Furniss A., Gillanders G., H?tten M., Hanna D., Hervet O., Holder J., Hughes G., Humensky T. B., Johnson C. A., Kaaret P., Kar P., Kelley-Hoskins N., Kertzman M., Kieda D., Krause M., Krennrich F., Kumar S., Lang M. J., Lin T. T. Y., Maier G., McArthur S., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., O'Brien S., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Petrashyk A., Pohl M., Pueschel E., Quinn J., Ragan K., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Rulten C., Sadeh I., Santander M., Sembroski G. H., Staszak D., Sushch I., Wakely S. P., Wells R. M., Wilcox P., Wilhelm A., Williams D. A., Williamson T. J., Zitzer B., VERITAS Collaboration, (2018) Measurement of cosmic-ray electrons at TeV energies by VERITAS , Physical Review D, Volume 98, Issue 6, id.062004  
Kilic M., Hambly N. C., Bergeron P., Genest-Beaulieu C., Rowell N., (2018) Gaia reveals evidence for merged white dwarfs , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 479, Issue 1, p.L113-L117  
Gendron-Marsolais M., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Martin T. B., Drissen L., McDonald M., Fabian A. C., Edge A. C., Hamer S. L., McNamara B., Morrison G. , (2018) Revealing the velocity structure of the filamentary nebula in NGC 1275 in its entirety , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 479, Issue 1, p.L28-L33  
Henleywillis S., Cool A. M., Haggard D. , Heinke C., Callanan P. , Zhao Y. , (2018) A Deep X-ray Survey of the globular cluster Omega Centauri , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 479, Issue 2, p.2834-2852  
Kusaka A., Appel J., Essinger-Hileman T., Beall J. A., Campusano L. E., Cho H.-M., Choi S. K., Crowley K., Fowler J. W., Gallardo P., Hasselfield M., Hilton G., Ho S.-P. P., Irwin K., Jarosik N., Niemack M. D., Nixon G. W., ~Nolta M., Page L. A., Jr., Palma G. A., Parker L., Raghunathan S., Reintsema C. D., Sievers J., Simon S. M., Staggs S. T., Visnjic K., Yoon K.-W. , (2018) Results from the Atacama B-mode Search (ABS) experiment , Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Issue 09, article id. 005 (2018).  
Dieterich S. B., Weinberger A. J., Boss A. P., Henry T. J., Jao W.-C., Gagné J., Astraatmadja T. L., Thompson M. A., Anglada-Escud? G. , (2018) Dynamical Masses of ε Indi B and C: Two Massive Brown Dwarfs at the Edge of the Stellar-substellar Boundary , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 865, Issue 1, article id. 28, 19 pp. (2018).  
Graber V. , Cumming A., Andersson N. , (2018) Glitch Rises as a Test for Rapid Superfluid Coupling in Neutron Stars , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 865, Issue 1, article id. 23, 9 pp. (2018).  
Kerrigan J. R., Pober J. C., Ali Z. S., Cheng C., Beardsley A. P., Parsons A. R., Aguirre J. E., Barry N., Bradley R. F., Bernardi G., Carilli C. L., DeBoer D. R., Dillon J. S., Jacobs D. C., Kohn S. A., Kolopanis M., Lanman A., Li W., Liu A., Sullivan I. , (2018) Improved 21 cm Epoch of Reionization Power Spectrum Measurements with a Hybrid Foreground Subtraction and Avoidance Technique , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 864, Issue 2, article id. 131, 15 pp. (2018).  
Gonzales E. C., Faherty J. K., Gagné J., Artigau ?., Bardalez Gagliuffi D., (2018) Understanding Fundamental Properties and Atmospheric Features of Subdwarfs via a Case Study of SDSS J125637.13-022452.4 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 864, Issue 1, article id. 100, 19 pp. (2018).  
Fazio G. G., Hora J. L., Witzel G., Willner S. P., Ashby M. L. N., Baganoff F., Becklin E., Carey S., Haggard D. , Gammie C., Ghez A., Gurwell M. A., Ingalls J., Marrone D., Morris M. R., Smith H. A., (2018) Multiwavelength Light Curves of Two Remarkable Sagittarius A* Flares , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 864, Issue 1, article id. 58, 7 pp. (2018).  
Baron F., Artigau ?., Rameau J., Lafreni?re D., Gagné J., Malo L., Albert L., Naud M.-E., Doyon R., Janson M., Delorme P., Beichman C., (2018) WEIRD: Wide-orbit Exoplanet Search with InfraRed Direct Imaging , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 156, Issue 3, article id. 137, 19 pp. (2018).  
Piskorz D., Buzard C., Line M. R., Knutson H. A., Benneke B., Crockett N. R., Lockwood A. C., Blake G. A., Barman T. S., Bender C. F., Deming D., Johnson J. A., (2018) Ground- and Space-based Detection of the Thermal Emission Spectrum of the Transiting Hot Jupiter KELT-2Ab , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 156, Issue 3, article id. 133, 11 pp. (2018).  
Petigura E. A., Benneke B., Batygin K., Fulton B. J., Werner M., Krick J. E., Gorjian V., Sinukoff E., Deck K. M., Mills S. M., Deming D., (2018) Dynamics and Formation of the Near-resonant K2-24 System: Insights from Transit-timing Variations and Radial Velocities , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 156, Issue 3, article id. 89, 12 pp. (2018).  
Burggraaff O., Talens G. J. J., Spronck J., Lesage A.-L., Stuik R., Otten G. P. P. L., Van Eylen V., Pollacco D., Snellen I. A. G., (2018) Studying bright variable stars with the Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA (MASCARA) , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 617, id.A32, 11 pp.  
Casasayas-Barris N., Pallé E., Yan F., Chen G., Albrecht S. , Nortmann L., Van Eylen V., Snellen I., Talens G. J. J., Gonz?lez Hern?ndez J. I., Rebolo R., Otten G. P. P. L., (2018) Na I and Halpha absorption features in the atmosphere of MASCARA-2b/KELT-20b , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 616, id.A151, 14 pp.  
Fattoyev F. J., Brown E. F., Cumming A., Deibel A., Horowitz C. J., Li B.-A., Lin Z. , (2018) Deep crustal heating by neutrinos from the surface of accreting neutron stars , Physical Review C, Volume 98, Issue 2, id.025801  
Borkovits T., Albrecht S. , Rappaport S., Nelson L., Vanderburg A., Gary B. L., Tan T. G., Justesen A. B., Kristiansen M. H., Jacobs T. L., LaCourse D., Ngo H., Wallack N., Ruane G., Mawet D., Howell S. B., Tronsgaard R., (2018) EPIC 219217635: a doubly eclipsing quadruple system containing an evolved binary , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 478, Issue 4, p.5135-5152  
Aub? M., Simoneau A., Wainscoat R., Nelson L., (2018) Modelling the effects of phosphor converted LED lighting to the night sky of the Haleakala Observatory, Hawaii , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 478, Issue 2, p.1776-1783  
Joshi B. C., Arumugasamy P., Bagchi M., Bandyopadhyay D., Basu A., Dhanda Batra N., Bethapudi S., Choudhary A., De K., Dey L., Gopakumar A., Gupta Y., Krishnakumar M. A., Maan Y., Manoharan P. K. , Naidu A., Nandi R., Pathak D., Surnis M., Susobhanan A. , (2018) Precision pulsar timing with the ORT and the GMRT and its applications in pulsar astrophysics , Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, Volume 39, Issue 4, article id. 51, 10 pp.  
Ali Z. S., Parsons A. R., Zheng H., Pober J. C., Liu A., Aguirre J. E., Bradley R. F., Bernardi G., Carilli C. L., Cheng C., DeBoer D. R., Dexter M. R., Grobbelaar J., Horrell J., Jacobs D. C., Klima P., MacMahon D. H. E., Maree M., Moore D. F., Razavi N., Stefan I. I., Walbrugh W. P., Walker A., (2018) Erratum: ``PAPER-64 Constraints on Reionization: The 21 cm Power Spectrum at z = 8.4'' (2015, ApJ, 809, 61) , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 863, Issue 2, article id. 201, 2 pp. (2018).  
Blouin S., Dufour P., Allard N. F., (2018) A New Generation of Cool White Dwarf Atmosphere Models. I. Theoretical Framework and Applications to DZ Stars , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 863, Issue 2, article id. 184, 17 pp. (2018).  
Gao P., Benneke B., (2018) Microphysics of KCl and ZnS Clouds on GJ 1214 b , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 863, Issue 2, article id. 165, 23 pp. (2018).  
Faherty J. K., Bochanski J. J., Gagné J., Nelson O., Coker K., Smithka I., Desir D., Vasquez C. , (2018) New and Known Moving Groups and Clusters Identified in a Gaia Comoving Catalog , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 863, Issue 1, article id. 91, 22 pp. (2018).  
CHIME/FRB Collaboration , Amiri M., Bandura K., Berger P., Bhardwaj M., Boyce M. M., Boyle P. J., Brar C., Burhanpurkar M., Chawla P., Chowdhury J., Cliche J.-F., Cranmer M. D., Cubranic D., Deng M., Denman N., Dobbs M., Fandino M., Fonseca E., Gaensler B. M., Giri U., Gilbert A. J., Good D. C., Guliani S., Halpern M., Hinshaw G., H?fer C., Josephy A., Kaspi V. M., Landecker T. L., Lang D., Liao H., Masui K. W., Mena-Parra J., Naidu A., Newburgh L. B., Ng C., Patel C., Pen U.-L., Pinsonneault-Marotte T., Pleunis Z., Rafiei Ravandi M., Ransom S. M., Renard A., Scholz P., Sigurdson K., Siegel S. R., Smith K. M., Stairs I. H., Tendulkar S. P., Vanderlinde K., Wiebe D. V., (2018) The CHIME Fast Radio Burst Project: System Overview , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 863, Issue 1, article id. 48, 16 pp. (2018).  
Strugarek A., Beaudoin P., Charbonneau P., Brun A. S., (2018) On the Sensitivity of Magnetic Cycles in Global Simulations of Solar-like Stars , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 863, Issue 1, article id. 35, 17 pp. (2018).  
Witzel G., Martinez G., Hora J., Willner S. P., Morris M. R., Gammie C., Becklin E. E., Ashby M. L. N., Baganoff F., Carey S., Do T., Fazio G. G., Ghez A., Glaccum W. J., Haggard D. , Herrero-Illana R., Ingalls J., Narayan R., Smith H. A., (2018) Variability Timescale and Spectral Index of Sgr A* in the Near Infrared: Approximate Bayesian Computation Analysis of the Variability of the Closest Supermassive Black Hole , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 863, Issue 1, article id. 15, 29 pp. (2018).  
Gajjar V., Siemion A. P. V., Price D. C., Law C. J., Michilli D., Hessels J. W. T., Chatterjee S., Archibald A. M., Bower G. C., Brinkman C., Burke-Spolaor S., Cordes J. M., Croft S., Enriquez J. E., Foster G., Gizani N., Hellbourg G., Isaacson H., Kaspi V. M., Lazio T. J. W., Lebofsky M., Lynch R. S., MacMahon D., McLaughlin M. A., Ransom S. M., Scholz P., Seymour A., Spitler L. G., Tendulkar S. P., Werthimer D., Zhang Y. G. , (2018) Highest Frequency Detection of FRB 121102 at 4-8 GHz Using the Breakthrough Listen Digital Backend at the Green Bank Telescope , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 863, Issue 1, article id. 2, 9 pp. (2018).  
Nynka M., Ruan J. J., Haggard D. , Evans P. A., (2018) Fading of the X-Ray Afterglow of Neutron Star Merger GW170817/GRB 170817A at 260 Days , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 862, Issue 2, article id. L19, 7 pp. (2018).  
Gagné J., Faherty J. K., (2018) BANYAN. XIII. A First Look at Nearby Young Associations with Gaia Data Release 2 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 862, Issue 2, article id. 138, 12 pp. (2018).  
Cloutier R., Doyon R., Bouchy F., H?brard G., (2018) Quantifying the Observational Effort Required for the Radial Velocity Characterization of TESS Planets , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 156, Issue 2, article id. 82, 22 pp. (2018).  
Dressing C. D., Sinukoff E., Fulton B. J., Lopez E. D., Beichman C. A., Howard A. W., Knutson H. A., Werner M., Benneke B., Crossfield I. J. M., Isaacson H., Krick J., Gorjian V., Livingston J., Petigura E. A., Schlieder J. E., Akeson R. L. , Batygin K., Christiansen J. L., Ciardi D. R., Crepp J. R., Gonzales E. J., Hardegree-Ullman K., Hirsch L. A., Kosiarek M., Weiss L. M., (2018) Characterizing K2 Candidate Planetary Systems Orbiting Low-mass Stars. III. A High Mass and Low Envelope Fraction for the Warm Neptune K2-55b , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 156, Issue 2, article id. 70, 16 pp. (2018).  
Riedel A. R., Silverstein M. L., Henry T. J., Jao W.-C., Winters J. G., Subasavage J. P., Malo L., Hambly N. C., (2018) The Solar Neighborhood. XLIII. Discovery of New Nearby Stars with mu < 0."18 yr-1 (TINYMO Sample) , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 156, Issue 2, article id. 49, 26 pp. (2018).  
Esposito T. M., Duchene G., Kalas P., Rice M., Choquet ?., Ren B., Perrin M. D., Chen C. H., Arriaga P., Chiang E., Nielsen E. L., Graham J. R., Wang J. J., De Rosa R. J., Follette K. B., Ammons S. M., Ansdell M., Bailey V. P., Barman T., Sebasti?n Bruzzone J., Bulger J., Chilcote J., Cotten T., Doyon R., Fitzgerald M. P., Goodsell S. J., Greenbaum A. Z., Hibon P., Hung L.-W., Ingraham P., Konopacky Q., Larkin J. E., Macintosh B., Maire J., Marchis F., Marois C., Mazoyer J., Metchev S., Millar-Blanchaer M. A., Oppenheimer R., Palmer D., Patience J., Poyneer L., Pueyo L., Rajan A., Rameau J., Rantakyr? F. T., Ryan D., Savransky D., Schneider A. C., Sivaramakrishnan A., Song I., Soummer R., Thomas S., Wallace J. K., Ward-Duong K., Wiktorowicz S., Wolff S. , (2018) Direct Imaging of the HD 35841 Debris Disk: A Polarized Dust Ring from Gemini Planet Imager and an Outer Halo from HST/STIS , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 156, Issue 2, article id. 47, 16 pp. (2018).  
Shenar T., Hainich R., Todt H., Moffat A. F. J., Sander A., Oskinova L. M., Ramachandran V., Munoz M., Pablo H., Sana H., Hamann W.-R., (2018) The shortest-period Wolf-Rayet binary in the Small Magellanic Cloud: Part of a high-order multiple system. Spectral and orbital analysis of SMC AB 6 , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 616, id.A103, 15 pp.  
Pribulla T., M?rand A., Kervella P., Cameron C., Deen C., Garcia P. J. V., Horrobin M., Matthews J. M., Moffat A. F. J., Pfuhl O., Rucinski S. M., Straub O., Weiss W. W., (2018) Physical parameters and ?0.2% parallax of the detached eclipsing binary V923 Scorpii , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 616, id.A49, 9 pp.  
Gentile P. A., McLaughlin M. A., Demorest P. B., Stairs I. H., Arzoumanian Z., Crowter K., Dolch T., DeCesar M. E., Ellis J. A., Ferdman R. D., Ferrara E. C., Fonseca E., Gonzalez M. E., Jones G., Jones M. L., Lam M. T., Levin L., Lorimer D. R., Lynch R. S., Ng C., Nice D. J., Pennucci T. T., Ransom S. M., Ray P. S., Spiewak R., Stovall K., Swiggum J. K., Zhu W., (2018) The NANOGrav 11 yr Data Set: Arecibo Observatory Polarimetry and Pulse Microcomponents , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 862, Issue 1, article id. 47, 20 pp. (2018).  
Archer A., Benbow W., Bird R., Brose R., Buchovecky M., Bugaev V., Connolly M. P., Cui W., Daniel M. K., Falcone A., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fleischhack H., Fortson L., Furniss A., Hanna D., Hervet O., Holder J., Hughes G., Humensky T. B., H?tten M., Johnson C. A., Kaaret P., Kelley-Hoskins N., Kieda D., Krause M., Krennrich F., Kumar S., Lang M. J., Maier G., McArthur S., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., Nieto D., O'Brien S., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Park N., Petrashyk A., Pohl M., Popkow A., Pueschel E., Quinn J., Ragan K., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Rulten C., Sadeh I., Tyler J., Wakely S. P., Weiner O. M., Wilcox P., Wilhelm A., Williams D. A., Wissel S. A., Zitzer B., VERITAS Collaboration, (2018) Measurement of the iron spectrum in cosmic rays by VERITAS , Physical Review D, Volume 98, Issue 2, id.022009  
Charpinet S., Giammichele N., Zong W. , van Grootel V., Brassard P., Fontaine G., (2018) Rotation in sdB stars as revealed by stellar oscillations , Open Astronomy, Volume 27, Issue 1, pp.112-119  
Hamaguchi K., Corcoran M. F., Pittard J. M., Sharma N., Takahashi H., Russell C. M. P., Grefenstette B. W., Wik D. R., Gull T. R., Richardson N. D., Madura T. I., Moffat A. F. J., (2018) Non-thermal X-rays from colliding wind shock acceleration in the massive binary Eta Carinae , Nature Astronomy, Volume 2, p. 731-736  
Jackson A. P., Tamayo D., Hammond N., Ali-Dib M., Rein H. , (2018) Ejection of rocky and icy material from binary star systems: implications for the origin and composition of 1I/`Oumuamua , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 478, Issue 1, p.L49-L53  
Siwak M., Ogloza W., Moffat A. F. J., Matthews J. M., Rucinski S. M., Kallinger T., Kuschnig R., Cameron C., Weiss W. W., Rowe J. F., Guenther D. B., Sasselov D., (2018) Photometric variability of TW Hya from seconds to years as seen from space and the ground during 2013-2017 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 478, Issue 1, p.758-783  
Namumba B., Carignan C., Passmoor S., (2018) H I observations of Sextans A and B with the SKA pathfinder KAT-7 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 478, Issue 1, p.487-500  
Bertelli Motta C., Pasquali A., Richer J., Michaud G., Salaris M., Bragaglia A., Magrini L., Randich S., Grebel E. K., Adibekyan V., Blanco-Cuaresma S., Drazdauskas A., Fu X., Martell S., Tautvaisiene G., Gilmore G., Alfaro E. J., Bensby T., Flaccomio E., Koposov S. E., Korn A. J., Lanzafame A. C., Smiljanic R., Bayo A., Carraro G., Casey A. R., Costado M. T., Damiani F., Franciosini E., Heiter U., Hourihane A., Jofr? P., Lardo C., Lewis J., Monaco L., Morbidelli L., Sacco G. G., Sousa S. G., Worley C. C., Zaggia S. , (2018) The Gaia-ESO Survey: evidence of atomic diffusion in M67? , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 478, Issue 1, p.425-438  
Haggard H. M., Cowan N. B., (2018) Analytic reflected light curves for exoplanets , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 478, Issue 1, p.371-385  
Korsaga M., Carignan C., Amram P., Epinat B., Jarrett T. H., (2018) GHASP: an H alpha kinematical survey of spiral galaxies - XI. Distribution of luminous and dark matter in spiral and irregular nearby galaxies using WISE photometry , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 478, Issue 1, p.50-68  
Dillon J. S., Kohn S. A., Parsons A. R., Aguirre J. E., Ali Z. S., Bernardi G., Kern N. S., Li W., Liu A., Nunhokee C. D., Pober J. C., (2018) Polarized redundant-baseline calibration for 21 cm cosmology without adding spectral structure , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 477, Issue 4, p.5670-5681  
Martel H., Carles C., Robichaud F., Ellison S. L., Williamson D. J. , (2018) Chemical enrichment in isolated barred spiral galaxies , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 477, Issue 4, p.5367-5381  
Cumming A., Helled R., Venturini J. , (2018) The primordial entropy of Jupiter , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 477, Issue 4, p.4817-4823  
Papar? M., Koll?th Z., Shobbrook R. R., Matthews J. M., Antoci V., Benko J. M., Park N.-K., Mirtorabi M. T., Luedeke K., Kusakin A., Bogn?r Z., S?dor ?., Garc?a-Hern?ndez A., Pe?a J. H., Kuschnig R., Moffat A. F. J., Rowe J., Rucinski S. M., Sasselov D., Weiss W. W., (2018) The Delta Scuti star 38 Eri from the ground and from space , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 477, Issue 4, p.4362-4379  
Rousseau-Nepton L., Robert C., Martin R. P., Drissen L., Martin T., (2018) NGC628 with SITELLE: I. Imaging spectroscopy of 4285 H II region candidates , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 477, Issue 3, p.4152-4186  
Archer A., Benbow W., Bird R., Brose R., Buchovecky M., Bugaev V., Cui W., Daniel M. K., Falcone A., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Flinders A., Fortson L., Furniss A., Gillanders G. H., H?tten M., Hanna D., Hervet O., Holder J., Hughes G., Humensky T. B., Johnson C. A., Kaaret P., Kar P., Kelley-Hoskins N., Kieda D., Krause M., Krennrich F., Kumar S., Lang M. J., Lin T. T. Y., McArthur S., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., Nieto D., O'Brien S., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Park N., Petrashyk A., Pohl M., Popkow A., Pueschel E., Quinn J., Ragan K., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Rulten C., Sadeh I., Sembroski G. H., Shahinyan K., Tyler J., Wakely S. P., Weiner O. M., Weinstein A., Wells R. M., Wilcox P., Wilhelm A., Williams D. A., VERITAS Collaboration, Brisken W. F., Pontrelli P., (2018) HESS J1943+213: An Extreme Blazar Shining through the Galactic Plane , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 862, Issue 1, article id. 41, 15 pp. (2018).  
Abeysekara A. U., Archer A., Benbow W., Bird R., Brill A., Brose R., Buckley J. H., Christiansen J. L., Chromey A. J., Daniel M. K., Falcone A., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fortson L., Furniss A., Gillanders G. H., Gueta O., Hanna D., Hervet O., Holder J., Hughes G., Humensky T. B., Johnson C. A., Kaaret P., Kar P., Kelley-Hoskins N., Kertzman M., Kieda D., Krause M., Krennrich F., Lang M. J., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., O'Brien S., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Park N., Petrashyk A., Pohl M., Pueschel E., Quinn J., Ragan K., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Rulten C., Sadeh I., Santander M., Scott S. S., Sembroski G. H., Shahinyan K., Tyler J., Wakely S. P., Weinstein A., Wells R. M., Wilcox P., Wilhelm A., Williams D. A., Williamson T. J., Zitzer B., VERITAS Collaboration, Kaur A., (2018) VERITAS Observations of the BL Lac Object TXS 0506+056 , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 861, Issue 2, article id. L20, 6 pp. (2018).  
Gagné J., Fontaine G., Simon A., Faherty J. K., (2018) A Young Ultramassive White Dwarf in the AB Doradus Moving Group , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 861, Issue 2, article id. L13, 6 pp. (2018).  
Abeysekara A. U., Archer A., Aune T., Benbow W., Bird R., Brose R., Buchovecky M., Bugaev V., Cui W., Daniel M. K., Falcone A., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fleischhack H., Flinders A., Fortson L., Furniss A., Gotthelf E. V., Grube J., Hanna D., Hervet O., Holder J., Huang K., Hughes G., Humensky T. B., H?tten M., Johnson C. A., Kaaret P., Kar P., Kelley-Hoskins N., Kertzman M., Kieda D., Krause M., Kumar S., Lang M. J., Lin T. T. Y., Maier G., McArthur S., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., O'Brien S., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Pandel D., Park N., Petrashyk A., Pohl M., Popkow A., Pueschel E., Quinn J., Ragan K., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Rousselle J., Rulten C., Sadeh I., Santander M., Sembroski G. H., Shahinyan K., Tyler J., Vassiliev V. V., Wakely S. P., Ward J. E., Weinstein A., Wells R. M., Wilcox P., Wilhelm A., Williams D. A., Zitzer B., (2018) A Very High Energy gamma-Ray Survey toward the Cygnus Region of the Galaxy , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 861, Issue 2, article id. 134, 33 pp. (2018).  
Lam M. T., Ellis J. A., Grillo G., Jones M. L., Hazboun J. S., Brook P. R., Turner J. E., Chatterjee S., Cordes J. M., Lazio T. J. W., DeCesar M. E., Arzoumanian Z., Blumer H., Cromartie H. T., Demorest P. B., Dolch T., Ferdman R. D., Ferrara E. C., Fonseca E., Garver-Daniels N., Gentile P. A., Gupta V., Lorimer D. R., Lynch R. S., Madison D. R., McLaughlin M. A., Ng C., Nice D. J., Pennucci T. T., Ransom S. M., Spiewak R., Stairs I. H., Stinebring D. R., Stovall K., Swiggum J. K., Vigeland S. J., Zhu W. W., (2018) A Second Chromatic Timing Event of Interstellar Origin toward PSR J1713+0747 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 861, Issue 2, article id. 132, 8 pp. (2018).  
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EBEX Collaboration, Aboobaker A. M., Ade P., Araujo D., Aubin F., Baccigalupi C., Bao C., Chapman D., Didier J., Dobbs M., Geach C., Grainger W., Hanany S., Helson K., Hillbrand S., Hubmayr J., Jaffe A., Johnson B., Jones T., Klein J., Korotkov A., Lee A., Levinson L., Limon M., MacDermid K., Matsumura T., Miller A. D., Milligan M., Raach K., Reichborn-Kjennerud B., Sagiv I., Savini G., Spencer L., Tucker C., Tucker G. S., Westbrook B., Young K., Zilic K., (2018) The EBEX Balloon-borne Experiment---Optics, Receiver, and Polarimetry , The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 239, Issue 1, article id. 7, 25 pp. (2018).  
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Richardson N. D., Pablo H., Sterken C., Pigulski A., Koenigsberger G., Moffat A. F. J., Madura T. I., Hamaguchi K., Corcoran M. F., Damineli A., Gull T. R., Hillier D. J., Weigelt G. , Handler G., Popowicz A., Wade G. A., Weiss W. W., Zwintz K. , (2018 ) BRITE-Constellation reveals evidence for pulsations in the enigmatic binary eta Carinae , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 475, Issue 4, p.5417-5423  
Roberts I. D., Parker L. C., Hlavacek-Larrondo J. , (2018 ) Connecting optical and X-ray tracers of galaxy cluster relaxation , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 475, Issue 4, p.4704-4716  
Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Gendron-Marsolais M.-L., Fecteau-Beaucage D., van Weeren R. J., Russell H. R., Edge A., Olamaie M., Rumsey C., King L., Fabian A. C., McNamara B., Hogan M., Mezcua M. , Taylor G. , (2018 ) Mystery solved: discovery of extended radio emission in the merging galaxy cluster Abell 2146 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 475, Issue 2, p.2743-2753  
Naidu A., Joshi B. C., Manoharan P. K. , Krishnakumar M. A. , (2018 ) Detection of long nulls in PSR B1706-16, a pulsar with large timing irregularities , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 475, Issue 2, p.2375-2382  
Fouqué P., Moutou C., Malo L., Martioli E., Lim O., Rajpurohit A., Artigau E., Delfosse X., Donati J.-F., Forveille T., Morin J., Allard F., Delage R., Doyon R., Hébrard E., Neves V. , (2018 ) SPIRou Input Catalogue: global properties of 440 M dwarfs observed with ESPaDOnS at CFHT , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 475, Issue 2, p.1960-1986  
Thompson S. E., Coughlin J. L., Hoffman K., Mullally F., Christiansen J. L., Burke C. J., Bryson S., Batalha N., Haas M. R., Catanzarite J., Rowe J. F., Barentsen G., Caldwell D. A., Clarke B. D., Jenkins J. M., Li J., Latham D. W., Lissauer J. J., Mathur S., Morris R. L., Seader S. E., Smith J. C., Klaus T. C., Twicken J. D., Van Cleve J. E., Wohler B., Akeson R., Ciardi D. R., Cochran W. D., Henze C. E., Howell S. B., Huber D., Prsa A. , Ramírez S. V., Morton T. D., Barclay T., Campbell J. R., Chaplin W. J., Charbonneau D., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Dotson J. L., Doyle L., Dunham E. W., Dupree A. K., Ford E. B., Geary J. C., Girouard F. R., Isaacson H., Kjeldsen H., Quintana E. V., Ragozzine D., Shabram M., Shporer A., Silva Aguirre V., Steffen J. H., Still M., Tenenbaum P., Welsh W. F., Wolfgang A., Zamudio K. A. , Koch D. G., Borucki W. J. , (2018 ) Planetary Candidates Observed by Kepler. VIII. A Fully Automated Catalog with Measured Completeness and Reliability Based on Data Release 25 , The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 235, Issue 2, article id. 38, 49 pp. (2018).  
Arzoumanian Z., Brazier A., Burke-Spolaor S., Chamberlin S., Chatterjee S., Christy B., Cordes J. M., Cornish N. J., Crawford F., Thankful Cromartie H., Crowter K., DeCesar M. E., Demorest P. B., Dolch T., Ellis J. A., Ferdman R. D., Ferrara E. C., Fonseca E., Garver-Daniels N., Gentile P. A., Halmrast D., Huerta E. A., Jenet F. A., Jessup C., Jones G., Jones M. L., Kaplan D. L., Lam M. T., Lazio T. J. W., Levin L., Lommen A., Lorimer D. R., Luo J., Lynch R. S., Madison D., Matthews A. M., McLaughlin M. A., McWilliams S. T., Mingarelli C., Ng C., Nice D. J., Pennucci T. T., Ransom S. M., Ray P. S., Siemens X., Simon J., Spiewak R., Stairs I. H., Stinebring D. R., Stovall K., Swiggum J. K., Taylor S. R., Vallisneri M., van Haasteren R., Vigeland S. J., Zhu W., NANOGrav Collaboration , (2018 ) The NANOGrav 11-year Data Set: High-precision Timing of 45 Millisecond Pulsars , The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 235, Issue 2, article id. 37, 41 pp. (2018).  
Bell T. J., Cowan N. B. , (2018 ) Increased Heat Transport in Ultra-hot Jupiter Atmospheres through H2 Dissociation and Recombination , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 857, Issue 2, article id. L20, 6 pp. (2018).  
Kawash A. M., McLaughlin M. A., Kaplan D. L., DeCesar M. E., Levin L., Lorimer D. R., Lynch R. S., Stovall K., Swiggum J. K., Fonseca E., Archibald A. M., Banaszak S., Biwer C. M., Boyles J., Cui B., Dartez L. P., Day D., Ernst S., Ford A. J., Flanigan J., Heatherly S. A., Hessels J. W. T., Hinojosa J., Jenet F. A., Karako-Argaman C., Kaspi V. M., Kondratiev V. I., Leake S., Lunsford G., Martinez J. G., Mata A., Matheny T. D., Mcewen A. E., Mingyar M. G., Orsini A. L., Ransom S. M., Roberts M. S. E., Rohr M. D., Siemens X., Spiewak R., Stairs I. H., van Leeuwen J., Walker A. N., Wells B. L. , (2018 ) The Green Bank Northern Celestial Cap Pulsar Survey. II. The Discovery and Timing of 10 Pulsars , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 857, Issue 2, article id. 131, 8 pp. (2018).  
Rolland B., Bergeron P., Fontaine G. , (2018 ) On the Spectral Evolution of Helium-atmosphere White Dwarfs Showing Traces of Hydrogen , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 857, Issue 1, article id. 56, 27 pp. (2018).  
Abeysekara A. U., Archer A., Benbow W., Bird R., Brose R., Buchovecky M., Bugaev V., Connolly M. P., Cui W., Errando M., Falcone A., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Flinders A., Fortson L., Furniss A., Gillanders G. H., Hütten M., Hanna D., Hervet O., Holder J., Hughes G., Humensky T. B., Johnson C. A., Kaaret P., Kar P., Kelley-Hoskins N., Kertzman M., Kieda D., Krause M., Krennrich F., Lang M. J., Lin T. T. Y., Maier G., McArthur S., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., O'Brien S., Ong R. A., Park N., Perkins J. S., Petrashyk A., Pohl M., Popkow A., Pueschel E., Quinn J., Ragan K., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Rulten C., Sadeh I., Santander M., Sembroski G. H., Shahinyan K., Tyler J., Wakely S. P., Weiner O. M., Weinstein A., Wells R. M., Wilcox P., Wilhelm A., Williams D. A., Zitzer B., VERITAS Collaboration, Vurm I., Beloborodov A. , (2018 ) A Strong Limit on the Very-high-energy Emission from GRB 150323A , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 857, Issue 1, article id. 33, 6 pp. (2018).  
Camilo F., Scholz P., Serylak M., Buchner S., Merryfield M., Kaspi V. M., Archibald R. F., Bailes M., Jameson A., van Straten W., Sarkissian J., Reynolds J. E., Johnston S., Hobbs G., Abbott T. D., Adam R. M., Adams G. B., Alberts T., Andreas R., Asad K. M. B., Baker D. E., Baloyi T., Bauermeister E. F., Baxana T., Bennett T. G. H., Bernardi G., Booisen D., Booth R. S., Botha D. H., Boyana L., Brederode L. R. S., Burger J. P., Cheetham T., Conradie J., Conradie J. P., Davidson D. B., De Bruin G., de Swardt B., de Villiers C., de Villiers D. I. L., de Villiers M. S., de Villiers W., De Waal C., Dikgale M. A., du Toit G., du Toit L. J., Esterhuyse S. W. P., Fanaroff B., Fataar S., Foley A. R., Foster G., Fourie D., Gamatham R., Gatsi T., Geschke R., Goedhart S., Grobler T. L., Gumede S. C., Hlakola M. J., Hokwana A., Hoorn D. H., Horn D., Horrell J., Hugo B., Isaacson A., Jacobs O., Jansen van Rensburg J. P., Jonas J. L., Jordaan B., Joubert A., Joubert F., Józsa G. I. G., Julie R., Julius C. C., Kapp F., Karastergiou A., Karels F., Kariseb M., Karuppusamy R., Kasper V., Knox-Davies E. C., Koch D., Kotzé P. P. A., Krebs A., Kriek N., Kriel H., Kusel T., Lamoor S., Lehmensiek R., Liebenberg D., Liebenberg I., Lord R. T., Lunsky B., Mabombo N., Macdonald T., Macfarlane P., Madisa K., Mafhungo L., Magnus L. G., Magozore C., Mahgoub O., Main J. P. L., Makhathini S., Malan J. A., Malgas P., Manley J. R., Manzini M., Marais L., Marais N., Marais S. J., Maree M., Martens A., Matshawule S. D., Matthysen N., Mauch T., McNally L. D., Merry B., Millenaar R. P., Mjikelo C., Mkhabela N., Mnyandu N., Moeng I. T., Mokone O. J., Monama T. E., Montshiwa K., Moss V., Mphego M., New W., Ngcebetsha B., Ngoasheng K., Niehaus H., Ntuli P., Nzama A., Obies F., Obrocka M., Ockards M. T., Olyn C., Oozeer N., Otto A. J., Padayachee Y., Passmoor S., Patel A. A., Paula S., Peens-Hough A., Pholoholo B., Prozesky P., Rakoma S., Ramaila A. J. T., Rammala I., Ramudzuli Z. R., Rasivhaga M., Ratcliffe S., Reader H. C., Renil R., Richter L., Robyntjies A., Rosekrans D., Rust A., Salie S., Sambu N., Schollar C. T. G., Schwardt L., Seranyane S., Sethosa G., Sharpe C., Siebrits R., Sirothia S. K., Slabber M. J., Smirnov O., Smith S., Sofeya L., Songqumase N., Spann R., Stappers B., Steyn D., Steyn T. J., Strong R., Struthers A., Stuart C., Sunnylall P., Swart P. S., Taljaard B., Tasse C., Taylor G., Theron I. P., Thondikulam V., Thorat K., Tiplady A., Toruvanda O., van Aardt J., van Balla T., van den Heever L., van der Byl A., van der Merwe C., van der Merwe P., van Niekerk P. C., van Rooyen R., van Staden J. P., van Tonder V., van Wyk R., Wait I., Walker A. L., Wallace B., Welz M., Williams L. P., Xaia B., Young N., Zitha S. , (2018 ) Revival of the Magnetar PSR J1622-4950: Observations with MeerKAT, Parkes, XMM-Newton, Swift, Chandra, and NuSTAR , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 856, Issue 2, article id. 180, 11 pp. (2018).  
Abeysekara A. U., Benbow W., Bird R., Brantseg T., Brose R., Buchovecky M., Buckley J. H., Bugaev V., Connolly M. P., Cui W., Daniel M. K., Falcone A., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fortson L., Furniss A., Gillanders G. H., Gunawardhana I., Hütten M., Hanna D., Hervet O., Holder J., Hughes G., Humensky T. B., Johnson C. A., Kaaret P., Kar P., Kertzman M., Krennrich F., Lang M. J., Lin T. T. Y., McArthur S., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., O'Brien S., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Park N., Petrashyk A., Pohl M., Pueschel E., Quinn J., Ragan K., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Rulten C., Sadeh I., Santander M., Sembroski G. H., Shahinyan K., Wakely S. P., Weinstein A., Wells R. M., Wilcox P., Williams D. A., Zitzer B., VERITAS Collaboration, Jorstad S. G., Marscher A. P., Lister M. L., Kovalev Y. Y., Pushkarev A. B., Savolainen T., Agudo I., Molina S. N., Gómez J. L., Larionov V. M., Borman G. A., Mokrushina A. A., Tornikoski M., Lähteenmäki A., Chamani W., Enestam S., Kiehlmann S., Hovatta T., Smith P. S., Pontrelli P. , (2018 ) Multiwavelength Observations of the Blazar BL Lacertae: A New Fast TeV Gamma-Ray Flare , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 856, Issue 2, article id. 95, 14 pp. (2018).  
H. E. S. S. Collaboration, Abdalla H., Abramowski A., Aharonian F., Ait Benkhali F., Akhperjanian A. G., Andersson T., Angüner E. O., Arakawa M., Arrieta M., Aubert P., Backes M., Balzer A., Barnard M., Becherini Y., Becker Tjus J., Berge D., Bernhard S., Bernlöhr K., Blackwell R., Böttcher M., Boisson C., Bolmont J., Bonnefoy S., Bordas P., Bregeon J., Brun F., Brun P., Bryan M., Büchele M., Bulik T., Capasso M., Carr J., Casanova S., Cerruti M., Chakraborty N., Chaves R. C. G., Chen A., Chevalier J., Coffaro M., Colafrancesco S., Cologna G., Condon B., Conrad J., Cui Y., Davids I. D., Decock J., Degrange B., Deil C., Devin J., deWilt P., Dirson L., Djannati-Ataï A., Domainko W., Donath A., Drury L. O. '., Dutson K., Dyks J., Edwards T., Egberts K., Eger P., Ernenwein J.-P., Eschbach S., Farnier C., Fegan S., Fernandes M. V., Fiasson A., Fontaine G., Förster A., Funk S., Füßling M., Gabici S., Gajdus M., Gallant Y. A., Garrigoux T., Giavitto G., Giebels B., Glicenstein J. F., Gottschall D., Goyal A., Grondin M.-H., Hahn J., Haupt M., Hawkes J., Heinzelmann G., Henri G., Hermann G., Hervet O., Hinton J. A., Hofmann W., Hoischen C., Holch T. L., Holler M., Horns D., Ivascenko A., Iwasaki H., Jacholkowska A., Jamrozy M., Janiak M., Jankowsky D., Jankowsky F., Jingo M., Jogler T., Jouvin L., Jung-Richardt I., Kastendieck M. A., Katarzynski K., Katsuragawa M., Katz U., Kerszberg D., Khangulyan D., Khélifi B., King J., Klepser S., Klochkov D., Kluzniak W., Kolitzus D., Komin N., Kosack K., Krakau S., Kraus M., Krüger P. P., Laffon H., Lamanna G., Lau J., Lees J.-P., Lefaucheur J., Lefranc V., Lemière A., Lemoine-Goumard M., Lenain J.-P., Leser E., Lohse T., Lorentz M., Liu R., López-Coto R., Lypova I., Marandon V., Marcowith A., Mariaud C., Marx R., Maurin G., Maxted N., Mayer M., Meintjes P. J., Meyer M., Mitchell A. M. W., Moderski R., Mohamed M., Mohrmann L., Morå K., Moulin E., Murach T., Nakashima S., de Naurois M., Niederwanger F., Niemiec J., Oakes L., O'Brien P., Odaka H., Öttl S., Ohm S., Ostrowski M., Oya I., Padovani M., Panter M., Parsons R. D., Pekeur N. W., Pelletier G., Perennes C., Petrucci P.-O., Peyaud B., Piel Q., Pita S., Poon H., Prokhorov D., Prokoph H., Pühlhofer G., Punch M., Quirrenbach A., Raab S., Reimer A., Reimer O., Renaud M., de los Reyes R., Richter S., Rieger F., Romoli C., Rowell G., Rudak B., Rulten C. B., Sahakian V., Saito S., Salek D., Sanchez D. A., Santangelo A., Sasaki M., Schlickeiser R., Schüssler F., Schulz A., Schwanke U., Schwemmer S., Seglar-Arroyo M., Settimo M., Seyffert A. S., Shafi N., Shilon I., Simoni R., Sol H., Spanier F., Spengler G., Spies F., Stawarz L., Steenkamp R., Stegmann C., Stycz K., Sushch I., Takahashi T., Tavernet J.-P., Tavernier T., Taylor A. M., Terrier R., Tibaldo L., Tiziani D., Tluczykont M., Trichard C., Tsuji N., Tuffs R., Uchiyama Y., van der Walt D. J., van Eldik C., van Rensburg C., Van Soelen B., Vasileiadis G., Veh J., Venter C., Viana A., Vincent P., Vink J., Voisin F., Völk H. J., Vuillaume T., Wadiasingh Z., Wagner S. J., Wagner P., Wagner R. M., White R., Wierzcholska A., Willmann P., Wörnlein A., Wouters D., Yang R., Zabalza V., Zaborov D., Zacharias M., Zanin R., Zdziarski A. A., Zech A., Zefi F. , Ziegler A., Zywucka N., Bamba A., Fukui Y., Sano H., Yoshiike S. , (2018 ) A search for new supernova remnant shells in the Galactic plane with H.E.S.S. , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 612, id.A8, 23 pp.  
Grootel V. V., Péters M.-J., Green E. M., Charpinet S., Brassard P., Fontaine G. , (2018 ) New observations and asteroseismic analysis of the subdwarf B pulsator PG 1219+534 , Open Astronomy, Volume 27, Issue 1, pp.44-56  
Dang L., Cowan N. B., Schwartz J. C., Rauscher E., Zhang M., Knutson H. A., Line M., Dobbs-Dixon I., Deming D., Sundararajan S., Fortney J. J., Zhao M. , (2018 ) Detection of a westward hotspot offset in the atmosphere of hot gas giant CoRoT-2b , Nature Astronomy, Volume 2, p. 220-227  
Xu S., Rappaport S., van Lieshout R., Vanderburg A., Gary B., Hallakoun N., Ivanov V. D., Wyatt M. C., DeVore J., Bayliss D., Bento J., Bieryla A., Cameron A., Cann J. M., Croll B., Collins K. A., Dalba P. A., Debes J., Doyle D., Dufour P., Ely J., Espinoza N., Joner M. D., Jura M., Kaye T., McClain J. L., Muirhead P., Pallé E., Panka P. A., Provencal J., Randall S., Rodriguez J. E., Scarborough J., Sefako R., Shporer A., Strickland W., Zhou G., Zuckerman B. , (2018 ) A dearth of small particles in the transiting material around the white dwarf WD 1145+017 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 474, Issue 4, p.4795-4809  
Hill G. M., Moffat A. F. J., St-Louis N. , (2018 ) Modelling the colliding-wind spectra of the WC8d+O8-9IV binary CV Ser (WR 113) , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 474, Issue 3, p.2987-2999  
Gagné J., Mamajek E. E., Malo L., Riedel A., Rodriguez D., Lafrenière D., Faherty J. K., Roy-Loubier O., Pueyo L., Robin A. C., Doyon R. , (2018 ) BANYAN. XI. The BANYAN Sigma Multivariate Bayesian Algorithm to Identify Members of Young Associations with 150 pc , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 856, Issue 1, article id. 23, 35 pp. (2018).  
Zhou Y., Apai D., Metchev S., Lew B. W. P., Schneider G., Marley M. S., Karalidi T., Manjavacas E., Bedin L. R., Cowan N. B., Miles-Páez P. A., Lowrance P. J., Radigan J., Burgasser A. J. , (2018 ) Cloud Atlas: Rotational Modulations in the L/T Transition Brown Dwarf Companion HN Peg B , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 155, Issue 3, article id. 132, 10 pp. (2018).  
Baade D., Pigulski A., Rivinius T., Carciofi A. C., Panoglou D., Ghoreyshi M. R., Handler G., Kuschnig R., Moffat A. F. J., Pablo H., Popowicz A., Wade G. A., Weiss W. W., Zwintz K. , (2018 ) Short-term variability and mass loss in Be stars. III. BRITE and SMEI satellite photometry of 28 Cygni , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 610, id.A70, 17 pp.  
Giammichele N., Charpinet S., Fontaine G., Brassard P., Green E. M., Van Grootel V., Bergeron P., Zong W. , Dupret M.-A. , (2018 ) A large oxygen-dominated core from the seismic cartography of a pulsating white dwarf , Nature, Volume 554, Issue 7690, pp. 73-76 (2018).  
Bryan M. L., Benneke B., Knutson H. A., Batygin K., Bowler B. P. , (2018 ) Constraints on the spin evolution of young planetary-mass companions , Nature Astronomy, Volume 2, p. 138-144  
St-Louis N., Tremblay P., Ignace R. , (2018 ) Polarization light curve modelling of corotating interaction regions in the wind of the Wolf-Rayet star WR 6 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 474, Issue 2, p.1886-1899  
Mezcua M. , Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Lucey J. R., Hogan M. T., Edge A. C., McNamara B. R. , (2018 ) The most massive black holes on the Fundamental Plane of black hole accretion , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 474, Issue 1, p.1342-1360  
Ramiaramanantsoa T., Moffat A. F. J., Harmon R., Ignace R., St-Louis N., Vanbeveren D., Shenar T., Pablo H., Richardson N. D., Howarth I. D., Stevens I. R., Piaulet C., St-Jean L., Eversberg T., Pigulski A., Popowicz A., Kuschnig R., Zoclonska E., Buysschaert B., Handler G., Weiss W. W., Wade G. A., Rucinski S. M., Zwintz K., Luckas P., Heathcote B., Cacella P., Powles J., Locke M., Bohlsen T., Chene A.-N., Miszalski B., Waldron W. L., Kotze M. M., Kotze E. J., Böhm T. , (2018 ) BRITE-Constellation high-precision time-dependent photometry of the early O-type supergiant zeta Puppis unveils the photospheric drivers of its small- and large-scale wind structures , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 473, Issue 4, p.5532-5569  
Smalley B., Paunzen E., Lüftinger T., Moffat A. F. J., Pigulski A., Rucinski S., Sikora J. , Wade G. A., Weiss W., BEST , (2018 ) On the non-variability of HR 7653 (15 Vul) based on BRITE data , Bulgarian Astronomical Journal, vol. 28, p. 27  
Gagné J., Allers K. N., Theissen C. A., Faherty J. K., Bardalez Gagliuffi D., Artigau É. , (2018 ) 2MASS J13243553+6358281 Is an Early T-type Planetary-mass Object in the AB Doradus Moving Group , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 854, Issue 2, article id. L27, 7 pp. (2018).  
Stovall K., Freire P. C. C., Chatterjee S., Demorest P. B., Lorimer D. R., McLaughlin M. A., Pol N., van Leeuwen J., Wharton R. S., Allen B., Boyce M., Brazier A., Caballero K., Camilo F., Camuccio R., Cordes J. M., Crawford F., Deneva J. S., Ferdman R. D., Hessels J. W. T., Jenet F. A., Kaspi V. M., Knispel B., Lazarus P., Lynch R., Parent E., Patel C., Pleunis Z., Ransom S. M., Scholz P., Seymour A., Siemens X., Stairs I. H., Swiggum J., Zhu W. W. , (2018 ) PALFA Discovery of a Highly Relativistic Double Neutron Star Binary , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 854, Issue 2, article id. L22, 6 pp. (2018).  
Gaspari M., McDonald M., Hamer S. L., Brighenti F., Temi P., Gendron-Marsolais M., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Edge A. C., Werner N., Tozzi P., Sun M., Stone J. M., Tremblay G. R., Hogan M. T., Eckert D., Ettori S., Yu H., Biffi V., Planelles S. , (2018 ) Shaken Snow Globes: Kinematic Tracers of the Multiphase Condensation Cascade in Massive Galaxies, Groups, and Clusters , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 854, Issue 2, article id. 167, 17 pp. (2018).  
Zhou G., Rappaport S., Nelson L., Huang C. X., Senhadji A., Rodriguez J. E., Vanderburg A., Quinn S., Johnson C. I., Latham D. W., Torres G., Gary B. L., Tan T. G., Johnson M. C., Burt J., Kristiansen M. H., Jacobs T. L., LaCourse D., Schwengeler H. M., Terentev I., Bieryla A., Esquerdo G. A., Berlind P., Calkins M. L., Bento J., Cochran W. D., Karjalainen M., Hatzes A. P., Karjalainen R., Holden B., Butler R. P. , (2018 ) Occultations from an Active Accretion Disk in a 72-day Detached Post-Algol System Detected by K2 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 854, Issue 2, article id. 109, 18 pp. (2018).  
Cloutier R., Artigau E., Delfosse X., Malo L., Moutou C., Doyon R., Donati J.-F., Cumming A., Dumusque X., Hébrard E., Menou K. , (2018 ) Predictions of Planet Detections with Near-infrared Radial Velocities in the Upcoming SPIRou Legacy Survey-planet Search , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 155, Issue 2, article id. 93, 28 pp. (2018).  
Petigura E. A., Marcy G. W., Winn J. N., Weiss L. M., Fulton B. J., Howard A. W., Sinukoff E., Isaacson H., Morton T. D., Johnson J. A. , (2018 ) The California-Kepler Survey. IV. Metal-rich Stars Host a Greater Diversity of Planets , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 155, Issue 2, article id. 89, 24 pp. (2018).  
Zhang M., Knutson H. A., Kataria T., Schwartz J. C., Cowan N. B., Showman A. P., Burrows A., Fortney J. J., Todorov K. , Désert J.-M., Agol E., Deming D. , (2018 ) Phase Curves of WASP-33b and HD 149026b and a New Correlation between Phase Curve Offset and Irradiation Temperature , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 155, Issue 2, article id. 83, 17 pp. (2018).  
Lothringer J. D., Benneke B., Crossfield I. J. M., Henry G. W., Morley C., Dragomir D., Barman T., Knutson H., Kempton E., Fortney J., McCullough P., Howard A. W. , (2018 ) An HST/STIS Optical Transmission Spectrum of Warm Neptune GJ 436b , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 155, Issue 2, article id. 66, 14 pp. (2018).  
Michilli D., Seymour A., Hessels J. W. T., Spitler L. G., Gajjar V., Archibald A. M., Bower G. C., Chatterjee S., Cordes J. M., Gourdji K., Heald G. H., Kaspi V. M., Law C. J., Sobey C., Adams E. A. K., Bassa C. G., Bogdanov S., Brinkman C., Demorest P., Fernandez F., Hellbourg G., Lazio T. J. W., Lynch R. S., Maddox N., Marcote B., McLaughlin M. A., Paragi Z., Ransom S. M., Scholz P., Siemion A. P. V., Tendulkar S. P., van Rooy P., Wharton R. S., Whitlow D. , (2018 ) An extreme magneto-ionic environment associated with the fast radio burst source FRB 121102 , Nature, Volume 553, Issue 7687, pp. 182-185 (2018).  
Martin T. B., Drissen L., Melchior A.-L. , (2018 ) A SITELLE view of M31's central region - I. Calibrations and radial velocity catalogue of nearly 800 emission-line point-like sources , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 473, Issue 3, p.4130-4149  
Pledger J. L., Shara M. M., Wilde M. , Crowther P. A., Long K. S., Zurek D., Moffat A. F. J. , (2018 ) The first optical spectra of Wolf-Rayet stars in M101 revealed with Gemini/GMOS , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 473, Issue 1, p.148-164  
Wang J. J., Perrin M. D., Savransky D., Arriaga P., Chilcote J. K., De Rosa R. J., Millar-Blanchaer M. A., Marois C., Rameau J., Wolff S. G. , Shapiro J., Ruffio J.-B., Maire J., Marchis F., Graham J. R., Macintosh B., Ammons S. M., Bailey V. P., Barman T. S., Bruzzone S., Bulger J., Cotten T., Doyon R., Duchêne G., Fitzgerald M. P., Follette K. B., Goodsell S., Greenbaum A. Z., Hibon P., Hung L.-W., Ingraham P., Kalas P., Konopacky Q. M., Larkin J. E., Marley M. S., Metchev S., Nielsen E. L., Oppenheimer R., Palmer D. W., Patience J., Poyneer L. A., Pueyo L., Rajan A., Rantakyrö F. T., Schneider A. C., Sivaramakrishnan A., Song I., Soummer R., Thomas S., Wallace J. K., Ward-Duong K., Wiktorowicz S. J. , (2018 ) Automated data processing architecture for the Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey , Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, Volume 4, id. 018002 (2018).  
Boyajian T. S., Alonso R., Ammerman A., Armstrong D., Asensio Ramos A., Barkaoui K., Beatty T. G., Benkhaldoun Z., Benni P., Bentley R. O., Berdyugin A., Berdyugina S., Bergeron S., Bieryla A., Blain M. G., Capetillo Blanco A., Bodman E. H. L., Boucher A., Bradley M., Brincat S. M., Brink T. G., Briol J., Brown D. J. A., Budaj J., Burdanov A., Cale B., Aznar Carbo M., Castillo García R., Clark W. J., Clayton G. C., Clem J. L., Coker P. H., Cook E. M., Copperwheat C. M., Curtis J. L., Cutri R. M., Cseh B., Cynamon C. H., Daniels A. J., Davenport J. R. A., Deeg H. J., De Lorenzo R., de Jaeger T., Desrosiers J.-B., Dolan J., Dowhos D. J., Dubois F., Durkee R., Dvorak S., Easley L., Edwards N., Ellis T. G., Erdelyi E., Ertel S., Farfán R. G., Farihi J., Filippenko A. V., Foxell E., Gandolfi D., Garcia F., Giddens F., Gillon M., González-Carballo J.-L., González-Fernández C., González Hernández J. I., Graham K. A., Greene K. A., Gregorio J., Hallakoun N., Hanyecz O., Harp G. R., Henry G. W., Herrero E., Hildbold C. F., Hinzel D., Holgado G., Ignácz B., Ilyin I., Ivanov V. D., Jehin E., Jermak H. E., Johnston S., Kafka S., Kalup C., Kardasis E., Kaspi S., Kennedy G. M., Kiefer F., Kielty C. L., Kessler D., Kiiskinen H., Killestein T. L., King R. A., Kollar V., Korhonen H., Kotnik C., Könyves-Tóth R., Kriskovics L., Krumm N., Krushinsky V., Kundra E., Lachapelle F.-R., LaCourse D., Lake P., Lam K., Lamb G. P., Lane D., Lau M. W., Lewin P., Lintott C., Lisse C., Logie L., Longeard N., Lopez Villanueva M., Whit Ludington E., Mainzer A., Malo L., Maloney C., Mann A., Mantero A., Marengo M., Marchant J., Martínez González M. J., Masiero J. R., Mauerhan J. C., McCormac J., McNeely A., Meng H. Y. A., Miller M., Molnar L. A., Morales J. C., Morris B. M., Muterspaugh M. W., Nespral D., Nugent C. R., Nugent K. M., Odasso A., O'Keeffe D., Oksanen A., O'Meara J. M., Ordasi A., Osborn H., Ott J. J., Parks J. R., Rodriguez Perez D., Petriew V., Pickard R., Pál A., Plavchan P., Pollacco D., Pozo Nuñez F., Pozuelos F. J., Rau S., Redfield S., Relles H., Ribas I., Richards J., Saario J. L. O., Safron E. J., Sallai J. M., Sárneczky K., Schaefer B. E., Schumer C. F., Schwartzendruber M., Siegel M. H., Siemion A. P. V., Simmons B. D., Simon J. D., Simón-Díaz S., Sitko M. L., Socas-Navarro H., Sódor Á., Starkey D., Steele I. A., Stone G., Strassmeier K. G., Street R. A., Sullivan T., Suomela J., Swift J. J., Szabó G. M., Szabó R., Szakáts R., Szalai T., Tanner A. M., Toledo-Padrón B., Tordai T., Triaud A. H. M. J., Turner J. D., Ulowetz J. H., Urbanik M., Vanaverbeke S., Vanderburg A., Vida K., Vietje B. P., Vinkó J., von Braun K., Waagen E. O., Walsh D., Watson C. A., Weir R. C., Wenzel K., Westendorp Plaza C., Williamson M. W., Wright J. T., Wyatt M. C., Zheng W., Zsidi G. , (2018 ) The First Post-Kepler Brightness Dips of KIC 8462852 , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 853, Issue 1, article id. L8, 14 pp. (2018).  
Ruan J. J., Nynka M., Haggard D. , Kalogera V., Evans P. , (2018 ) Brightening X-Ray Emission from GW170817/GRB 170817A: Further Evidence for an Outflow , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 853, Issue 1, article id. L4, 6 pp. (2018).  
Hou Z., Aylor K., Benson B. A., Bleem L. E., Carlstrom J. E., Chang C. L., Cho H.-M., Chown R., Crawford T. M., Crites A. T., de Haan T., Dobbs M. A., Everett W. B., Follin B., George E. M., Halverson N. W., Harrington N. L., Holder G. P., Holzapfel W. L., Hrubes J. D., Keisler R., Knox L., Lee A. T., Leitch E. M., Luong-van D., Marrone D. P., McMahon J. J., Meyer S. S., Millea M., Mocanu L. M., Mohr J. J., Natoli T., Omori Y., Padin S., Pryke C., Reichardt C. L., Ruhl J. E., Sayre J. T., Schaffer K. K., Shirokoff E., Staniszewski Z., Stark A. A., Story K. T., Vanderlinde K., Vieira J. D., Williamson R. , (2018 ) A Comparison of Maps and Power Spectra Determined from South Pole Telescope and Planck Data , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 853, Issue 1, article id. 3, 14 pp. (2018).  
Ferdman R. D., Archibald R. F., Gourgouliatos K. N., Kaspi V. M. , (2018 ) The Glitches and Rotational History of the Highly Energetic Young Pulsar PSR J0537-6910 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 852, Issue 2, article id. 123, 12 pp. (2018).  
Henning J. W., Sayre J. T., Reichardt C. L., Ade P. A. R., Anderson A. J., Austermann J. E., Beall J. A., Bender A. N., Benson B. A., Bleem L. E., Carlstrom J. E., Chang C. L., Chiang H. C., Cho H.-M., Citron R., Corbett Moran C., Crawford T. M., Crites A. T., de Haan T., Dobbs M. A., Everett W., Gallicchio J., George E. M., Gilbert A., Halverson N. W., Harrington N., Hilton G. C., Holder G. P., Holzapfel W. L., Hoover S., Hou Z., Hrubes J. D., Huang N., Hubmayr J., Irwin K. D., Keisler R., Knox L., Lee A. T., Leitch E. M., Li D., Lowitz A., Manzotti A., McMahon J. J., Meyer S. S., Mocanu L., Montgomery J., Nadolski A., Natoli T., Nibarger J. P., Novosad V., Padin S., Pryke C., Ruhl J. E., Saliwanchik B. R., Schaffer K. K., Sievers C., Smecher G., Stark A. A., Story K. T., Tucker C., Vanderlinde K., Veach T., Vieira J. D., Wang G., Whitehorn N., Wu W. L. K., Yefremenko V. , (2018 ) Measurements of the Temperature and E-mode Polarization of the CMB from 500 Square Degrees of SPTpol Data , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 852, Issue 2, article id. 97, 31 pp. (2018).  
Broekhoven-Fiene H., Matthews B. C., Harvey P., Kirk H., Chen M., Currie M. J., Pattle K., Lane J., Buckle J., di Francesco J., Drabek-Maunder E., Johnstone D., Berry D. S., Fich M., Hatchell J., Jenness T., Mottram J. C., Nutter D., Pineda J. E., Quinn C., Salji C., Tisi S., Hogerheijde M. R., Ward-Thompson D., Bastien P., Bresnahan D., Butner H., Chrysostomou A., Coudé S., Davis C. J., Duarte-Cabral A., Fiege J., Friberg P., Friesen R., Fuller G. A., Graves S., Greaves J., Gregson J., Holland W., Joncas G., Kirk J. M., Knee L. B. G., Mairs S., Marsh K., Moriarty-Schieven G., Mowat C., Rawlings J., Richer J., Robertson D., Rosolowsky E., Rumble D., Sadavoy S., Thomas H., Tothill N., Viti S., White G. J., Wilson C. D., Wouterloot J., Yates J., Zhu M. , (2018 ) The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: A First Look at the Auriga-California Molecular Cloud with SCUBA-2 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 852, Issue 2, article id. 73, 20 pp. (2018).  
Desrochers M.-E., Artigau E., Gagné J., Doyon R., Malo L., Faherty J. K., Lafrenière D. , (2018 ) Banyan. X. Discovery of a Wide, Low-gravity L-type Companion to a Fast-rotating M3 Dwarf , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 852, Issue 1, article id. 55, 12 pp. (2018).  
Weiss L. M., Marcy G. W., Petigura E. A., Fulton B. J., Howard A. W., Winn J. N., Isaacson H. T., Morton T. D., Hirsch L. A., Sinukoff E. J., Cumming A., Hebb L., Cargile P. A. , (2018 ) The California-Kepler Survey. V. Peas in a Pod: Planets in a Kepler Multi-planet System Are Similar in Size and Regularly Spaced , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 155, Issue 1, article id. 48, 12 pp. (2018).  
Kunimoto M., Matthews J. M., Rowe J. F., Hoffman K. , (2018 ) Lifting Transit Signals from the Kepler Noise Floor. I. Discovery of a Warm Neptune , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 155, Issue 1, article id. 43, 8 pp. (2018).  
Manjavacas E., Apai D., Zhou Y., Karalidi T., Lew B. W. P., Schneider G., Cowan N., Metchev S., Miles-Páez P. A., Burgasser A. J., Radigan J., Bedin L. R., Lowrance P. J., Marley M. S. , (2018 ) Cloud Atlas: Discovery of Rotational Spectral Modulations in a Low-mass, L-type Brown Dwarf Companion to a Star , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 155, Issue 1, article id. 11, 10 pp. (2018).  
Ciardi D. R., Crossfield I. J. M., Feinstein A. D., Schlieder J. E., Petigura E. A., David T. J., Bristow M., Patel R. I., Arnold L., Benneke B., Christiansen J. L., Dressing C. D., Fulton B. J., Howard A. W., Isaacson H., Sinukoff E., Thackeray B. , (2018 ) K2-136: A Binary System in the Hyades Cluster Hosting a Neptune-sized Planet , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 155, Issue 1, article id. 10, 11 pp. (2018).  
Latour M., Chayer P., Green E. M., Irrgang A., Fontaine G. , (2018 ) Spectral analysis of four surprisingly similar hot hydrogen-rich subdwarf O stars , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 609, id.A89  
Nazé Y., Ramiaramanantsoa T., Stevens I. R., Howarth I. D., Moffat A. F. J. , (2018 ) A detailed X-ray investigation of zeta Puppis. IV. Further characterization of the variability , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 609, id.A81, 14 pp.  

Conference proceedings 2018 (39 entries)

Melis C., Zuckerman B., Dufour P., Song I., Klein B. , (2018 ) The First Polluted White Dwarf from Gaia DR2: The Cool DAZ Gaia J1738-0826 , Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society, Volume 2, Issue 2, article id. 64, 0 pp. (2018).  
Berta-Thompson Z. K., Batalha N. M. , Stevenson K. B., Bean J., Sing D. K., Crossfield I., Knutson H., Line M. R., Kreidberg L., Désert J.-M., Wakeford H., Crouzet N., Moses J. I., Benneke B., Kempton E., Lopez-Morales M., Parmentier V., Gibson N., Schlawin E., Fraine J., Kendrew S., Transiting Exoplanet Community ERS Team , (2018 ) The Transiting Exoplanet Community Early Release Science Program for JWST , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #232, id. 311.01  
Sheets H. A., Jacob L., Cowan N., Deming D. , (2018 ) A search for refraction in the Kepler gas giant data set , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #232, id. 124.08  
Kreidberg L., Lopez E., Cowan N., Lupu R., Stevenson K., Louden T., Malavolta L. , (2018 ) Taking the Temperature of a Lava Planet , Spitzer Proposal ID #14135  
Miles-Paez P., Metchev S., Burgasser A., Apai D., Pallé E., Zapatero Osorio M. R., Artigau E., Mace G., Tannock M., Triaud A. , (2018 ) Ultra-cool dwarfs viewed equator-on: surveying the best host stars for biosignature detection in transiting exoplanets , Spitzer Proposal ID #14131  
Beatty T., Keating D., Cowan N., Gaudi S., Kataria T., Fortney J., Stassun K., Collins K., Deming D., Bell T., Dang L., Rogers T., Colon K. , (2018 ) A Test of the Fundamental Physics Underlying Exoplanet Climate Models , Spitzer Proposal ID #14111  
Crossfield I., Werner M., Dragomir D., Kreidberg L., Benneke B., Deming D., Gorjian V., Guo X., Dressing C., Yu L., Kane S., Christiansen J., Berardo D., Morales F. , (2018 ) Spitzer Transits of New TESS Planets , Spitzer Proposal ID #14084  
Bean J., Parmentier V., Mansfield M., Cowan N., Kempton E., Désert J.-M., Swain M., Dang L., Bell T., Keating D., Zellem R. , Fortney J., Line M., Kreidberg L., Stevenson K. , (2018 ) Revealing Fact or Fiction in Spitzer Exoplanet Phase Curve Trends , Spitzer Proposal ID #14059  
Fazio G., Ashby M., Baganoff F., Becklin E., Boyce H., Carey S., Gammie C., Ghez A., Glaccum W., Gurwell M., Haggard D. , Herrero-Illana R., Hora J., Ingalls J., Lowrance P., Markoff S., Marrone D., Morris M., Narayan R., Neilsen J., Ponti G., Smith H., Willner S. , Witzel G. , (2018 ) The Vital Infrared to X-ray Link in the Sgr A* Accretion Flow , Spitzer Proposal ID #14026  
Farr B., Farr W. M., Cowan N. B., Haggard H. M., Robinson T. , (2018 ) exocartographer: Constraining surface maps orbital parameters of exoplanets , Astrophysics Source Code Library, record ascl:1805.007  
Haggard H. M., Cowan N. B. , (2018 ) EARL: Exoplanet Analytic Reflected Lightcurves package , Astrophysics Source Code Library, record ascl:1805.004  
Gagné J., Faherty J. K., Fontaine G. , (2018 ) A Pre-Gaia DR2 Survey for Nearby M Dwarfs in Young Associations , Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society, Volume 2, Issue 2, article id. 9, 0 pp. (2018).  
Kuschnig R., Pigulski A., Moffat A. F. J., Matthews J. M., Zwintz K., Baade D., Handler G., Weiss W. W., Wade G. A., Rucinski S. M., Pablo H., Koudelka O., Smolec R., Popowicz A., Neiner C., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz J., Lovekin C., St-Louis N., Pamyatnykh A. A., Rowe J., Orleanski P., Mochnacki S., Schwarzenberg-Czerny A. , (2018 ) BRITE nanosatellite serendipitously captures oscillatory rise and fall of ASASSN-18fv , The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 11508  
Christiansen J., Gorjian V., Hardegree-Ullman K., Livingston J., Dressing C., Barclay T., Lintott C., Ciardi D., Barentson G., Kristiansen M., Crossfield I., Benneke B., Howard A. , (2018 ) Extending and Characterizing an Exoplanet System in a Pristine Chain of Resonances , Spitzer Proposal ID #13253  
Jedicke P., Moffat A. , (2018 ) Star Clusters , Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Observer's Handbook 2018, edited by James S. Edgar. Toronto: Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 2017, p.310  
Haggard D. , Nynka M., Ruan J. J., Evans P. , Kalogera V. , (2018 ) LIGO/Virgo GW170817: Chandra X-ray Emission Continues to Rise 156 Days Post-Merger , The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 11242  
Archibald R. F., Scholz P., Kaspi V. , (2018 ) A Further Outburst from the Magnetar 1E 1048.1-5937 , The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 11241  
Gagné J., Mamajek E. E., Malo L., Riedel A., Rodriguez D., Lafrenière D., Faherty J. K., Roy-Loubier O., Pueyo L., Robin A. C., Doyon R. , (2018 ) BANYAN_Sigma: Bayesian classifier for members of young stellar associations , Astrophysics Source Code Library, record ascl:1801.001  
Enoto T., Arzoumanian Z., Gendreau K. C., Nynka M., Kaspi V., Harding A., Guver T., Lewandowska N., Majid W., Ho W. C. G., NICER Team , (2018 ) NICER observations of highly magnetized neutron stars: Initial results , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 453.11  
Batalha N. M. , Bean J., Stevenson K., Sing D. , Crossfield I., Knutson H., Line M., Kreidberg L., Désert J.-M., Wakeford H. R., Crouzet N., Moses J., Benneke B., Kempton E., Berta-Thompson Z., Lopez-Morales M., Parmentier V., Gibson N., Schlawin E., Fraine J., Kendrew S., Transiting Exoplanet ERS Team , (2018 ) The Transiting Exoplanet Community Early Release Science Program for JWST , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 427.04  
Sheets H., Jacob L., Cowan N., Deming D. , (2018 ) A Search for Refraction in the Kepler Gas Giant Data Set , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 427.02  
Walker S., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Gendon-Marsolais M.-L., Fabian A., Intema H., Sanders J. , (2018 ) Discovery of a Giant, 200,000 Light-year Long Wave Rolling Through the Perseus Galaxy Cluster , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 406.07  
Gonzales E., Faherty J. K., Gagné J., Artigau E., BDNYC , (2018 ) Examining Cloud, Metallicity, and Gravity signatures in Brown Dwarfs , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 349.37  
Gendron-Marsolais M.-L., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., van Weeren R. , Clarke T., Intema H., Russell H., Edge A., Fabian A., Olamaie M., Rumsey C., King L., McNamara B., Fecteau-Beaucage D., Hogan M., Mezcua M. , Taylor G., Blundell K., Sanders J. , (2018 ) Probing the non-thermal emission in Abell 2146 and the Perseus cluster with the JVLA , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 342.29  
Younes G., Baring M., Kouveliotou C., Harding A., Donavan S., Gogus E., Kaspi V., Granot J. , (2018 ) The Sleeping Giant, NuSTAR Observations of magnetar SGR 1806-20 , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 333.06  
Dressing C., Sinukoff E., Fulton B., Lopez E., Beichman C., Howard A., Knutson H., Werner M., Schlieder J., Benneke B., Crossfield I., Isaacson H., Krick J., Gorjian V., Livingston J., Petigura E., Akeson R., Batygin K., Christiansen J., Ciardi D., Crepp J., Jasmine Gonzales E., Hardegree-Ullman K., Hirsch L., Kosiarek M., Weiss L. , (2018 ) A High Mass & Low Envelope Fraction for the Warm Neptune K2-55b , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 329.01  
Hayden B., Aldering G., Amanullah R., Barbary K., Bohringer H., Boone K. R., Brodwin M., Cunha C., Currie M., Deustua S., Dixon S., Eisenhardt P., Fassbender R., Fruchter A., Gladders M., Gonzalez A., Goobar A., Hildebrandt H., Hilton M., Hoekstra H., Hook I., Huang X., Huterer D., Jee M. J., Kim A., Kowalski M., Lidman C., Linder E., Luther K., Meyers J., Muzzin A., Nordin J., Pain R., Perlmutter S., Richard J., Rosati P., Rozo E., Rubin D., Ruiz-Lapuente P., Rykoff E., Santos J., Myers Saunders C., Sofiatti C., Spadafora A. L., Stanford S., Stern D., Suzuki N., Webb T., Wechsler R., Williams S., Willis J., Wilson G., Yen M. , (2018 ) See Change: Cosmology Analysis Update for the Supernova Cosmology Project High-z Cluster Supernova Survey , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 327.02  
Gendron-Marsolais M.-L., Hlavacek-Larrondo J. , (2018 ) State-of-the-art multi-wavelength observations of nearby brightest group/cluster galaxies , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 306.03  
Dorn-Wallenstein T., Levesque E., Ruan J. , (2018 ) A Mote in Andromeda's Disk: A Periodic AGN Behind M31 , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 250.28  
Michilli D., Seymour A., Hessels J. W. T., Spitler L., Gajjar V., Archibald A., Bower G. C., Chatterjee S., Cordes J., Gourdji K., Heald G., Kaspi V., Law C., Sobey C. , (2018 ) Polarimetry of the Fast Radio Burst Source FRB121102 , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 243.18  
Lynch R. S., Swiggum J., Stovall K., Chawla P., DeCesar M. E., Fonseca E., Levin L., Cui B., Kondratiev V., Archibald A., Boyles J., Hessels J. W. T., Jenet F., Kaplan D., Karako-Argaman C., Kaspi V., Martinez J., McLaughlin M., Ransom S. M., Roberts M., Siemens X., Spiewak R., Stairs I., van Leeuwn J., Green Bank North Celestial Cap Survey Collaboration , (2018 ) The Green Bank North Celestial Cap Pulsar Survey: New Pulsars and Future Prospects , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 243.13  
Constantin A., Green P., Haggard D. , (2018 ) X-ray-ing the Low Luminosity Supermassive Black Hole Accretion: the Crucial Role of Public Serendipitous Catalogs. , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 223.05  
Kosiarek M., Crossfield I., Hardegree-Ullman K., Livingston J., Howard A., Fulton B., Hirsch L., Isaacson H., Petigura E., Sinukoff E., Weiss L., Knutson H., Bonfils X., Benneke B., Beichman C., Dressing C. , (2018 ) Precise Masses & Radii of the Planets Orbiting K2-3 and GJ3470 , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 211.08  
Benneke B., Université de Montréal C., University of Arizona, Space Science Institute, UCSC, Harvard University , (2018 ) Beyond hot Jupiters: Characterizing exoplanets below 1000 K with Spitzer and JWST emission spectroscopy , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 207.02  
Nynka M. , (2018 ) Early NICER Observations of Magnetars and Young Pulsars , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 160.03  
Bond H. E., Bergeron P., Bedard A. , (2018 ) The White-Dwarf Mass-Radius Relation from 40 Eridani B and Other Nearby Visual Binaries , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 145.02  
Gajjar V., Siemion A., MacMohan D., Croft S., Hellbourg G., Isaacson H., Enriquez J. E., Price D., Lebofsky M., De Boer D., Werthimer D., Hickish J., Brinkman C., Chatterjee S., Ransom S. M., Law C., Hessels J. W. T., Cordes J., Spitler L., Lynch R., Mclaughlin M., Scholz P., Marcote B., Bower G. C., Tendulkar S. , (2018 ) FRB121102: First detection across 5 - 8 GHz and spectral properties from the Breakthrough Listen instrument , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 132.02  
Louie D., Deming D., Albert L., Bouma L., Bean J., Lopez-Morales M. , (2018 ) Simulated JWST/NIRISS Transit Spectroscopy of Anticipated TESS Planets Compared to Select Discoveries from Space-Based and Ground-Based Surveys , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 128.06  
Feinstein A., Ciardi D., Crossfield I., Schlieder J., Petigura E., David T. J., Bristow M., Patel R., Arnold L., Benneke B., Christiansen J., Dressing C., Fulton B., Howard A., Isaacson H., Sinukoff E., Thackeray B. , (2018 ) A Binary System in the Hyades Cluster Hosting a Neptune-Sized Planet , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #231, id. 104.07