Simon Blouin receives FRQNT’s Prix Relève étoile Louis-Berlinguet

The Centre for Research in Astrophysics of Quebec(CRAQ) congratulates Simon Blouin, a former CRAQ member currently a postdoctoral fellow in astrophysics at the University of Victoria, on winning the Prix Relève étoile Louis Berlinguet from the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ).

blouinSimon Blouin obtained his PhD in 2019 under the supervision of CRAQ member Patrick Dufour at the Université de Montréal. He received this award for the results of his research, published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society in 3D hydrodynamics simulations of internal gravity waves in red giant branch stars (see the publication here).

About the Relève étoile competition

The Relève étoile competition promotes research careers and recognizes the excellence of work carried out by university students, postdoctoral fellows, and members of a professional order in advanced research training, in all disciplines covered by the three Fonds de recherche du Québec.

To pay tribute to eminent members of Quebec’s scientific community for their remarkable research careers and outstanding contributions to building Quebec’s research ecosystem, the Nature and Technology Fund’s award is named after Louis Berlinguet, the Health Fund’s award is named after Jacques Genest, and the Society and Culture Fund’s award is named after Paul Gérin-Lajoie.


Source and information:
Frédérique Baron
Media Relations
Centre for Research in Astrophysics of Quebec