Sizing up the Stars
Tabetha Boyajian

I will discuss results associated with ongoing surveys to measure diameters and temperatures of main sequence stars with long-baseline optical/infrared interferometry. Empirical data such as these are used to construct and calibrate less direct relationships in order to extend our knowledge to a large number of stars. Analysis includes relations linking color-temperature/radius/luminosity, surface brightness, as well as the global physical properties of temperature-radius-luminosity. The data are also used to identify weaknesses in stellar atmosphere and evolutionary modeling as well as provide empirical constraints to aid in the development of new models. I will highlight recent results from the Planet Hunters citizen science project ( where volunteers from the general public classify light curves and discover transiting exoplanets using archive data from the Kepler space telescope. I will present available opportunities for the astronomical community to collaborate through the Planet Hunters ?guest scientist? program. In such a framework, guest scientists make requests for the public to collect particular light curves, such as signatures of moons or rings, pulsators, variable stars, flare stars, cataclysmic variables, or microlensing events.

Date: Thursday, 21 November 2013
Time: 11:30
Where: Université de Montréal
  Pavillon Roger-Gaudry, local D-460
Contact: Noel Richardson