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Article de revue avec comité de lecture 2016 (63 entrées)

Hamer S. L., Edge A. C., Swinbank A. M., Wilman R. J. , Combes F., Salomé P., Fabian A. C., Crawford C. S., Russell H. R., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., McNamara B. R., Bremer M. N., (2016) Optical emission line nebulae in galaxy cluster cores 1: the morphological, kinematic and spectral properties of the sample , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 460, Issue 2, p.1758-1789  
Foley A. R., Alberts T., Armstrong R. P., Barta A., Bauermeister E. F., Bester H., Blose S., Booth R. S., Botha D. H., Buchner S. J., Carignan C., Cheetham T., Cloete K., Coreejes G., Crida R. C., Cross S. D., Curtolo F., Dikgale A., de Villiers M. S., du Toit L. J., Esterhuyse S. W. P., Fanaroff B., Fender R. P., Fijalkowski M., Fourie D., Frank B., George D., Gibbs P., Goedhart S., Grobbelaar J., Gumede S. C., Herselman P., Hess K. M., Hoek N., Horrell J., Jonas J. L., Jordaan J. D. B., Julie R., Kapp F., Kotzé P., Kusel T., Langman A., Lehmensiek R., Liebenberg D., Liebenberg I. J. V., Loots A., Lord R. T., Lucero D. M., Ludick J., Macfarlane P., Madlavana M., Magnus L., Magozore C., Malan J. A., Manley J. R., Marais L., Marais N., Marais S. J., Maree M., Martens A., Mokone O., Moss V., Mthembu S., New W., Nicholson G. D., van Niekerk P. C., Oozeer N., Passmoor S. S., Peens-Hough A., Pinska A. B., Prozesky P., Rajan S., Ratcliffe S., Renil R., Richter L. L., Rosekrans D., Rust A., Schröder A. C., Schwardt L. C., Seranyane S., Serylak M., Shepherd D. S., Siebrits R., Sofeya L., Spann R., Springbok R., Swart P. S., Thondikulam V. L., Theron I. P., Tiplady A., Toruvanda O., Tshongweni S., van den Heever L., van der Merwe C., van Rooyen R., Wakhaba S., Walker A. L., Welz M., Williams L., Wolleben M., Woudt P. A., Young N. J., Zwart J. T. L. , (2016) Engineering and science highlights of the KAT-7 radio telescope , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 460, Issue 2, p.1664-1679  
Timlin J. D., Ross N. P., Richards G. T., Lacy M., Ryan E. L., Stone R. B., Bauer F. E., Brandt W. N., Fan X., Glikman E., Haggard D. , Jiang L., LaMassa S. M., Lin Y.-T., Makler M., McGehee P., Myers A. D., Schneider D. P., Urry C. M., Wollack E. J., Zakamska N. L. , (2016) SpIES: The Spitzer IRAC Equatorial Survey , The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 225, Issue 1, article id. 1, 20 pp. (2016).  
Kafando I., LeBlanc F., Robert C., (2016) Detailed abundance analysis of five field blue horizontal-branch stars , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 459, Issue 1, p.871-879  
Wong I., Knutson H. A., Kataria T., Lewis N. K., Burrows A., Fortney J. J., Schwartz J., Shporer A., Agol E., Cowan N. B., Deming D., Désert J.-M., Fulton B. J., Howard A. W., Langton J., Laughlin G., Showman A. P., Todorov K. , (2016) 3.6 and 4.5 mum Spitzer Phase Curves of the Highly Irradiated Hot Jupiters WASP-19b and HAT-P-7b , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 823, Issue 2, article id. 122, pp. (2016).  
Mckinven R., Cumming A., Medin Z., Schatz H. , (2016) A Survey of Chemical Separation in Accreting Neutron Stars , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 823, Issue 2, article id. 117, pp. (2016).  
Flender S., Bleem L., Finkel H., Habib S., Heitmann K., Holder G., (2016) Simulations of the Pairwise Kinematic Sunyaev--Zel'dovich Signal , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 823, Issue 2, article id. 98, pp. (2016).  
Archambault S., Archer A., Benbow W., Bird R., Biteau J., Buchovecky M., Buckley J. H., Bugaev V., Byrum K., Cerruti M., Chen X., Ciupik L., Connolly M. P., Cui W., Eisch J. D., Errando M., Falcone A., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fleischhack H., Fortin P., Fortson L., Furniss A., Gillanders G. H., Griffin S., Grube J., Gyuk G., Hütten M., Håkansson N., Hanna D., Holder J., Humensky T. B., Johnson C. A., Kaaret P., Kar P., Kelley-Hoskins N., Kertzman M., Kieda D., Krause M., Krennrich F., Kumar S., Lang M. J., Maier G., McArthur S., McCann A., Meagher K., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., Nguyen T., Nieto D., O'Faoláin de Bhróithe A., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Park N., Perkins J. S., Pichel A., Pohl M., Popkow A., Pueschel E., Quinn J., Ragan K., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Rovero A. C., Santander M., Sembroski G. H., Shahinyan K., Smith A. W., Staszak D., Telezhinsky I., Tucci J. V., Tyler J., Vincent S., Wakely S. P., Weiner O. M., Weinstein A., Williams D. A., Zitzer B., The VERITAS Collaboration, Fumagalli M., Prochaska J. X., (2016) Upper Limits from Five Years of Blazar Observations with the VERITAS Cherenkov Telescopes , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 151, Issue 6, article id. 142, 19 pp. (2016).  
Shenar T., Hainich R., Todt H., Sander A., Hamann W.-R., Moffat A. F. J., Eldridge J. J., Pablo H., Oskinova L. M., Richardson N. D., (2016) Wolf-Rayet stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud. II. Analysis of the binaries , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 591, id.A22, 25 pp.  
Randall S. K., Calamida A., Fontaine G., Monelli M., Bono G., Alonso M. L., van Grootel V., Brassard P., Chayer P., Catelan M., Littlefair S., Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., (2016) Pulsating hot O subdwarfs in omega Centauri: mapping a unique instability strip on the extreme horizontal branch , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 589, id.A1, 17 pp.  
Morton T. D., Bryson S. T., Coughlin J. L., Rowe J. F., Ravichandran G., Petigura E. A., Haas M. R., Batalha N. M. , (2016) False Positive Probabilities for all Kepler Objects of Interest: 1284 Newly Validated Planets and 428 Likely False Positives , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 822, Issue 2, article id. 86, pp. (2016).  
Williamson D., Martel H., Kawata D., (2016) Metal Diffusion in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulations of Dwarf Galaxies , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 822, Issue 2, article id. 91, pp. (2016).  
Cowan N. B., Holder G., Kaib N. A. , (2016) Cosmologists in Search of Planet Nine: The Case for CMB Experiments , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 822, Issue 1, article id. L2, pp. (2016).  
Tkachenko A., Matthews J. M., Aerts C., Pavlovski K., Pápics P. I., Zwintz K., Cameron C., Walker G. A. H., Kuschnig R., Degroote P., Debosscher J., Moravveji E., Kolbas V., Guenther D. B., Moffat A. F. J., Rowe J. F., Rucinski S. M., Sasselov D., Weiss W. W., (2016) Stellar modelling of Spica, a high-mass spectroscopic binary with a beta Cep variable primary component , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 458, Issue 2, p.1964-1976  
Panneton D., St-Onge G., Piché M., Thibault S., (2016) Exact vectorial model for nonparaxial focusing by arbitrary axisymmetric surfaces , Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 33, issue 5, p. 801  
Hezaveh Y. D., Dalal N., Marrone D. P., Mao Y.-Y., Morningstar W., Wen D., Blandford R. D., Carlstrom J. E., Fassnacht C. D., Holder G. P., Kemball A., Marshall P. J., Murray N., Perreault Levasseur L., Vieira J. D., Wechsler R. H., (2016) Detection of Lensing Substructure Using ALMA Observations of the Dusty Galaxy SDP.81 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 823, Issue 1, article id. 37, pp. (2016).  
Rameau J., Nielsen E. L., De Rosa R. J., Blunt S. C., Patience J., Doyon R., Graham J. R., Lafrenière D., Macintosh B., Marchis F., Bailey V., Chilcote J. K., Duchêne G., Esposito T. M., Hung L.-W., Konopacky Q. M., Maire J., Marois C., Metchev S., Perrin M. D., Pueyo L., Rajan A., Savransky D., Wang J. J., Ward-Duong K., Wolff S. G. , Ammons S. M., Hibon P., Ingraham P., Kalas P., Morzinski K. M., Oppenheimer R., Rantakyearö F. T., Thomas S., (2016) Constraints on the Architecture of the HD 95086 Planetary System with the Gemini Planet Imager , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 822, Issue 2, article id. L29, pp. (2016).  
Gianninas A., Curd B., Fontaine G., Brown W. R., Kilic M., (2016) Discovery of Three Pulsating, Mixed-atmosphere, Extremely Low-mass White Dwarf Precursors , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 822, Issue 2, article id. L27, pp. (2016).  
Coughlin J. L., Mullally F., Thompson S. E., Rowe J. F., Burke C. J., Latham D. W., Batalha N. M. , Ofir A., Quarles B. L., Henze C. E., Wolfgang A., Caldwell D. A., Bryson S. T., Shporer A., Catanzarite J., Akeson R., Barclay T., Borucki W. J., Boyajian T. S., Campbell J. R., Christiansen J. L., Girouard F. R., Haas M. R., Howell S. B., Huber D., Jenkins J. M., Li J., Patil-Sabale A., Quintana E. V., Ramirez S., Seader S., Smith J. C., Tenenbaum P., Twicken J. D., Zamudio K. A. , (2016) Planetary Candidates Observed by Kepler. VII. The First Fully Uniform Catalog Based on the Entire 48-month Data Set (Q1--Q17 DR24) , The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 224, Issue 1, article id. 12, pp. (2016).  
Weiss W. W., Fröhlich H.-E., Pigulski A., Popowicz A., Huber D., Kuschnig R., Moffat A. F. J., Matthews J. M., Saio H., Schwarzenberg-Czerny A., Grant C. C., Koudelka O., Lüftinger T., Rucinski S. M., Wade G. A., Alves J., Guedel M., Handler G., Mochnacki S., Orleanski P., Pablo B., Pamyatnykh A., Ramiaramanantsoa T., Rowe J., Whittaker G. , Zawistowski T., Zoclonska E., Zwintz K., (2016) The roAp star alpha Circinus as seen by BRITE-Constellation , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 588, id.A54, 10 pp.  
Pigulski A., Cugier H., Popowicz A., Kuschnig R., Moffat A. F. J., Rucinski S. M., Schwarzenberg-Czerny A., Weiss W. W., Handler G., Wade G. A., Koudelka O., Matthews J. M., Mochnacki S., Orleanski P., Pablo H., Ramiaramanantsoa T., Whittaker G. , Zoclonska E., Zwintz K., (2016) Massive pulsating stars observed by BRITE-Constellation. I. The triple system beta Centauri (Agena) , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 588, id.A55, 17 pp.  
Baade D., Rivinius T., Pigulski A., Carciofi A. C., Martayan C., Moffat A. F. J., Wade G. A., Weiss W. W., Grunhut J., Handler G., Kuschnig R., Mehner A., Pablo H., Popowicz A., Rucinski S., Whittaker G. , (2016) Short-term variability and mass loss in Be stars. I. BRITE satellite photometry of eta and mu Centauri , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 588, id.A56, 18 pp.  
Allard N. F., Leininger T., Gadéa F. X., Brousseau-Couture V., Dufour P., (2016) Asymmetry in the triplet 3p-4s Mg lines in cool DZ white dwarfs , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 588, id.A142, 7 pp.  
Grassitelli L., Chene A.-N., Sanyal D., Langer N., St-Louis N., Bestenlehner J. M., Fossati L., (2016) Diagnostics of the unstable envelopes of Wolf-Rayet stars , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 590, id.A12, 14 pp.  
Archer A., Benbow W., Bird R., Buchovecky M., Buckley J. H., Bugaev V., Byrum K., Cardenzana J. V., Cerruti M., Chen X., Ciupik L., Collins-Hughes E., Connolly M. P., Eisch J. D., Falcone A., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fleischhack H., Flinders A., Fortson L., Furniss A., Gillanders G. H., Griffin S., Grube J., Gyuk G., Håkansson N., Hanna D., Holder J., Humensky T. B., Hütten M., Johnson C. A., Kaaret P., Kar P., Kelley-Hoskins N., Kertzman M., Kieda D., Krause M., Krennrich F., Kumar S., Lang M. J., McArthur S., McCann A., Meagher K., Millis J., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., Nieto D., Ong R. A., Park N., Pelassa V., Pohl M., Popkow A., Pueschel E., Quinn J., Ragan K., Ratliff G., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Rousselle J., Santander M., Sembroski G. H., Shahinyan K., Smith A. W., Staszak D., Telezhinsky I., Tucci J. V., Tyler J., Vassiliev V. V., Wakely S. P., Weiner O. M., Weinstein A., Wilhelm A., Williams D. A., Zitzer B., Yusef-Zadeh F., (2016) TeV Gamma-Ray Observations of the Galactic Center Ridge by VERITAS , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 821, Issue 2, article id. 129, 8 pp. (2016).  
Arzoumanian Z., Brazier A., Burke-Spolaor S., Chamberlin S. J., Chatterjee S., Christy B., Cordes J. M., Cornish N. J., Crowter K., Demorest P. B., Deng X., Dolch T., Ellis J. A., Ferdman R. D., Fonseca E., Garver-Daniels N., Gonzalez M. E., Jenet F., Jones G., Jones M. L., Kaspi V. M., Koop M., Lam M. T., Lazio T. J. W., Levin L., Lommen A. N., Lorimer D. R., Luo J., Lynch R. S., Madison D. R., McLaughlin M. A., McWilliams S. T., Mingarelli C. M. F., Nice D. J., Palliyaguru N., Pennucci T. T., Ransom S. M., Sampson L., Sanidas S. A., Sesana A., Siemens X., Simon J., Stairs I. H., Stinebring D. R., Stovall K., Swiggum J., Taylor S. R., Vallisneri M., van Haasteren R., Wang Y., Zhu W. W., The NANOGrav Collaboration , (2016) The NANOGrav Nine-year Data Set: Limits on the Isotropic Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 821, Issue 1, article id. 13, 23 pp. (2016).  
Matsumura T., Akiba Y., Arnold K., Borrill J., Chendra R., Chinone Y., Cukierman A., de Haan T., Dobbs M., Dominjon A., Elleflot T., Errard J., Fujino T., Fuke H., Goeckner-Wald N., Halverson N., Harvey P., Hasegawa M., Hattori K., Hattori M., Hazumi M., Hill C., Hilton G., Holzapfel W., Hori Y., Hubmayr J., Ichiki K., Inatani J., Inoue M., Inoue Y., Irie F., Irwin K., Ishino H., Ishitsuka H., Jeong O., Karatsu K., Kashima S., Katayama N., Kawano I., Keating B., Kibayashi A., Kibe Y., Kida Y., Kimura K., Kimura N., Kohri K., Komatsu E., Kuo C. L., Kuromiya S., Kusaka A., Lee A., Linder E., Matsuhara H., Matsuoka S., Matsuura S., Mima S., Mitsuda K., Demers S., Morii H., Morishima T., Nagai M., Nagasaki T., Nagata R., Nakajima M., Nakamura S., Namikawa T., Naruse M., Natsume K., Nishibori T., Nishijo K., Nishino H., Nitta T., Noda A., Noguchi T., Ogawa H., Oguri S., Ohta I. S., Otani C., Okada N., Okamoto A., Okamoto A., Okamura T., Rebeiz G., Richards P., Sakai S., Sato N., Sato Y., Segawa Y., Sekiguchi S., Sekimoto Y., Sekine M., Seljak U., Sherwin B., Shinozaki K., Shu S., Stompor R., Sugai H., Sugita H., Suzuki T., Suzuki A., Tajima O., Takada S., Takakura S., Takano K., Takei Y., Tomaru T., Tomita N., Turin P., Utsunomiya S., Uzawa Y., Wada T., Watanabe H., Westbrook B., Whitehorn N., Yamada Y., Yamasaki N., Yamashita T., Yoshida M., Yoshida T., Yotsumoto Y. , (2016) LiteBIRD: Mission Overview and Focal Plane Layout , Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Online First  
Cohn J. D., White M., Chang T.-C., Holder G., Padmanabhan N., Doré O., (2016) Combining galaxy and 21-cm surveys , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 457, Issue 2, p.2068-2077  
Coudé S., Bastien P., Kirk H., Johnstone D., Drabek-Maunder E., Graves S., Hatchell J., Chapin E. L., Gibb A. G., Matthews B., JCMT Gould Belt Survey Team , (2016) The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: the effect of molecular contamination in SCUBA-2 observations of Orion A , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 457, Issue 2, p.2139-2150  
Quintana E. V., Barclay T., Borucki W. J., Rowe J. F., Chambers J. E. , (2016) The Frequency of Giant Impacts on Earth-like Worlds , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 821, Issue 2, article id. 126, 13 pp. (2016).  
Spitler L. G., Scholz P., Hessels J. W. T., Bogdanov S., Brazier A., Camilo F., Chatterjee S., Cordes J. M., Crawford F., Deneva J., Ferdman R. D., Freire P. C. C., Kaspi V. M., Lazarus P., Lynch R., Madsen E. C., McLaughlin M. A., Patel C., Ransom S. M., Seymour A., Stairs I. H., Stappers B. W., van Leeuwen J., Zhu W. W., (2016) A repeating fast radio burst , Nature, Volume 531, Issue 7593, pp. 202-205 (2016).  
Kanarek G. C., Shara M. M., Faherty J. K., Zurek D., Moffat A. F. J., (2016) A Survey for hot Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae I. Methods and First Results , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Advance Access. 18 pp.  
Schwartz J. C., Sekowski C., Haggard H. M., Pallé E., Cowan N. B., (2016) Inferring planetary obliquity using rotational and orbital photometry , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 457, Issue 1, p.926-938  
Sanders J. S., Fabian A. C., Taylor G. B., Russell H. R., Blundell K. M., Canning R. E. A., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Walker S. A. , Grimes C. K. , (2016) A very deep Chandra view of metals, sloshing and feedback in the Centaurus cluster of galaxies , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 457, Issue 1, p.82-109  
Balogh M. L., McGee S. L., Mok A., Muzzin A., van der Burg R. F. J., Bower R. G., Finoguenov A., Hoekstra H., Lidman C., Mulchaey J. S., Noble A., Parker L. C., Tanaka M., Wilman D. J., Webb T., Wilson G., Yee H. K. C., (2016) Evidence for a change in the dominant satellite galaxy quenching mechanism at z = 1 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 456, Issue 4, p.4364-4376  
Siwak M., Ogloza W., Rucinski S. M., Moffat A. F. J., Matthews J. M., Cameron C., Guenther D. B., Kuschnig R., Rowe J. F., Sasselov D., Weiss W. W., (2016) Stable and unstable accretion in the classical T Tauri stars IM Lup and RU Lup as observed by MOST , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 456, Issue 4, p.3972-3984  
Campos F., Bergeron P., Romero A. D., Kepler S. O., Ourique G., Costa J. E. S., Bonatto C. J., Winget D. E., Montgomery M. H., Pacheco T. A., Bedin L. R., (2016) A comparative analysis of the observed white dwarf cooling sequence from globular clusters* , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 456, Issue 4, p.3729-3742  
Giannantonio T., Fosalba P., Cawthon R., Omori Y., Crocce M., Elsner F., Leistedt B., Dodelson S., Benoit-Lévy A., Gaztanaga E., Holder G., Peiris H. V., Percival W. J., Kirk D., Bauer A. H., Benson B. A., Bernstein G. M., Carretero J., Crawford T. M., Crittenden R., Huterer D., Jain B., Krause E., Reichardt C. L., Ross A. J., Simard G., Soergel B., Stark A., Story K. T., Vieira J. D., Weller J., Abbott T., Abdalla F. B., Allam S., Armstrong R., Banerji M., Bernstein R. A., Bertin E., Brooks D., Buckley-Geer E., Burke D. L., Capozzi D., Carlstrom J. E., Carnero Rosell A., Carrasco Kind M., Castander F. J., Chang C. L., Cunha C. E., da Costa L. N., D'Andrea C. B., DePoy D. L., Desai S., Diehl H. T., Dietrich J. P., Doel P., Eifler T. F., Evrard A. E., Neto A. F., Fernández E., Finley D. A., Flaugher B., Frieman J., Gerdes D., Gruen D., Gruendl R. A., Gutierrez G., Holzapfel W. L., Honscheid K., James D. J., Kuehn K., Kuropatkin N., Lahav O., Li T. S., Lima M., March M., Marshall J. L., Martini P., Melchior P., Miquel R., Mohr J. J., Nichol R. C., Nord B., Ogando R., Plazas A. A., Romer A. K., Roodman A., Rykoff E. S., Sako M., Saliwanchik B. R., Sanchez E., Schubnell M., Sevilla-Noarbe I., Smith R. C., Soares-Santos M., Sobreira F., Suchyta E., Swanson M. E. C., Tarle G., Thaler J., Thomas D., Vikram V., Walker A. R., Wechsler R. H., Zuntz J. , (2016) CMB lensing tomography with the DES Science Verification galaxies , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 456, Issue 3, p.3213-3244  
Giammichele N., Fontaine G., Brassard P., Charpinet S., (2016) A New Analysis of the Two Classical ZZ Ceti White Dwarfs GD 165 and Ross 548. II. Seismic Modeling , The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 223, Issue 1, article id. 10, 27 pp. (2016).  
Cummings J. D., Kalirai J. S., Tremblay P.-E., Ramirez-Ruiz E., Bergeron P., (2016) An Ultramassive 1.28 M&sun; White Dwarf in NGC 2099 , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 820, Issue 1, article id. L18, 6 pp. (2016).  
Jontof-Hutter D., Ford E. B., Rowe J. F., Lissauer J. J., Fabrycky D. C., Van Laerhoven C., Agol E., Deck K. M., Holczer T., Mazeh T., (2016) Secure Mass Measurements from Transit Timing: 10 Kepler Exoplanets between 3 and 8 M with Diverse Densities and Incident Fluxes , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 820, Issue 1, article id. 39, 23 pp. (2016).  
Archibald R. F., Gotthelf E. V., Ferdman R. D., Kaspi V. M., Guillot S., Harrison F. A., Keane E. F., Pivovaroff M. J., Stern D., Tendulkar S. P., Tomsick J. A., (2016) A High Braking Index for a Pulsar , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 819, Issue 1, article id. L16, 5 pp. (2016).  
Roebber E., Holder G., Holz D. E., Warren M., (2016) Cosmic Variance in the Nanohertz Gravitational Wave Background , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 819, Issue 2, article id. 163, 12 pp. (2016).  
Teodoro M., Damineli A., Heathcote B., Richardson N. D., Moffat A. F. J., St-Jean L., Russell C. , Gull T. R., Madura T. I., Pollard K. R., Walter F., Coimbra A., Prates R., Fernández-Lajús E., Gamen R. C., Hickel G., Henrique W., Navarete F., Andrade T., Jablonski F., Luckas P., Locke M., Powles J., Bohlsen T., Chini R., Corcoran M. F., Hamaguchi K., Groh J. H., Hillier D. J., Weigelt G. , (2016) He II lambda4686 Emission from the Massive Binary System in lambda Car: Constraints to the Orbital Elements and the Nature of the Periodic Minima , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 819, Issue 2, article id. 131, 24 pp. (2016).  
Poulin-Girard A.-S., Thibault S., Laurendeau D. , (2016) Influence of camera calibration conditions on the accuracy of 3D reconstruction , Optics Express, vol. 24, issue 3, p. 2678  
Wade G. A., Neiner C., Alecian E., Grunhut J. H., Petit V., Batz B. d., Bohlender D. A., Cohen D. H., Henrichs H. F., Kochukhov O., Landstreet J. D., Manset N., Martins F., Mathis S., Oksala M. E., Owocki S. P., Rivinius T., Shultz M. E., Sundqvist J. O., Townsend R. H. D., ud-Doula A., Bouret J.-C., Braithwaite J., Briquet M., Carciofi A. C., David-Uraz A., Folsom C. P., Fullerton A. W., Leroy B., Marcolino W. L. F., Moffat A. F. J., Nazé Y., Louis N. S., Aurière M., Bagnulo S., Bailey J. D., Barbá R. H., Blazère A., Böhm T., Catala C., Donati J.-F., Ferrario L., Harrington D., Howarth I. D., Ignace R., Kaper L., Lüftinger T., Prinja R., Vink J. S., Weiss W. W., Yakunin I. , (2016) The MiMeS survey of magnetism in massive stars: introduction and overview , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 456, Issue 1, p.2-22  
Abeysekara A. U., Archambault S., Archer A., Benbow W., Bird R., Buchovecky M., Buckley J. H., Byrum K., Cardenzana J. V., Cerruti M., Chen X., Christiansen J. L., Ciupik L., Cui W., Dickinson H. J., Eisch J. D., Errando M., Falcone A., Fegan D. J., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fleischhack H., Fortin P., Fortson L., Furniss A., Gillanders G. H., Griffin S., Grube J., Gyuk G., Hütten M., Håkansson N., Hanna D., Holder J., Humensky T. B., Johnson C. A., Kaaret P., Kar P., Kelley-Hoskins N., Kertzman M., Kieda D., Krause M., Krennrich F., Kumar S., Lang M. J., Lin T. T. Y., Maier G., McArthur S., McCann A., Meagher K., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., Nieto D., O'Brien S., O'Faoláin de Bhróithe A., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Park N., Perkins J. S., Petrashyk A., Pohl M., Popkow A., Pueschel E., Quinn J., Ragan K., Ratliff G., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Santander M., Sembroski G. H., Shahinyan K., Staszak D., Telezhinsky I., Tucci J. V., Tyler J., Vincent S., Wakely S. P., Weiner O. M., Weinstein A., Williams D. A., Zitzer B., (2016) A Search for Brief Optical Flashes Associated with the SETI Target KIC 8462852 , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 818, Issue 2, article id. L33, 6 pp. (2016).  
Kirk H., di Francesco J., Johnstone D., Duarte-Cabral A., Sadavoy S., Hatchell J., Mottram J. C., Buckle J., Berry D. S., Broekhoven-Fiene H., Currie M. J., Fich M., Jenness T., Nutter D., Pattle K., Pineda J. E., Quinn C., Salji C., Tisi S., Hogerheijde M. R., Ward-Thompson D., Bastien P., Bresnahan D., Butner H., Chen M., Chrysostomou A., Coudé S., Davis C. J., Drabek-Maunder E., Fiege J., Friberg P., Friesen R., Fuller G. A., Graves S., Greaves J., Gregson J., Holland W., Joncas G., Kirk J. M., Knee L. B. G., Mairs S., Marsh K., Matthews B. C., Moriarty-Schieven G., Mowat C., Rawlings J., Richer J., Robertson D., Rosolowsky E., Rumble D., Thomas H., Tothill N., Viti S., White G. J., Wouterloot J., Yates J., Zhu M., (2016) The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: A First Look at Dense Cores in Orion B , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 817, Issue 2, article id. 167, 23 pp. (2016).  
Simon A. A., Rowe J. F., Gaulme P., Hammel H. B., Casewell S. L., Fortney J. J., Gizis J. E., Lissauer J. J., Morales-Juberias R., Orton G. S., Wong M. H., Marley M. S., (2016) Neptune's Dynamic Atmosphere from Kepler K2 Observations: Implications for Brown Dwarf Light Curve Analyses , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 817, Issue 2, article id. 162, 10 pp. (2016).  
Chen G., An H., Kaspi V. M., Harrison F. A., Madsen K. K., Stern D., (2016) NuSTAR Observations of the Young, Energetic Radio Pulsar PSR B1509-58 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 817, Issue 2, article id. 93, 10 pp. (2016).  
McDonald M., Stalder B., Bayliss M., Allen S. W., Applegate D. E., Ashby M. L. N., Bautz M., Benson B. A., Bleem L. E., Brodwin M., Carlstrom J. E., Chiu I., Desai S., Gonzalez A. H., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Holzapfel W. L., Marrone D. P., Miller E. D., Reichardt C. L., Saliwanchik B. R., Saro A., Schrabback T., Stanford S. A., Stark A. A., Vieira J. D., Zenteno A., (2016) Star-forming Brightest Cluster Galaxies at 0.25 > z > 1.25: A Transitioning Fuel Supply , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 817, Issue 2, article id. 86, 18 pp. (2016).  
Zhang G., Méndez M., Zamfir M., Cumming A., (2016) The link between coherent burst oscillations, burst spectral evolution and accretion state in 4U 1728-34 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 455, Issue 2, p.2004-2017  
Welikala N., Béthermin M., Guery D., Strandet M., Aird K. A., Aravena M., Ashby M. L. N., Bothwell M., Beelen A., Bleem L. E., de Breuck C., Brodwin M., Carlstrom J. E., Chapman S. C., Crawford T. M., Dole H., Doré O., Everett W., Flores-Cacho I., Gonzalez A. H., González-Nuevo J., Greve T. R., Gullberg B., Hezaveh Y. D., Holder G. P., Holzapfel W. L., Keisler R., Lagache G., Ma J., Malkan M., Marrone D. P., Mocanu L. M., Montier L., Murphy E. J., Nesvadba N. P. H., Omont A., Pointecouteau E., Puget J. L., Reichardt C. L., Rotermund K. M., Scott D., Serra P., Spilker J. S., Stalder B., Stark A. A., Story K., Vanderlinde K., Vieira J. D., Weiß A., (2016) Probing star formation in the dense environments of z ˜ 1 lensing haloes aligned with dusty star-forming galaxies detected with the South Pole Telescope , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 455, Issue 2, p.1629-1646  
Tramper F., Sana H., Fitzsimons N. E., de Koter A., Kaper L., Mahy L., Moffat A. F. J., (2016) The mass of the very massive binary WR21a , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 455, Issue 2, p.1275-1281  
Richardson N. D., Moffat A. F. J., Maltais-Tariant R., Pablo H., Gies D. R., Saio H., St-Louis N., Schaefer G., Miroshnichenko A. S., Farrington C., Aldoretta E. J., Artigau E., Boyajian T. S., Gordon K., Jones J., Matson R., McAlister H. A., O'Brien D., Raghavan D., Ramiaramanantsoa T., Ridgway S. T., Scott N., Sturmann J., Sturmann L., Brummelaar T. t., Thomas J. D., Turner N., Vargas N., Zharikov S. , Matthews J., Cameron C., Guenther D., Kuschnig R., Rowe J., Rucinski S., Sasselov D., Weiss W., (2016) Spectroscopy, MOST photometry, and interferometry of MWC 314: is it an LBV or an interacting binary? , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 455, Issue 1, p.244-257  
Archambault S., Archer A., Aune T., Barnacka A., Benbow W., Bird R., Buchovecky M., Buckley J. H., Bugaev V., Byrum K., Cardenzana J. V., Cerruti M., Chen X., Ciupik L., Collins-Hughes E., Connolly M. P., Cui W., Dickinson H. J., Dumm J., Eisch J. D., Falcone A., Feng Q., Finley J. P., Fleischhack H., Flinders A., Fortin P., Fortson L., Furniss A., Gillanders G. H., Griffin S., Grube J., Gyuk G., Hütten M., Håkansson N., Hanna D., Holder J., Humensky T. B., Johnson C. A., Kaaret P., Kar P., Kelley-Hoskins N., Kertzman M., Khassen Y., Kieda D., Krause M., Krennrich F., Kumar S., Lang M. J., Maier G., McArthur S., McCann A., Meagher K., Millis J., Moriarty P., Mukherjee R., Nieto D., O'Brien S., O'Faoláin de Bhróithe A., Ong R. A., Otte A. N., Pandel D., Park N., Pelassa V., Pohl M., Popkow A., Pueschel E., Quinn J., Ragan K., Reynolds P. T., Richards G. T., Roache E., Rousselle J., Rulten C., Santander M., Sembroski G. H., Shahinyan K., Smith A. W., Staszak D., Telezhinsky I., Tucci J. V., Tyler J., Vincent S., Wakely S. P., Weiner O. M., Weinstein A., Wilhelm A., Williams D. A., Zitzer B., (2016) Exceptionally Bright TeV Flares from the Binary LS I +61 303 , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 817, Issue 1, article id. L7, 6 pp. (2016).  
Hamaguchi K., Corcoran M. F., Gull T. R., Takahashi H., Grefenstette B. W., Yuasa T., Stuhlinger M., Russell C. M. P., Moffat A. F. J., Sharma N., Madura T. I., Richardson N. D., Groh J., Pittard J. M., Owocki S., (2016) Eta Carinae's Thermal X-Ray Tail Measured with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 817, Issue 1, article id. 23, 9 pp. (2016).  
Xu S., Jura M., Dufour P., Zuckerman B., (2016) Evidence for Gas from a Disintegrating Extrasolar Asteroid , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 816, Issue 2, article id. L22, 6 pp. (2016).  
Noble A. G., Webb T. M. A., Yee H. K. C., Muzzin A., Wilson G., van der Burg R. F. J., Balogh M. L., Shupe D. L. , (2016) The Phase Space of z~1.2 SpARCS Clusters: Using Herschel to Probe Dust Temperature as a Function of Environment and Accretion History , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 816, Issue 2, article id. 48, 14 pp. (2016).  
Quintana E. V., Barclay T., Borucki W. J., Rowe J. F., Chambers J. E. , (2016 ) The Frequency of Giant Impacts on Earth-like Worlds , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 821, Issue 2, article id. 126, 13 pp. (2016).  
Frank B. S., de Blok W. J. G., Walter F., Leroy A., Carignan C. , (2016 ) The Impact of Molecular Gas on Mass Models of Nearby Galaxies , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 151, Issue 4, article id. 94, 30 pp. (2016).  
Weiss L. M., Rogers L. A., Isaacson H. T., Agol E., Marcy G. W., Rowe J. F., Kipping D., Fulton B. J., Lissauer J. J., Howard A. W., Fabrycky D. , (2016 ) Revised Masses and Densities of the Planets around Kepler-10 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 819, Issue 1, article id. 83, 22 pp. (2016).  
Carignan C., Libert Y., Lucero D. M., Randriamampandry T. H., Jarrett T. H., Oosterloo T. A., Tollerud E. J. , (2016 ) H I observations of two new dwarf galaxies: Pisces A and B with the SKA Pathfinder KAT-7 , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 587, id.L3, 4 pp.  

Publication sans comité de lecture 2016 (35 entrées)

Boone K., Aldering G., Amanullah R., Barbary K., Boehringer H., Brodwin M., Cunha C., Deustua S. E., Dixon S., Eisenhardt P., Fassbender R., Fruchter A. S., Gladders M., Gonzalez A. H., Goobar A., Hayden B., Hildebrandt H., Hilton M., Hoekstra H., Hook I., Huang X., Huterer D., Jee M. J., Kim A. G., Kowalski M., Lidman C., Linder E., Luther K., Meyers J., Muzzin A., Nordin J., Pain R., Perlmutter S., Richard J., Rosati P., Rozo E., Rubin D., Rykoff E. S., Santos J. S., Saunders C. M., Sofiatti C., Spadafora A. L., Stanford S. A., Stern D., Suzuki N., Webb T., Wechsler R. H., Williams S. C., Willis J., Wilson G., Yen M. , (2016) SCP16L01: discovery of an unusual transient in MOO-J1142 , The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 9125  
Degenaar N., Reynolds M. T., Wijnands R., Miller J. M., Kennea J. A., Ponti G., Haggard D. , Gehrels N., (2016) Swift/XRT detection of another active X-ray transient close to Sgr A* , The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 9109  
Kirk H., di F. J., Johnstone D., Duarte-Cabral A., Sadavoy S., Hatchell J., Mottram J. C., Buckle J., Berry D. S., Broekhoven-Fiene H., Currie M. J., Fich M., Jenness T., Nutter D., Pattle K., Pineda J. E., Quinn C., Salji C., Tisi S., Hogerheijde M. R., Ward-Thompson D., Bastien P., Bresnahan D., Butner H., Chen M., Chrysostomou A., Coudé S., Davis C. J., Drabek-Maunder E., Fiege J., Friberg P., Friesen R., Fuller G. A., Graves S., Greaves J., Gregson J., Holland W., Joncas G., Kirk J. M., Knee L. B. G., Mairs S., Marsh K., Matthews B. C., Moriarty-Schieven G., Mowat C., Rawlings J., Richer J., Robertson D., Rosolowsky E., Rumble D., Thomas H., Tothill N., Viti S., White G. J., Wouterloot J., Yates J., Zhu M., (2016) VizieR Online Data Catalog: JCMT Gould Belt Survey: dense cores in Orion B (Kirk+, 2016) , VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/ApJ/817/167. Originally published in: 2016ApJ...817..167K  
Hamaguchi K., Corcoran M. F., Sharma N., Gull T. R., Takahashi H., Grefenstette B., Yuasa T., Stuhlinger M., Post Russell C. M., Moffat A. F. J., Madura T., Richardson N., Groh J., Pittard J., Owocki S., (2016) Eta Carinae's Hard X-ray Tail Measured with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR , American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #15, id.306.04  
Enoto T., Kaspi V. M., Arzoumanian Z., (2016) NICER observation of magnetars , American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #15, id.114.06  
Frederic Archibald R., Kaspi V. M., Beardmore A. P., Gehrels N., Kennea J., Gotthelf E. V., Ferdman R., Guillot S., Harrison F., Keane E., Pivovaroff M., Stern D., Tendulkar S. P., Tomsick J., (2016) Unusual Braking Indices in Young X-ray Pulsars , American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #15, id.114.02  
Gendron-Marsolais M.-L., Kraft R. P., Bogdan A., Forman W. R., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Jones C., Nulsen P., Randall S. W., Roediger E. , (2016) The AGN-driven shock in NGC 4472 , American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #15, id.111.08  
Haggard D. , Baganoff F. K., Capellupo D. M., Neilsen J., Nowak M., Markoff S., Ponti G., Degenaar N., Heinke C. O., Yusef-Zadeh F., (2016) Interpreting Sgr A*'s Most Luminous X-ray Flares , American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #15, id.106.28  
Scholz P., Spitler L., Hessels J., Bogdanov S., Brazier A., Camilo F., Chatterjee S., Cordes J. M., Crawford F., Deneva J. S., Ferdman R., Freire P., Kaspi V. M., Lazarus P., Lynch R., Madsen E., Mclaughlin M., Patel C., Ransom S. M., Seymour A., Stairs I. H., Stappers B., van Leeuwen J., Zhu W., (2016) A Repeating Fast Radio Burst: Radio and X-ray Follow-up Observations of FRB 121102 , American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #15, id.105.03  
Gendron-Marsolais M.-L., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Clarke T. E., Intema H., Fabian A. C., Taylor G. B., Blundell K. , (2016) AGN feedback in the Perseus cluster , American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #15, id.101.03  
Passos D., Charbonneau P., Miesch M. S., (2016) New Insights about Meridional Circulation Dynamics from 3D MHD Global Simulations of Solar Convection and Dynamo Action , Coimbra Solar Physics Meeting: Ground-based Solar Observations in the Space Instrumentation Era Proceedings of a Meeting held at the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal In 5-9 October 2015. Edited by Ivan Dorotovic, Catherine E. Fischer, and Manuela Temmer. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 504. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2016, p.179  
Schrijver C. J., Fletcher L., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Asai A., Cally P. S., Charbonneau P., Gibson S. E., Gomez D., Hasan S. S., Veronig A. M., Yan Y. , (2016) Division E Commission 10: Solar Activity , Transactions of the IAU, Volume 29A, pp. 245-277  
Walker A., Adelman S., Milone E., Anthony-Twarog B., Bastien P., Chen W. P., Howell S., Knude J., Kurtz D., Magalhães A. M., Menzies J., Smith A., Volk K., (2016) Division B Commission 25: Astronomical Photometry and Polarimetry , Transactions of the IAU, Volume 29A, pp. 159-170  
LaCourse D. M., Jek K. J., Jacobs T. L., Winarski T., Boyajian T. S., Rappaport S. A., Sanchis-Ojeda R., Conroy K. E., Nelson L., Barclay T., Fischer D. A., Schmitt J. R., Wang J., Stassun K. G., Pepper J., Coughlin J. L., Shporer A., Prsa A. , (2016) VizieR Online Data Catalog: Kepler eclipsing binary stars. K2 Campaign 0 (LaCourse+, 2015) , VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/MNRAS/452/3561. Originally published in: 2015MNRAS.452.3561L  
Degenaar N., Wijnands R., Reynolds M. T., Miller J. M., Kennea J. A., Gehrels N., Ponti G., Haggard D. , (2016) Swift/XRT detects renewed activity of the Galactic center transient GRS 1741-2853 , The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 8881  
Archibald R. F., Scholz P., Kaspi V., (2016) Swift XRT Observations of SGR J0755-2933 , The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 8868  
Bower G. C., Demorest P., Baganoff F., Corrales L., Deller A., Dexter J., Haggard D. , Markoff S., Rea N., Zelati F. C., (2016) A Search for a Radio Counterpart to Swift J174540.7-290015 , The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 8793  
Hogan M. T., Edge A. C., Geach J. E., Grainge K. J. B., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Hovatta T., Karim A., McNamara B. R., Rumsey C., Russell H. R., Salomé P., Aller H. D., Aller M. F., Benford D. J., Fabian A. C., Readhead A. C. S., Sadler E. M., Saunders R. D. E. , (2016) VizieR Online Data Catalog: BCG high radio-frequency properties (Hogan+, 2015) , VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/MNRAS/453/1223. Originally published in: 2015MNRAS.453.1223H  
Hogan M. T., Edge A. C., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Grainge K. J. B., Hamer S. L., Mahony E. K., Russell H. R., Fabian A. C., McNamara B. R., Wilman R. J. , (2016) VizieR Online Data Catalog: Radio properties of brightest cluster galaxies (Hogan+, 2015) , VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/MNRAS/453/1201. Originally published in: 2015MNRAS.453.1201H  
Kanarek G., Shara M., Faherty J., Zurek D., Moffat A. F. J., (2016) VizieR Online Data Catalog: NIR spectroscopy of Galactic WR stars. III (Kanarek+, 2015) , VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/MNRAS/452/2858. Originally published in: 2015MNRAS.452.2858K  
Randall S. K., Calamida A., Fontaine G., Monelli M., Bono G., Alonso M. L., van Grootel V., Brassard P., Chayer P., Catelan M., Littlefair S., Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., (2016) VizieR Online Data Catalog: Extreme Horizontal Branch stars in omega Cen (Randall+, 2016) , VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/589/A1. Originally published in: 2016A&A...589A...1R  
Lazarus P., Brazier A., Hessels J. W. T., Karako-Argaman C., Kaspi V. M., Lynch R., Madsen E., Patel C., Ransom S. M., Scholz P., Swiggum J., Zhu W. W., Allen B., Bogdanov S., Camilo F., Cardoso F., Chatterjee S., Cordes J. M., Crawford F., Deneva J. S., Ferdman R., Freire P. C. C., Jenet F. A., Knispel B., Lee K. J., van Leeuwen J., Lorimer D. R., Lyne A. G., McLaughlin M. A., Siemens X., Spitler L. G., Stairs I. H., Stovall K., Venkataraman A., (2016) VizieR Online Data Catalog: Arecibo Pulsar-ALFA (PALFA) survey. IV. (Lazarus+, 2015) , VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/ApJ/812/81. Originally published in: 2015ApJ...812...81L  
Baganoff F. K., Corrales L. R., Neilsen J., Nowak M. A., Rea N., Zelati F. C., Haggard D. , Markoff S., Ponti G., Bower G. C., Garmire G. P., (2016) Chandra Position of Galactic Center X-ray Transient Swift J174540.7-290015 , The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 8746  
Ingraham P., Albert L., Doyon R., Artigau E., (2016) Near-infrared (JHK) spectroscopy of young stellar and substellar objects in Orion. , 2014ApJ...782....8I  
Gagné J., Lafrenière D., Doyon R., Faherty J. K., Malo L., Cruz K. L., Artigau E., Burgasser A. J., Naud M.-E., Bouchard S., Gizis J. E., Albert L., (2016) The BANYAN All-Sky Survey for Brown Dwarf Members of Young Moving Groups , Young Stars & Planets Near the Sun, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 314, pp. 49-53  
Malo L., Gagné J., Doyon R., Lafrenière D., Artigau E., Albert L., (2016) Nearby Young Moving Groups: Statistical Methods and Challenges for Assigning Membership , Young Stars & Planets Near the Sun, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 314, pp. 27-32  
Madura T., Richardson N., St-Jean L., Moffat A. F. J., Gull T. R., Damineli A., Teodoro M., Corcoran M. F., Walter F. M., Clementel N., Groh J. H., Hamaguchi K., Hillier D. J., Post Russell C. M., (2016) To v and Beyond! The He I absorption variability across the 2014.6 periastron passage of the supermassive binary eta Carinae , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #227, id.344.20  
Teodoro M., Damineli A., Richardson N., Moffat A. F. J., St-Jean L., Post Russell C. M., Gull T. R., Madura T., Pollard K., Walter F. M., Coimbra A., Prates R., Fernández-Lajús E., Gamen R., Hickel G., Henrique W., Navarete F., Andrade T., Jablonski F., Corcoran M. F., Hamaguchi K., Groh J. H., Hillier D. J., Gerd W., SASER Team members: Bernard Heathcote P. L. (. U. o. W. A., Malcolm Locke (Canterbury Astronomical Society), Jonathan Powles, and Terry Bohlsen , (2016) Unveiling the nature of the He II lambda4686 periodic minima in eta Carinae , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #227, id.317.01  
Gagné J., Lafrenière D., Doyon R., Malo L., Faherty J. K., Artigau E., Cruz K. L., Burgasser A. J., Filippazzo J., Naud M.-E., Albert L., Bouchard S., Gizis J., Robert J., Nadeau D., Bowsher E. C., Nicholls C. , (2016) The BASS survey for brown dwarfs in young moving groups , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #227, id.210.03  
LeBlanc F., Kafando I., Robert C., (2016) Abundance analysis of five field blue horizontal-branch stars , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #227, id.143.10  
Carignan C., Libert Y., Lucero D. M., Randriamampandry T. H., Jarrett T. H., Oosterloo T. A., Tollerud E. J. , (2016 ) VizieR Online Data Catalog: HI datacubes if Pisces A and B (Carignan+, 2016) , VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/597/L3. Originally published in: 2016A&A...597L...3C  
Carignan C. , (2016 ) Cosmic Web Research with KAT-7, MeerKAT and FAST , Frontiers in Radio Astronomy and FAST Early Sciences Symposium 2015. Proceedings of a Workshop held at Guiyang, China 29-31 July 2015. Edited by Lei Qain snd Di Li. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2016., p.55  
Metchev S., Heinze A., Apai D., Flateau D., Radigan J., Burgasser A., Marley M., Artigau E., Plavchan P., Goldman B. , (2016 ) Low-gravity L Dwarfs Are Likely More Variable , Young Stars & Planets Near the Sun, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 314, pp. 121-123  
Greenbaum A., Thatte D. G., Artigau E., Sivaramakrishnan A., Martel A. , (2016 ) Post-GAIA astrometry with JWST AMI for planet masses around nearby M dwarfs , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #227, id.305.07  
Kane M., Ragozzine D., Holczer T., Mazeh T., Rowe J. , (2016 ) Visual Analysis and Comparison of Kepler Transit Timing Variations , American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #227, id.122.03