Symbiose des instruments NIRPS (infrarouge) et HARPS (visible) dans l'analyse des vitesses radiales de naine M.

Pierrot Lamontagne ( Université de Montréal )

Advancements in radial velocity techniques have achieved unprecedented precision, surpassing the meter per second threshold in exoplanet detection. However, the pervasive influence of stellar activity introduces significant sources of error, particularly in the mimicry of planetary signals, notably pronounced in M-dwarf systems. Addressing this challenge necessitates an exploration of wavelength dependencies to enable effective integration of radial velocity data across diverse wavelength regimes. My research focuses on optimizing methodologies for the analysis of radial velocity data and characterizing stellar activity sourced from the NIRPS (Near-Infrared Planet Searcher) and HARPS (High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher) detectors. In doing so, our aim is to refine the synergy between the two instruments, facilitating the integration of data across the optical and infrared wavelengths.