December 13-17, 2010
IAU S277 Home > Social Events > Proposed Tours >Unforgettable Sahel 4 days:

Unforgettable Sahel 4 days

It's a monotonous region, even sinister. Covered by grasses, a few dry trees witness the ever-progressive attack of desert. With these conditions, why show an interest in this region? To permit you to meet various tribes and ethnic groups: the TUAREGS, often people of extreme beauty, draped in luminous indigo gandouras (The pirates and princes of the desert have forced them into a sedentary life); the BELLAHS, farmers, who have remained loyal to these lords of the desert; the PEULHS, nomads of the sun, with their herds in permanent search of pasture; and the SONGHAIS, with their beautiful mud made villages...

You will see them in the markets; a place to exchange goods, information, and gossips. A true mixture of colors and smells is guaranteed.

DAY 1: departure early morning from Ouagadougou. After lunch, you will join GOROM GOROM to visit this nice city and its famous Tuesday's market. At the end of the afternoon you will go to MARKOYE to reach ZIGUIBERY's encampment, for the diner and the night.

DAY 2: following unmarked trails (the guide knows his way), we will cross through small villages seemingly "at the end of the world". We will arrive in OURSI, where sand dunes and a pond are covered by thousands of birds, which share this magnificent landscape and give witness to the delicate ecological equilibrium. You will go in the north for dinner and spend the night in a nice Tuareg encampment, in GANDEFABOU.

DAY 3: on unmarked trails again, you will join DEOU, then ARIBINDA, where you could see ancestral pictures in the rocks. After a picnic, you will join DORI to spend the night in the Oasis hotel, or similar.

DAY 4: after the visit of the village of BANI and its famous 7 mosques. You will have lunch in KAYA, visit to the craftsmen, then arrive at the end of the afternoon in Ouaga.

Price: 354 € / person [base on 4] [Full board, base double room (without drinks and visa). Vehicle 4x4 with AC, driver-guide, gasoline, translator, taxes and visits included]