December 13-17, 2010
IAU S277 Home > Social Events > Proposed Tours >Mossi plateau:

Mossi plateau

Departure for MANEGA and its museum of "bendrology". Lunch in a restaurant in KONGOUSSI, near the Bam's lake. Then you will join KAYA, crossing landscapes of hills; stopover at the lake of Dem for a stroll in dugout canoe. Arrival at the end of afternoon at Kaziende's hotel.

Visit of the gold mine of Mane: when the rural work permits it, men, women and children search for some meager nuggets of gold in holes as deep as 50 m! The African version of "the gold rush"... You should also see the blacksmith at work, craftsmen, tradition's hollers, the raining masters, and the protectors of the village community. In the afternoon, visit the market and the leather craftsmen, and then return to Ouaga at the end of the afternoon, after a stopover to admire LAONGO's sculptures.