December 13-17, 2010
IAU S277 Home > Social Events > Proposed Tours >LAONGO / BAZOULE:


You can see the sacred crocodiles in the morning, and the Laongo sculptures in the afternoon. In between, you can have lunch in your favorite OUAGA restaurant. (At your charge)

Price: 17 € / person

LAONGO sculptures

Near OUAGA (25 km), in the bush, you will discover a place where international artists (Africa, Europe, Asia) have cut granite rocs to give life to modern magnificent sculptures. Real masterpieces all together in this strange museum out in the open ...

Sacred BAZOULE crocodiles

30 km from OUAGA, discover a small lake where a hundred crocodiles live in peace with the local inhabitants. The crocodiles will not eat the chickens in the houses' backyards and the inhabitants will not catch the fishes in the lake. The animal is sacred since it is said that if a crocodile dies or is killed this means that an ancient in the village will die. Will you dare sitting on them? This is a meeting with tradition and emotions.